我遇到了如何为Angular metrics仪表板应用程序构建数据的问题。
我一直在使用Morris JS的精彩图表库并使用ngMorrisChart指令允许与Angular进行双向绑定。
我具有这种结构的方式是具有图形的显示视图,并且在另一个选项卡上它切换到表格视图,我的目标是让用户能够每月输入数据。然后我们有多个仪表板可以重复使用这些控制器。 FIREBASE JSON
"fa-icon" : "fa-area-chart",
"labels" : "['2013 A', '2014 A', '2014 B']",
"last_updated" : "2013-08-31T09:05:08.740Z",
"position" : "one",
"priority" : 1,
"title" : "Title here",
"type" : "area",
"xkey" : "period",
"ykeys" : "['Aold', 'A', 'B']"
更新代码 app.controller( 'ChartsController', function($ scope,$ firebase){
//Initiate Firebase Reference
var chartsRef = new Firebase('https://dashboard-retro.firebaseio.com/lync/widgets/widgetOne');
var charts = $firebase(chartsRef).$asObject();
console.log('Here is the charts object ' + charts.xkey); //Returning as undefined
console.log('Here is the charts object ' + charts); //Returning as [object Object]
// set line, area, bar options
var chartOptions = function(hideGrid) {
// Need to pull this all in using firebase + $http
var chartXkey = 'period';
var chartYkeys = ['Aold', 'A', 'B'];
var chartLabels = ['2013 A', '2014 A', '2014 B'];
var chartColors = ['#c3c3c3', '#f36648', '#64bed8'];
var chart = {
behaveLikeLine: true,
xkey: chartXkey,
ykeys: chartYkeys,
labels: chartLabels,
lineColors: chartColors,
fillOpacity: 0.7,
lineWidth: 1,
pointSize: 4,
gridLineColor: '#cfcfcf',
hideHover: 'auto',
resize: true,
smooth: true
if(hideGrid) {
chart.axes = false;
chart.grid = false;
return chart;
var data = function() {
return [
{period: '2014-01', Aold: 4465279, A: 4932003, B: 187067},
{period: '2014-02', Aold: 5005381, A: 4948005, B: 181611},
{period: '2014-03', Aold: 5511556, A: 5423848, B: 223014},
{period: '2014-04', Aold: 5387309, A: 5074078, B: 207068},
{period: '2014-05', Aold: 6002556, A: 4733337, B: 330464},
{period: '2014-06', Aold: 5309628, A: 4443538, B: 962987},
{period: '2014-07', Aold: 5025872, A: 3831382, B: 1834638}
$scope.areaLyncOneOptions = new chartOptions();
$scope.areaLyncOneData = new data();