解析日志文件 - 首先从最后读取

时间:2014-09-09 14:12:56

标签: vb.net

日志文件出现问题我需要解析并显示数据网格视图中的某些字段。日志文件是一个大的制表符分隔文件,我可以读取它并轻松解析数组。问题是我想从文件的END开始并向后读,直到我在其中一个字段中达到某个值。然后我想再次开始向前阅读,直到它到达文件的末尾。虽然它正在读到最后,我希望它用某些字段填充数据网格视图。这是我到目前为止所拥有的 -

查看代码 - 它需要从末尾读取,直到第4个字段等于零,然后再次开始向前读取。我也可以从最后读取,将值保存到数据网格视图,直到我达到0,如果这更容易。


另一种选择是读取文件并反向保存,一行一行 - 最后一行第一行,第二行到最后一行第二行等等。这将是非常好的,因为我有另一个需要的功能阅读文件,它也需要从最后到开头。

  Private Sub btnParseLog_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnParseLog.Click

    Dim FileLocation As String = "BLAHBLAHBLAH"
    Dim LogFile As String = "LOGFILE"

    DataGridView1.ColumnCount = 3
    DataGridView1.ColumnHeadersVisible = True

    ' Set the column header style. 
    Dim columnHeaderStyle As New DataGridViewCellStyle()

    columnHeaderStyle.BackColor = Color.Beige
    columnHeaderStyle.Font = New Font("Verdana", 10, FontStyle.Bold)
    DataGridView1.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle = columnHeaderStyle

    DataGridView1.Columns(0).Name = "User"
    DataGridView1.Columns(1).Name = "Number"
    DataGridView1.Columns(2).Name = "Time"

    Using MyReader As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser(LogFile)

        MyReader.TextFieldType =
        MyReader.Delimiters = New String() {vbTab}

        Dim TotalLineCount As Integer = File.ReadAllLines(LogFile).Length

        Dim currentRow As String()

        Dim RowCount As Integer = 0

        'Loop through all of the fields in the file.  
        'If any lines are corrupt, report an error and continue parsing.  
        While Not MyReader.EndOfData

                currentRow = MyReader.ReadFields()
                RowCount = RowCount + 1
                ' Include code here to handle the row. 

                If RowCount = TotalLineCount Then

                    While Not currentRow(4).ToString = 0

                        DataGridView1.Rows.Add(currentRow(1).ToString, currentRow(4).ToString, currentRow(7).ToString)

                        RowCount = RowCount - 1

                    End While

                End If

            Catch ex As Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.MalformedLineException
                MsgBox("Line " & ex.Message &
                " is invalid.  Skipping")

            End Try

        End While

    End Using

End Sub

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