在下面的程序中,我将一些数据写入名为" griddata.dat"的文件中。我在函数
# include <iostream>
# include <fstream>
# include <random> // int_distribution
# include <cmath> // sqrt
# include <algorithm> // max function
# include <vector>
using namespace std ;
void make_grid(int& width, int& height, int& length, int& steps){}
void assign_noise_levels_to_aircrafts(int& nr_of_aircrafts, double& max_noise_level, double& min_noise_level, vector<double>& noise_level){}
double dist(int point_1[2], int point_2[2], int steps){}
double noise_pollution_at_point(int aircraft, int point[2], vector<double> noise_level, int steps, int runway_ending_left, int grid_width, int grid_mid_height){}
void calculate_noise_pollution(int nr_of_aircrafts, int grid_height, int grid_width, int grid_mid_height, int steps, int runway_ending_left, vector<vector<vector<double>>>& noise_pollution, vector<double> noise_level){}
void put_houses(int runway_ending_left, int runway_ending_right, int grid_mid_height, int grid_height, int grid_width, vector<vector<int>>& nr_of_houses){}
int count_housing_locations(vector<vector<int>> nr_of_houses, int grid_height, int grid_width){}
void complete_data (int grid_height, int grid_width, int& min_nr_of_flights, double& const_threshold, vector<vector<int>> nr_of_houses, vector<vector<double>> threshold)
cout << "Enter the threshold value of noise pollution at each housing location: " ;
cin >> const_threshold ;
for (int i=0 ; i < grid_height ; i++)
vector<double> row ;
for (int j=0 ; j < grid_width ; j++)
row.push_back(0) ;
row.push_back(const_threshold) ;
threshold.push_back(row) ;
cout << "Enter the number of flights that should at least be scheduled: " ;
cin >> min_nr_of_flights ;
void write_grid_file (int width, int height, int length, int steps, int grid_height, int grid_width, int grid_mid_height, int grid_mid_width, int runway_ending_left, int runway_ending_right, int nr_of_aircrafts, int min_nr_of_flights, vector<double> noise_level, vector<vector<vector<double>>> noise_pollution, vector<vector<int>> nr_of_houses, vector<vector<double>> threshold)
ofstream gridfile ;
gridfile.open ("griddata.dat") ;
gridfile << "Width of the grid is " << width << "km.\n"
<< "Height of the grid is " << height << "km.\n"
<< "Length of the runway is " << length << "km.\n"
<< "There are " << steps << " measure points per km. \n\n"
<< "Therefore, the grid is a matrix with " << grid_height << " rows and " << grid_width << " columns.\n"
<< "The midpoint of the grid is [" << grid_mid_height << "," << grid_mid_width << "].\n"
<< "The runway ranges from [" << grid_mid_height << "," << runway_ending_left << "] to [" << grid_mid_height << "," << runway_ending_right <<"].\n\n" ;
for(int i=0 ; i < nr_of_aircrafts ; i++)
gridfile << "The noise level of aircraft " << i+1 << " is " << noise_level[i] << endl ;
gridfile << endl ;
for(int aircraft=0 ; aircraft < nr_of_aircrafts ; aircraft++)
gridfile << "The noise pollution of aircraft " << aircraft+1 << " is given by:" << endl ;
for(int i=0 ; i < grid_height ; i++)
for(int j=0 ; j < grid_width ; j++)
gridfile << noise_pollution[aircraft][i][j] << " " ;
gridfile << endl ;
gridfile << endl ;
gridfile << endl ;
gridfile << "The houses are located as follows:" << endl ;
for(int i=0 ; i < grid_height ; i++)
{ for(int j=0 ; j < grid_width ; j++)
gridfile << nr_of_houses[i][j] << " " ;
gridfile << endl ;
gridfile << endl ;
gridfile << "The number of housing locations is " << count_housing_locations(nr_of_houses, grid_height, grid_width)
<< endl << endl ;
gridfile << "The thresholds are as follows. A threshold of 0 means that no houses are located at that point. " << endl << endl ;
// segmentation fault here
for(int i=0 ; i < grid_height ; i++)
{ for(int j=0 ; j < grid_width ; j++)
gridfile << threshold[i][j] << " " ;
gridfile << endl ;
gridfile << endl << endl
<< "The number of flights that must at least be scheduled is " << min_nr_of_flights << endl ;
gridfile.close() ;
void write_scip_file (int grid_height, int grid_width, int nr_of_aircrafts, int min_nr_of_flights, vector<vector<int>> nr_of_houses, vector<vector<double>> threshold, vector<vector<vector<double>>> noise_pollution){}
int main()
// design the grid
int steps ;
int width ;
int height ;
int length ;
make_grid(width, height, length, steps) ;
// define aircrafts by calculating their noise levels
int nr_of_aircrafts ;
double max_noise_level ;
double min_noise_level ;
vector<double> noise_level ;
assign_noise_levels_to_aircrafts(nr_of_aircrafts, max_noise_level, min_noise_level, noise_level) ;
// calculate noise pollution for every aircraft
int grid_width = (width*steps) + 1 ;
int grid_height = (height*steps) + 1 ;
int grid_mid_width = 0.5*width*steps ;
int grid_mid_height = 0.5*height*steps ;
int runway_ending_left = grid_mid_width - 0.5*length*steps ;
int runway_ending_right = grid_mid_width + 0.5*length*steps ;
vector<vector<vector<double>>> noise_pollution ;
calculate_noise_pollution(nr_of_aircrafts, grid_height, grid_width, grid_mid_height, steps, runway_ending_left, noise_pollution, noise_level) ;
// put one house on the grid points at random
vector<vector<int>> nr_of_houses ;
put_houses(runway_ending_left, runway_ending_right, grid_mid_height, grid_height, grid_width, nr_of_houses) ;
// completing the data (b,k)
vector<vector<double>> threshold ;
double const_threshold ;
int min_nr_of_flights ;
complete_data (grid_height, grid_width, min_nr_of_flights, const_threshold, nr_of_houses, threshold) ;
// write data into two files, one for people, one for scip
write_grid_file(width, height, length, steps, grid_height, grid_width, grid_mid_height, grid_mid_width, runway_ending_left, runway_ending_right, nr_of_aircrafts, min_nr_of_flights, noise_level, noise_pollution, nr_of_houses, threshold) ;
write_scip_file (grid_height, grid_width, nr_of_aircrafts, min_nr_of_flights, nr_of_houses, threshold, noise_pollution) ;
// test if the whole program is run
cout << endl << "Done!" << endl << endl ;
return 0 ;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
运算符索引到这个空向量,导致未定义的行为。 (可能还有其他错误,这个错误通过阅读您的代码而突出了我。)