我目前正试图使用gnuplot py从文本文件中绘制多行。我可以单独绘制两条线,但是当我尝试在同一图表上绘制它们时,它只绘制一条线。
#!/usr/bin/env python
import Gnuplot
g = Gnuplot.Gnuplot()
g('set terminal png') # Output of graph will be .png
g('set output "' + "python_test.png" + '"') # Set the name of the output file
g('set term png size 1200, 800')
g('set lmargin 8')
g('set rmargin 4')
g('set tmargin 3')
g('set bmargin 3')
g('set xdata time')
g('set timefmt "%H:%M:%S"')
g('set format x "%H:%M:%S"')
title = "Python Test graph "
g('set title "' + title + '"')
g('set xlabel "Time (HH:MM:SS)"')
g('set ylabel "' + "quantity" + '"')
#g('set xrange [*:*]')
plot_cmd = "< head -n -1 "
datFile = "data.dat"
g('plot "' + plot_cmd + datFile + '" using 1:3' + ' title "' + "Line 1" +'" with lines')
g('plot "' + plot_cmd + datFile + '" using 1:5' + ' title "' + "Line 2" +'" with lines')
我设法使用gnuplot绘图绘制了多条线但是当我使用gnuplot py时我似乎无法使用它,这是我需要使用的,因为我想要生成一个gnuplot使用我的python脚本的图形。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
g('plot "' + plot_cmd + datFile + '" using 1:3' + ' title "' + "Line 1" +'" with lines')
g('plot "' + plot_cmd + datFile + '" using 1:5' + ' title "' + "Line 2" +'" with lines')
g('plot "' + plot_cmd + datFile + '" using 1:3 with lines, "' + plot_cmd + datFile + '" using 1:5 with lines')