
时间:2014-09-08 18:09:32

标签: python django django-models django-settings


joshs-mbp-4:Commands Josh P$ python vatsim_pull.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "vatsim_pull.py", line 10, in <module>
    from flights.models import (Personal, ActiveFlights, Flights, ActiveControllers,     Controllers, Airports)
ImportError: No module named flights.models


from sys import path
# Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...)
import os
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
TEMPLATE_DIRS = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')
    os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static"),

# Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production
# See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.6/howto/deployment/checklist/

# SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret!

# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
DEBUG = True



# Application definition



ROOT_URLCONF = 'mysite.urls'

WSGI_APPLICATION = 'mysite.wsgi.application'

# Database
# https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.6/ref/settings/#databases

# Internationalization
# https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.6/topics/i18n/


TIME_ZONE = 'America/New_York'

USE_I18N = True

USE_L10N = True

USE_TZ = True

STATICFILES_FINDERS = ("django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder",

# Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images)
# https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.6/howto/static-files/
AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = 'Users.UserProfile'
STATIC_URL = '/static/'


django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Requested setting DEFAULT_INDEX_TABLESPACE, but settings are not configured. You must either define the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE or call settings.configure() before accessing settings.



import os
import sys

if __name__ == "__main__":
    os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "mysite.settings")

    from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line



import csv
import requests
import datetime
import math
import sys
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.management.base import NoArgsCommand, CommandError
from datetime import timedelta
from django.utils.timezone import utc
from flights.models import (Personal, ActiveFlights, Flights, ActiveControllers, Controllers, Airports)
from decimal import Decimal
from django.db.models import F

class Command(NoArgsCommand):
    help = "Scrapes flight info from Vatsim"

    def unicode_csv_reader(unicode_csv_data, dialect=csv.excel, **kwargs):
        # csv.py doesn't do Unicode; encode temporarily as UTF-8:
        csv_reader = csv.reader(utf_8_encoder(unicode_csv_data),
                                dialect=dialect, **kwargs)
        for row in csv_reader:
            #decode UTF-8 back to Unicode, cell by cell:
            yield [unicode(cell, 'utf-8') for cell in row]

    def utf_8_encoder(unicode_csv_data):
        for line in unicode_csv_data:
            yield line.encode('utf-8')

    def getNmFromLatLon(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2):
        R = 3443.89849 # km
        theta1 = math.radians(lat1)
        theta2 = math.radians(lat2)
        dtheta = math.radians(lat2-lat1)
        dlon = math.radians(lon2-lon1)

        a = math.sin(dtheta/2) * math.sin(detheta/2) + math.cos(theta1) * math.cos(theta2) * math.sin(dlon/2) * math.sin(dlon/2)
        c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1-a))

        d = R * c

        return round(d)

    def pilotInsert(row):

        call_sign = row[0]
        pilotId = row[1]
        user_rating = int(row[16])
        if (user_rating == 0):
            user_rating = 'Not Rated'
        elif (user_rating == 1):
            user_rating = 'VATSIM Online Pilot'
        elif (user_rating == 2):
            user_rating = 'VATSIM Airmanship Basics'
        elif (user_rating == 3):
            user_rating = 'VATSIM VFR Pilot'
        elif (user_rating == 4):
            user_rating = 'VATSIM IFR Pilot'
        elif (user_rating == 5):
            user_rating = 'VATSIM Advanced IFR Pilot'
        elif (user_rating == 6):
            user_rating = 'VATSIM International and Oceanic Pilot'
        elif (user_rating == 7):
            user_rating = 'Helicopter VFR and IFR Pilot'
        elif (user_rating == 8):
            user_rating = 'Military Special Operations Pilot'
        elif (user_rating == 9):
            user_rating = 'VATSIM Pilot Flight Instructor'

        real_name = row[2]
        date_time = updateTime
        flight_date = updateTime[0:11]
        client_type = "Pilot"
        alt = row[7]
        lon = Decimal(row[6])
        lat = Decimal(row[5])
        serv = row[14]
        ground_speed = int(row[8])
        transpond = int(row[17])
        flight_heading = int(row[37])
        aircraft = row[9]
        tascruise = int(row[10])
        depairport = row[11]
        altitude = int(row[12])
        destairport = row[13]
        deptime = row[21][0:2] + ":" + row[21][2:4]
        actdeptime = row[22][0:2] + ":" + row[22][2:4]
        altairport = row[27]
        flight_remarks= row[28]
        flight_route = row[29]
        Route_String = lat + "," + lon + ";"
        flight_duration = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - actdeptime
        flightStatus = ""

        #Deal with Personal Table
        if (Personal.objects.filter(cid=pilotId).exists() == False):
            newPersonal = Personal(cid = pilotId, realname = real_name, pilot_rating = user_rating)
            personal = Personal.objects.get(cid=pilotId)
            if (personal.pilot_rating != user_rating):
                personal.pilot_rating = user_rating

        #Deal with Flights Table
        if (Flights.objects.filter(date = flight_date, callsign = call_sign, cid = cid).exists() == False):
            origAirport = Airports.objects.get(icao=depairport)
            origLat = origAirport.lat
            origLon = origAirport.lon
            dist = getNmFromLatLon (lat, lon, origLat, origLon)
            newFlight = Flights(date = flight_date, callsign = call_sign, cid = pilotId, planned_aircraft = aircraft, planned_tascruise = tascruise, planned_depairport = depairport, planned_altitude = altitude, planned_destairport = destairport, planned_deptime = deptime, planned_actdepttime = actdeptime, plannedaltairport = altairport, planned_remarks = remarks, planned_route = flight_route, time_logon = timelogon, RouteString = Route_String, duration=flight_duration, total_distance = distance)
            flight = Flights.objects.get(date = flight_date, callsign = call_sign, cid = cid)

            #Get last lat/lon
            colonCount = 0
            colon1 = 0
            colon2 = 0
            comma = 0
            for i in range(len(flight.RouteString), 0, -1):
                if ((flight.RouteString[i] == ";") and (colonCount == 0)):
                    colon1 = i
                    colonCount +=1
                elif ((flight.RouteString[i] == ",") and (colonCount == 1)):
                    comma = i
                elif ((flight.RouteString[i] == ";") and (colonCount == 1)):
                    colon2 = i
            prevLat = flight.RouteString[colon2+1:comma]
            prevLon = flight.RouteString[comma+1:colon1]

            #Update Total Distance
            flight.RouteString = F('total_distance') + getNmFromLatLon(lat, lon, prevLat, prevLon)

            #Update Route String
            flight.RouteString = F('RouteString') + Route_String
            if ((flight.outRamp == Null) and (ground_speed < 50) and (datetime.datetime.utcnow() > actdeptime)):
                flight.outRamp = updateTime
                flightStatus = "On The Ground"
            if ((flight.offGround == Null) and (ground_speed > 50)):
                flight.offGround = updateTime
                flightStatus = "Airborne"

            #Get Destination Airport Coords
            destAirport = Airports.objects.get(icao=destairport)
            destLat = destAirport.lat
            destlon = destAirport.lon

            if ((flight.onGround == Null) and (ground_speed< 50) and (getNmFromLatLon(lat, lon, destLat, destlon) < 5)):
                flight.onGround = updateTime
                flightStatus = "Arrived"

        #Deal with ActiveFlights Table
        if (ActiveFlights.objects.filter(datetime = date_time, cid = pilotId, callsign = call_sign).exists() == False):
            if (flightStatus == ""):
                lastActive = ActiveFlights.objects.filter(cid = pilotId, callsign = call_sign).latest('datetime')
                flightStatus = lastActive.flight_status

            newActive = ActiveFlights(datetime = date_time, cid = pilotId, callsign = call_sign, clienttype = client_type, latitude = lat, longitude = lon, server  = serv, altitude = alt, groundspeed = ground_speed, transponder = transpond, heading = flight_heading, flight_status=flightStatus)

            #Delete old active flight entry
            oldActive = ActiveFlights.objects.filter(cid = pilotId, callsign = call_sign).exclude(datetime = updateTime)

    def atcInsert(row):
        date_time = updateTime
        _date = updateTime[0:10]
        call_sign = row[0]
        atc_id = row[1]

        user_rating = int(row[16])
        if (user_rating == 0):
            user_rating = 'Ground Controller'
        elif (user_rating == 1):
            user_rating = 'Tower Controller'
        elif (user_rating == 2):
            user_rating = 'TMA Controller'
        elif (user_rating == 3):
            user_rating = 'Enroute Controller'
        elif (user_rating == 4):
            user_rating = 'Senior Controller'

        client_type = "ATC"
        freq = row[4]
        lat = row[5]
        lon = row[6]
        serv = row[14]
        facility_type = row[18]
        if (facility_type == 0):
            facility_type = 'Other'
        elif (facility_type == 1):
            facility_type = 'Observer'
        elif (facility_type == 2):
            facility_type = 'Clearance Delivery'
        elif (facility_type == 3):
            facility_type = 'Ground'
        elif (facility_type == 4):
            facility_type = 'Tower'
        elif (facility_type == 5):
            facility_type = 'Approach/Departure'
        elif (facility_type == 6):
            facility_type = 'Center'

        visual_range = int(row[19])
        time_logon = row[36]
        date = updateTime
        totaltime = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - time_logon

        if (Personal.objects.filter(cid=atc_id).exists() == False):
            newPersonal = Personal(cid = atc_id, realname = real_name, atc_rating = user_rating)
            personal = Personal.objects.get(cid=atc_id)
            if (personal.atc_rating != user_rating):
                personal.atc_rating = user_rating

        if (ActiveControllers.objects.filter(cid=atc_id, callsign=call_sign, datetime=date_time).exists == False):
            newActiveATC = ActiveControllers(datetime=date_time, callsign=call_sign, cid=atc_id, clienttype=client_type, frequency=freq, latitude=lat, longitude=lon, server=serv, facilitytype=facility_type, visualrange=visual_range, time_logon=timelogon)
            #delete old active controller
            oldActiveATC = ActiveControllers.objects.filter(cid=atc_id, callsign = call_sign).exclude(datetime = updateTime)

        if (Controllers.objects.filter(date=_date, callsign= call_sign, cid = atc_id).exists() == False):
            totaltime = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - time_logon
            newController(date=_date, callsign = call_sign, cid = atc_id, facilitytype = facility_type, TotalTime = totaltime)
            controller = Controllers.objects.get(date=date, callsign= call_sign, cid=atc_id)
            controller.TotalTime = controller.TotalTime + (updateTime - controller.lastUpdate)
            controller.lastUpdate = updateTime


    def handle(self, **options):

        client_rows = []        
        r = requests.get('http://info.vroute.net/vatsim-data.txt')
        data = r.text.splitlines()
        update = ""
        updateTime = ""
        newUpdate = True

        reader = unicode_csv_reader(data,delimiter=":")

        for row in reader:
            if (row != []):
                if "UPDATE = " in row[0]:
                        date = row[0]
                        update = date[9:]
                        updateTime = update[0:4] + "-" + update[4:6] + "-" + update[6:8] + "T" + update[8:10] + ":" + update[10:12] + ":" + update[11:13] + "+00:00"
                        if (ActiveFlights.objects.filter(datetime=updateTime).exists() == True):
                            newUpdate = False

                elif (row[0] == u'!CLIENTS'):
                    for row in reader:
                        if (row[0] == ";"):
        if (newUpdate == True):
            for row in client_rows:
                print row[16]
                if (row[3] == 'PILOT'):
                elif (row[3] == 'ATC'):

        ## Delete flights that have been missing for an hour

        notUpdated = ActiveFlights.objects.exclude(datetime = updateTime)
        for flight in notUpdated:
            if ((flight.datetime + timedelta(hours=1)) <= datetime.datetime.utcnow()):
        ## Delete missing controllers
        missingController = ActiveFlights.objects.exclude(datetime = updateTime)
        for controller in missingController:

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