
时间:2010-04-05 13:58:43

标签: c# extension-methods bytearray


我最初使用普通方法并将其转换为扩展方法。这里的原始问题与编译器抱怨没有将Array作为第一个参数(我有Byte [])有关,但事实证明我犯了错误而忘记删除调用代码中的第一个参数。换句话说,我曾经有过:

Byte[] new_buffer = RemoveUpToByteArray(buffer, new byte[] { 0x42, 0x4D });


buffer.RemoveUpToByteArray( buffer, new byte[] { 0x42, 0x4D });

无论如何,现在这一切都已修复,因为我在将代码示例输入SO时意识到了我的错误。 然而,我遇到了一个新问题,即只是缺乏对扩展方法和参考与值类型的理解。这是代码:

public static void RemoveFromByteArrayUntil(this Byte[] array, Byte[] until)
    Debug.Assert(until.Count() > 0);
    int num_header_bytes = until.Count();
    int header_start_pos = 0; // the position of the header bytes, defined by [until]
    byte first_header_byte = until[0];
    while(header_start_pos != -1) {
        header_start_pos = Array.IndexOf(array, first_header_byte, header_start_pos);
        if(header_start_pos == -1)
        // if we get here, then we've found the first header byte, and we need to look
        // for the next ones sequentially
        for(int header_ctr=1; header_ctr<num_header_bytes; header_ctr++) {
            // we're going to loop over each of the header bytes, but will
            // bail out of this loop if there isn't a match
            if(array[header_start_pos + header_ctr] != until[header_ctr]) {
                // no match, so bail out.  but before doing that, advance
                // header_start_pos so the outer loop won't find the same
                // occurrence of the first header byte over and over again
        // if we get here, we've found the header!
        // create a new byte array of the new size
        int new_size = array.Count() - header_start_pos;
        byte[] output_array = new byte[new_size];
        Array.Copy(array, header_start_pos, output_array, 0, new_size);
        // here is my problem -- I want to change what array points to, but
        // when this code returns, array goes back to its original value, which
        // leads me to believe that the first argument is passed by value.
        array = output_array;
    // if we get here, we didn't find a header, so throw an exception
    throw new HeaderNotInByteArrayException();


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

扩展方法是静态方法,它们只是实例方法。您可以将扩展方法正在处理的实例视为只读(按值)。分配作为扩展的第一个参数的byte []的实例方法将不起作用。你将无法摆脱分配,但你可以修改你的扩展,然后像这样编写你的作业:

buffer = buffer.RemoveUpToByteArray(header);


public static class MyExtensionMethods
    public static byte[] RemoveUpToByteArray(this byte[] buffer, byte[] header)
        byte[] result = buffer;

        // your logic to remove header from result

        return result;


编辑: 以上内容仅适用于值类型。如果您要扩展的类型是引用类型,那么您不会像上面尝试的那样直接对该类型进行操作。遗憾的是,字节数组是一个结构,因此派生自System.ValueType。考虑以下内容,这在扩展中是完全合法的,并且会给出期望的结果:

public class MyBytes
    public byte[] ByteArray { get; set; }

public static class MyExtensionMethods
    // Notice the void return here...
    public static void MyClassExtension(this MyBytes buffer, byte[] header)
        buffer.ByteArray = header;

答案 1 :(得分:1)



using System.Linq;
namespace Sample.Extensions
    public static class ByteExtensions
        public static void RemoveHeader (this byte[] buffer, byte[] header)
            // take first sequence of bytes, compare to header, if header
            // is present, return only content
            // NOTE: Take, SequenceEqual, and Skip are standard Linq extensions
            if (buffer.Take (header.Length).SequenceEqual (header))
                buffer = buffer.Skip (header.Length).ToArray ();


using Sample.Extensions;
namespace Sample
    class Program
        static void Main (string[] args)
            byte[] buffer = new byte[] { 00, 01, 02 };
            byte[] header = new byte[] { 00, 01 };
            buffer.RemoveHeader (header);

            // hm, so everything compiles and runs, but buffer == { 00, 01, 02 }



public static byte[] RemoveHeaderFunction (this byte[] buffer, byte[] header)
    byte[] stripped = null;
    if (stripped.Take (header.Length).SequenceEqual (header))
        stripped = stripped.Skip (header.Length).ToArray ();
        stripped = buffer.ToArray ();
    return stripped;


using Sample.Extensions;
namespace Sample
    class Program
        static void Main (string[] args)
            byte[] buffer = new byte[] { 00, 01, 02 };
            byte[] header = new byte[] { 00, 01 };

            // old way, buffer will still contain { 00, 01, 02 }
            buffer.RemoveHeader (header);

            // new way! as a function, we obtain new array of { 02 }
            byte[] stripped = buffer.RemoveHeaderFunction (header);



using System.Linq;
namespace Sample.Extensions
    public static class ListExtensions
        public static void RemoveHeader<T> (this List<T> list, List<T> header)
            if (list.Take (header.Count).SequenceEqual (header))
                list.RemoveRange (0, header.Count);


static void Main (string[] args)
    byte[] buffer = new byte[] { 00, 01, 02 };
    byte[] header = new byte[] { 00, 01 };

    List<byte> bufferList = buffer.ToList ();

    // in-place side-effect header removal
    bufferList.RemoveHeader (header.ToList ());


希望这有帮助! :)