
时间:2014-09-07 17:05:01

标签: java opengl jogl




private static final float FOVY = 60f, ZNEAR = .1f, ZFAR = 2000f;

private Mat4 projectionMatrix;

// start out at origin (0,0,0)
private Vec3 position = new Vec3();

// horizontal angle in radians: toward -Z
private float horizontalAngle = (float) FastMath.PI;
// NOTE: tutorial says 0 is horizon
// vertical angle in radians: π/2, look at the horizon
private float verticalAngle = (float) (FastMath.PI / 2.0f);

private float mouseSpeed = 0.01f;

private Vec3 sphericalToCartesian(float yaw, float pitch) {
    return new Vec3(
            (float) (FastMath.cos(pitch) * FastMath.sin(yaw)),
            (float) FastMath.sin(pitch),
            (float) (FastMath.cos(pitch) * FastMath.cos(yaw))

public FPSCamera(Observer o) {

 * Called in GLEventListener.display() and sent to shader with
 * glUniformMatrix4fv
 * @return MPV matrix
public Mat4 getMVPMatrix() {
    Vec3 frontVector = sphericalToCartesian(horizontalAngle, verticalAngle);
    Vec3 rightVector = sphericalToCartesian((float) (horizontalAngle + FastMath.PI / 2.0f), 0f);
    Vec3 upVector = rightVector.cross(frontVector);

    Mat4 viewMatrix = Matrices.lookAt(position, position.add(frontVector), upVector);

    return projectionMatrix.multiply(viewMatrix);

 * Called in GLEventListener.reshape()
 * @param aspect The aspect ratio
public void setPerspective(float aspect) {
    projectionMatrix = Matrices.perspective(FOVY, aspect, ZNEAR, ZFAR);

 * Key and mouse listeners will notify the camera when something happens by
 * calling this method.
public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {
    if (o instanceof FPSKeyController) {
        final FPSKeyController.Direction[] dirs = (FPSKeyController.Direction[]) arg;

        Vec3 right = sphericalToCartesian((float) (horizontalAngle + FastMath.PI / 2.0f), 0f);
        Vec3 front = sphericalToCartesian(horizontalAngle, verticalAngle);

        // Move forward and backward
        if (dirs[0] == FPSKeyController.Direction.FORWARD) {
            position = position.add(front);
        } else if (dirs[0] == FPSKeyController.Direction.BACKWARD) {
            position = position.subtract(front);
        // Strafe left and right
        if (dirs[1] == FPSKeyController.Direction.RIGHT) {
            position = position.subtract(right);
        } else if (dirs[1] == FPSKeyController.Direction.LEFT) {
            position = position.add(right);
    } else if (o instanceof FPSMouseController) {
        final FPSMouseController.Direction[] dirs = (FPSMouseController.Direction[]) arg;

        if (dirs[0] == FPSMouseController.Direction.LEFT) {
            // Look left
            horizontalAngle -= mouseSpeed;
            // Let angle range from -2π to 2π
            if (horizontalAngle < -FastMath.PI * 2) {
                horizontalAngle = 0;
        } else if (dirs[0] == FPSMouseController.Direction.RIGHT) {
            // Look right
            horizontalAngle += mouseSpeed;
            // Let angle range from -2π to 2π
            if (horizontalAngle > FastMath.PI * 2) {
                horizontalAngle = 0;

        if (dirs[1] == FPSMouseController.Direction.UP) {
            // Look up
            // Stop the camera from looking more than straight up
            if (verticalAngle + mouseSpeed <= FastMath.PI) {
                verticalAngle += mouseSpeed;
        } else if (dirs[1] == FPSMouseController.Direction.DOWN) {
            // Look down
            // Stop the camera from looking more than straight down
            if (verticalAngle - mouseSpeed >= 0) {
                verticalAngle -= mouseSpeed;

    // input is guaranteed to change the camera, so we can always update the view
    // repaint() and eventually GLEventListener.display() are called at the observer

我认为我的问题是verticalAngle,在教程中0来看待地平线。我必须将其更改为π/2 radians才能看到地平线。当我直视下来时,我可以向右和向左看。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



private Mat4 modelMatrix = Matrices.rotate(HALF_PI, new Vec3(1,0,0));


return projectionMatrix.multiply(viewMatrix).multiply(modelMatrix);


