如何gnuplot - png终端中两个不同方程的重新绘制?

时间:2014-09-11 09:48:32

标签: gnuplot

我正在尝试将曲线放在不同的文件上以使它们进入单个png 我使用以下代码:

set terminal png enhanced font arial 14 size 800,600
set key outside horizontal left
f(x) = a*x**b
b = 1
a = 10000
fit f(x) 'a.txt' via a,b
plot 'a.txt' with dots  lc rgb"red" title ' ', \
f(x) with lines lc rgb"red" title sprintf('Curve Equation:   f(x) = %.2f·x^{%.2f}', a, b )

f1(x) = c*exp(d*x)
d = -1
c = 10000
fit f1(x) 'b.txt' via c,d
plot 'b.txt' with dots  lc rgb"red" title ' ', \
f1(x) with lines lc rgb"blue" title sprintf('Curve Equation:   f1(x) = %.2f·e^{-.%.2f.x}', c, d )


unset output 
exit gnuplot;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



  1. 在一个plot命令中写下所有情节信息(为了清楚起见,我遗漏了fit内容):

    set terminal pngcairo enhanced font arial 14 size 800,600
    set output 'output.png'
    # do some fitting
    set style data dots
    set style function lines
    plot 'a.txt' lc rgb "red" title ' ', \
         f(x) lc rgb "red" title sprintf('Curve Equation:   f(x) = %.2f·x^{%.2f}', a, b), \
         'b.txt' lc rgb "red" title ' ', \
         f1(x) lc rgb"blue" title sprintf('Curve Equation:   f1(x) = %.2f·e^{-.%.2f.x}', c, d )
  2. 如果要分离两个绘图块,需要对不同的终端进行一些操作,除第一个绘图块外,请使用replot ...,并且必须设置png终端和输出仅在最后replot之前直接归档:

    set style data dots
    set style function lines
    set terminal unknown
    # do fitting of f(x)
    plot 'a.txt' lc rgb "red" title ' ', \
         f(x) lc rgb "red" title sprintf('Curve Equation:   f(x) = %.2f·x^{%.2f}', a, b)
    # do fitting of f1(x)
    set terminal pngcairo enhanced font arial 14 size 800,600
    set output 'output.png'
    replot 'b.txt' lc rgb "red" title ' ', \
         f1(x) lc rgb"blue" title sprintf('Curve Equation:   f1(x) = %.2f·e^{-.%.2f.x}', c, d )
    unset output
  3. 对于要在脚本开头指定最终终端的情况,这是2的变体。您可以使用set terminal push保存当前终端,稍后使用set terminal pop

    set terminal pngcairo enhanced font arial 14 size 800,600
    output_file = 'output.png'
    set style data dots
    set style function lines
    set terminal push
    set terminal unknown
    # do fitting of f(x)
    plot 'a.txt' lc rgb "red" title ' ', \
         f(x) lc rgb "red" title sprintf('Curve Equation:   f(x) = %.2f·x^{%.2f}', a, b)
    # do fitting of f1(x)
    set terminal pop
    set output output_file
    replot 'b.txt' lc rgb "red" title ' ', \
         f1(x) lc rgb"blue" title sprintf('Curve Equation:   f1(x) = %.2f·e^{-.%.2f.x}', c, d )
    unset output