Sails JS:使用嵌入式JSON属性验证模型

时间:2014-09-07 13:36:27

标签: javascript sails.js

如何在Sails JS中使用类型为object的属性验证模型?



    name: 'John',
    location: {
        x: 23,
        y: 15,
        z: 50


    name: {
        type: 'string',
        required: true,
    location: {
        x: {
            type: 'number',
            required: true
        y: {
            type: 'number',
            required: true
        z: {
            type: 'number',
            required: true

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

Waterline(Sails ORM)不直接支持嵌套模式。您可以使用custom validation rule来验证属性:

module.exports = {

  types: {
    location: function(val) {
      // Make sure that x, y and z are present and are numbers.
      // This won't allow numeric strings, but you can adjust to fit your needs.
      return (_.isNumber(val.x) && _.isNumber(val.y) && _.isNumber(val.z));

  attributes: {

    location: {
      type: 'json',
      required: true, // If you want the whole attribute to be required
      location: true  // Validate that the attribute has the schema you want

    ...more attributes...



答案 1 :(得分:0)



$ cat api/types/define.js 
const buildWithCustomUsage = require("machine").buildWithCustomUsage;

function validateWith(machine, inputs) {
    return true;

module.exports = function (def) {
    const machine = buildWithCustomUsage({
        extraArginsTactic: "doNotCheck"
    return {
        validate: validateWith.bind(null, machine)


$ cat api/types/QuoteRequest.js 
module.exports = require("./define")({

    description: "Quote request type definition",

    inputs: {
        input_currency_type: {
            description: "Input currency type",
            type: "string",
            required: true
        amount_requested: {
            description: "Requested amount in input currency",
            type: "string",
            required: true

    sync: true,

    fn: function (inputs, exits) {
        // your other validation logics
        return exits.success();

您需要确保设置sync: true


inputs: {
    request: {
        type: "json",
        required: true,
        custom: require("../../types/QuoteRequest").validate


答案 2 :(得分:0)


假设您使用的是Sails v1


module.exports = {
  invalidStructure(schema, input) {
    try {
      if (schema.type === 'array') {
        // Invalid: if input is not array
        //  OR some of input[items] doesn't match schema.item
        return !_.isArray(input) ||
          _.some(input, item => this.invalidStructure(schema.item, item));
      else if (schema.type === 'object') {
        // Invalid if input is not an object
        //  OR if input.keys doesn't match schema.struct.keys
        //  OR if typeof input[key] doesn't match schema.struct[key]
        return !_.isObjectLike(input) ||
          !_.isEqual(_.keys(schema.struct), _.keys(input)) ||
          _.some(_.keys(input), key => this.invalidStructure(schema.struct[key], input[key]));
      else { // verifying field value vs schema.type
        // TODO: Add other field validations here (i.e. isEmail, required,...etc.)
        return typeof input !== schema.type;
    catch (err) {
      sails.log.error('Exception in [invalidStructure] : ', err);
      return true;


const address = {
  type: 'object',
  struct: {
    name: { type: 'string' },
    location: {
      type: 'object',
      struct: {
        x: { type: 'string' },
        y: { type: 'string' },
        z: { type: 'string' },
module.exports = {
  attributes: {
    address: {
      type: 'json',
      custom: value => !ModelService.invalidStructure(address, value)

现在我知道这不能解决问题或案件(即required: false

但是它应该让您开始使用匹配的json 结构值类型

注意:这是source file。随时使用,或通过PR增强功能
