import pygame, sys, time, random#Imports the modules pygame, sys, time and random form the python libary
from pygame.locals import *#Imports all of the pygame modules
global randomNumber
#randomNumber = random.randint(1,4)
redandBlackCounters = [120, 735, 250, 735, 560, 735, 690, 735]
pygame.init#Initiates the pygame modules
pygame.font.init()#Initites pygame fonts
class AQADO:#Defines a class called AQADO
def Game_Board():#Defines a function called Game_Board
global DISPLAYSURF#DISPLAYSURF is set to global so all functions can access it
BOXSIZE = 70#Assigns 40 to the constant BOXSIZE
GRIDSIZE = 11#Assigns 5 to the constant GRIDSIZE
BOXLENGTH = 700#Assigns 700 to the constant BOXLENGTH
G = (13,158,30)#Constant G is set to the colour green
W = (255,255,255)#Constant W is set to the colour white
B = (0,0,0)#Constant B is set to the colour black
R = (245,10,10)#Constant R is set to the colour red
WINDOW_Y_MAX = 900#The constant WINDOW_X_MAX is BOXSIZE multiplyed by GRIDSIZE
DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOW_X_MAX, WINDOW_Y_MAX))
pygame.display.set_caption("AQADo")#Sets the caption of the game window to AQADo
DISPLAYSURF.fill(W)#fills the background white
pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAYSURF,G,(BOXSIZE,0,BOXLENGTH,BOXSIZE))#draws a green rectangle at BOXSIZE, 0 length BOXLENGTH, width BOXSIZE
pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAYSURF,G,(BOXSIZE,420,BOXLENGTH,BOXSIZE))#draws a green rectangle at BOXSIZE, 420 length BOXLENGTH, width BOXSIZE
pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAYSURF,G,(BOXSIZE,700,BOXLENGTH,BOXSIZE))#draws a green rectangle at BOXSIZE, 700 length BOXLENGTH, width BOXSIZE
pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAYSURF,B,(0,770,780,200))#draws a green rectangle at 0, 770 length 780, width 200
for item in range (1, GRIDSIZE):#repeats below code 11 times
pygame.draw.line(DISPLAYSURF, B, (0,item*BOXSIZE),(WINDOW_Y_MAX,item*BOXSIZE))#draws a line
pygame.draw.line(DISPLAYSURF, B, (BOXSIZE,0), (BOXSIZE,WINDOW_X_MAX))#draws a line
pygame.draw.circle(DISPLAYSURF, R,(redandBlackCounters[0],redandBlackCounters[1]),30)#draws a red circle at 120,735 with a radius of 30
pygame.draw.circle(DISPLAYSURF, R,(redandBlackCounters[2],redandBlackCounters[3]),30)#draws a red circle at 250,735 with a radius of 30
pygame.draw.circle(DISPLAYSURF, B,(redandBlackCounters[4],redandBlackCounters[5]),30)#draws a black circle at 560,735 with a radius of 30
pygame.draw.circle(DISPLAYSURF, B,(redandBlackCounters[6],redandBlackCounters[7]),30)#draws a black circle at 690,735 with a radius of 30
def call_Game_Board():#defines a function called call_Game_Board
print("called the game board")
AQADO.Game_Board()#returns function AQADO.Game_Board
pygame.display.update()#Updates the pygame window
#def Choose_Counters():
#playerOneChoose = int(input("Please input 1 to move the red counter on the left or 2 to move the red counter one the right"))
#if playerOneChoose == "1":
def playerMove():
if counter == 1 or 2 or 3 or 4:
def Check_Move(counter):
if redandBlackCounters[1,3,5,7] == 735 or 35 and randomNumber == 4:
Counter_Move(move = False)
print("move not possible")
if redandBlackCounters[1] == 35 and redandBlackCounters[3] != 35 or 735 and randomNumber == 4:
print("Counter 2 has to move one space back")
redandBlackCounters[3] += 70
if redandBlackCounters[3] == 35 and redandBlackCounters[1] != 35 or 735 and randomNumber == 4:
print("Counter 1 has to move one space back")
redandBlackCounters[1] += 70
if redandBlackCounters[5] == 35 and redandBlackCounters[7] != 35 or 735 and randomNumber == 4:
print("Counter 3 has to move one space back")
redandBlackCounters[7] += 70
if redandBlackCounters[7] == 35 and redandBlackCounters[5] != 35 or 735 and randomNumber == 4:
print("Counter 4 has to move one space back")
redandBlackCounters[5] += 70
if redandBlackCounters[1,3] == 35:
if redandBlackCounters[5,7] == 35:
def Counter_Move(redandBlackCounters, move, counter, randomNumber):
if randomNumber == 1 and counter == 1 and move != False:
redandBlackCounters[1] -= 70
AQADO.Game_Board()#returns function AQADO.Game_Board
pygame.display.update()#Updates the pygame window
if randomNumber == 1 and counter == 2 and move != False:
redandBlackCounters[3] -= 70
AQADO.Game_Board()#returns function AQADO.Game_Board
pygame.display.update()#Updates the pygame window
if randomNumber == 1 and counter == 3 and move != False:
redandBlackCounters[5] -= 70
AQADO.Game_Board()#returns function AQADO.Game_Board
pygame.display.update()#Updates the pygame window
if randomNumber == 1 and counter == 4 and move != False:
redandBlackCounters[7] -= 70
AQADO.Game_Board()#returns function AQADO.Game_Board
pygame.display.update()#Updates the pygame window
if randomNumber == 2 and counter == 1 and move != False:
redandBlackCounters[1] -= 140
if randomNumber == 2 and counter == 2 and move != False:
redandBlackCounters[3] -= 140
if randomNumber == 2 and counter == 3 and move != False:
redandBlackCounters[5] -= 140
if randomNumber == 2 and counter == 4 and move != False:
redandBlackCounters[7] -= 140
if randomNumber == 3 and counter == 1 and move != False:
redandBlackCounters[1] -= 210
if randomNumber == 3 and counter == 2 and move != False:
redandBlackCounters[3] -= 210
if randomNumber == 3 and counter == 3 and move != False:
redandBlackCounters[5] -= 210
if randomNumber == 3 and counter == 4 and move != False:
redandBlackCounters[7] -= 210
if randomNumber == 4 and counter == 1 and move != False:
redandBlackCounters[1] += 70
if randomNumber == 4 and counter == 2 and move != False:
redandBlackCounters[3] += 70
if randomNumber == 4 and counter == 3 and move != False:
redandBlackCounters[5] += 70
if randomNumber == 4 and counter == 4 and move != False:
redandBlackCounters[7] += 70
def safe_Move():
safe = 0
if redandBlackCounters[1,3,5] != 735 or 435 and redandBlackCounters[1,3] == redandBlackCounters[5]:
safe = 1
if redandBlackCounters[1,3,7] != 735 or 435 and redandBlackCounters[1,3] == redandBlackCounters[7]:
safe = 2
if redandBlackCounters[5,7,1] != 735 or 435 and redandBlackCounters[5,7] == redandBlackCounters[1]:
safe = 3
if redandBlackCounters[5,7,3] != 735 or 435 and redandBlackCounters[5,7] == redandBlackCounters[3]:
safe = 4
def Game_Function(playerOne, playerTwo):
while True:#while True is equal to True
AQADO.Game_Board()#returns AQADO.Game_Board function
pygame.display.update()#Updates the pygame window
for event in pygame.event.get():#checks for events in the pygame window
if event.type == QUIT:#if event is quit
pygame.quit()#pygame is quit
sys.exit()#code is exited
dieRoll = input("Please input r to roll the die")
if dieRoll == "r":#If the key pressed is r
randomNumber = 1#random.randint(1,4)#random number between 1 and 4 is generated and set to variable randomNumber
#if randomNumber == 1:
#player_Information(playerInfo = 1, player = playerOne)
#if randomNumber == 2:
#player_Information(playerInfo = 2, player = playerOne)
#if randomNumber == 3:
#player_Information(playerInfo = 3, player = playerOne)
#if randomNumber == 4:
#player_Information(playerInfo = 4, player = playerOne)
counterInput = int(input("Which counter do you want to move 1 or 2?"))
if counterInput == "1":
AQADO.Counter_Move(redandBlackCounters, move, randomNumber, counter = 1)
if counterInput == "2":
AQADO.Counter_Move(redandBlackCounters, move, randomNumber, counter = 2)
dieRoll = input("Please input a to roll the die")
if dieRoll == "a":
randomNumber = 1
counterinput = int(input("Which counter do you want to move 3 or 4?"))
if counterInput == "3":
AQADO.Counter_Move(redandBlackCounters, move, randomNumber, counter = 3)
if counterInput == "4":
AQADO.Counter_Move(redandBlackCounters, move, randomNumber, counter = 4)
def player_Information(playerInfo, player): #This function prints the value of the dice roll as well as the player's name, it parses the variables playerInfo
W = (255,255,255) #and player
diceInformation = ["rolled a 1, move one of your pieces 1 space nearer to FINISH", "rolled a 2, move on of your pieces 2 spaces nearer to FINISH",
"rolled a 3, move one of your oieces 3 spaces nearer to FINNISH", "rolled a 4, move one of your pieces 1 space back toward START"]
#Defines an array called diceInformation which stores the text which is blitted to the screen
if playerInfo == 1:#if player eqauls 11
turnOne = (player, diceInformation[0])#turnOne is set to player, and index 0 of diceInformation
if playerInfo == 2:#if player eqauls 12
turnOne = (player, diceInformation[1])#turnOne is set to player, and index 1 of diceInformation
if playerInfo == 3:#if player eqauls 13
turnOne = (player, diceInformation[2])#turnOne is set to player, and index 2 of diceInformation
if playerInfo == 4:#if player eqauls 14
turnOne = (player, diceInformation[3])#turnOne is set to player, and index 3 of diceInformation
font = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", 20)#Sets the font and font size
turnOne = font.render(str(turnOne),True,W)#Sets what text is blitted to the screen an the colour of the text
DISPLAYSURF.blit(turnOne,(100, 800))#Sets the coordinates where the text is blitted and blits the code to the screen
pygame.display.update()#Updates the pygame window
pygame.time.wait(1000)#freezes the pygame window for 1000 miliseconds (1 second)
#def safe_Space(safeSpace, redandBlackCounters):#Defines a function called safe_Space which is passed the variable safeSpace and array redandBlackCounters
#if safeSpace == 1:#if safe Space is equal to 1
#if redandBlackCounters[1] and redandBlackCounters[5] != 735 and redandBlackCounters[1] == 455 and redandBlackCounters[5] or redandBlackCounters[7] == 455:
#elif redandBlackCounters[1] and redandBlackCounters[5] != 735 and redandBlackCounters[1] == redandBlackCounters[5]:
#redandBlackCounters[5] = 735#blackCounterOneY is set to 735
#AQADO.call_Game_Board()#returns function call_Game_Board in the class AQADO
#elif redandBlackCounters[1] and redandBlackCounters[7] != 735 and redandBlackCounters[1] == redandBlackCounters[7]:
#blackCounterTwoY = 735#blackCounterTwoY is set to 735
#AQADO.call_Game_Board()#returns function call_Game_Board in the class AQADO
#if safeSpace == 2:
#if redandBlackCounters[1] and redandBlackCounters[5] != 735 and redandBlackCounters[1] == 455 and redandBlackCounters[5] or redandBlackCounters[7] == 455:
#if redandBlackCounters[1] and redandBlackCounters[5] != 735 and redandBlackCounters[1] == redandBlackCounters[5]:
#redandBlackCounters[1] = 735#redCounterOneY is set to 735
#AQADO.call_Game_Board()#returns function call_Game_Board in the class AQADO
#elif redandBlackCounters[1] and redandBlackCounters[7] != 735 and redandBlackCounters[1] == redandBlackCounters[7]:
#redandBlackCounters[3] = 735#redCounterTwoY is set to 735
#AQADO.call_Game_Board()#returns function call_Game_Board in the class AQADO
def Menu():#Defines a function called Menu
menu = ["\nThis is AQADo", "1 - Enter player names", "2 - Play game"]#Defines an array called menu
menuLastItem = ["3 - Quit"]#Defines an array called menuLastItem
for items in menu:#Prints all the itmes in the array menu
return(menuLastItem[0])#Returns the index 0 in menuLastItem
################################################################## MAIN CODE #
option = 0 #Sets the variable option to 0
playerOne = 0 #Sets the variable playerOne to 0
playerTwo = 0 #Sets the variable PlayerTwo to 0
blackCounterOne = True
redCounterOne = True
playerTurn = 0
counter = 0
move =0
redandBlackCounters = [120, 735, 250, 735, 560, 735, 690, 735]
while option != 3:#When option is not 3 the while loop ends
menuTwo = ["Please input 1,2 or 3 ", "Please enter a valid data type, 1,2 or 3","\nYou have exited the game"]#Defines an array called menuTwo
menuSelectorItems = ["Please input player one's name ", "Please input player Two's name "]#Defines an array called menuSelectorItems
print(Menu())#The function Menu is returned
try:#Tries all of the inputs below for a keyboard interrupt
try: #Tries menuSelector for an input which is not 1,2 or 3
menuSelector = input(menuTwo[0])#Prints the string at index 0 in the array menuTwo
except:#If menuSelector does not equal 1,2 or 3 then the menu is printed again
if menuSelector == "1":#If menuSelector equals 1 the players have to enter thier names
playerOneName = input(menuSelectorItems[0])#Prints the string at index 0 in the array menuSelectorItems
if playerOneName.isalnum():#If the input playerOneName equals alphnumeric then playerOne is set to playerOneName
playerOne = playerOneName
playerOne = "Player One"
playerTwoName = input(menuSelectorItems[1])#Prints the string at index 1 in the array menuSelectorItems
if playerOneName.isalnum(): #If the input playerTwoName equals alphnumeric then playerTwo is set to playerTwoName
playerTwo = playerTwoName
playerTwo = "Player Two"
if menuSelector == "2":#If menuSelector equals 2 the function AQADo is returned
if playerOne == 0:#If the playerOne equals 0 then playerOne is set to Player_One
playerOne = "Player One"
if playerTwo == 0: #If the playerTwo equals 0 then playerTwo is set to Player_Two
playerTwo = "Player Two"
AQADO.Game_Function(playerOne,playerTwo)#returns function AQADo in class AQADO and passes the variables playerOne and playerTwo
if menuSelector == "3": #If menuSelector equals 3 the code is exited
print(menuTwo[2])#Prints the string at index 2 in the array menuTwo
option = 3 #Sets the variable option to 3
pygame.quit()#Closes the pygame window
sys.exit()#Exits the code
except KeyboardInterrupt:#If there is a keyboard interrupt
print(menuTwo[2])#Prints the string at index 2 in the array menuTwo
pygame.quit()#Closes the pygame window
sys.exit()#Exits the code if there is a keyboard interrupt
答案 0 :(得分:2)
dieRoll = input("Please input r to roll the die")
因此,事件(“pygame.event.get()”)不再被拉动。这使得您的操作系统认为该程序已损坏。 (在Windows中,窗口变为白色,光标变为沙漏)
我建议使用pygame.key - 模块而不是控制台。
在你的情况下,你想只按一次每次“按钮推”骰子,所以你最好使用 pygame.event-module获取密钥。这是一个例子:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_r: #If key "r" gets (not is) pressed
这样,如果按“r”键,“roll_die()”部分只会执行一次。否则,使用pygame.key-module,按下“r”键的每一帧,你的代码再次被执行 (当然在其他情况下很有用,但不在这里。)