exports.post = function(request, response) {
var postal = request.body.Postal;
var proximity = request.body.Proximity;
var countryGeoTable;
var geoQuery;
if(request.body.Country == "United States")
//first the table of zip codes is retrieved.
countryGeoTable = request.service.tables.getTable('UnitedStatesGeoLocations');
//a query is prepared that finds the zip codes within the
//specified proximity of a zip code, then queries the information
//table with thise tip codes to find entities that have those zip codes.
geoQuery = 'SELECT * FROM UnitedStatesEntities WHERE postal IN (SELECT postal FROM UnitedStatesGeoLocations WHERE latitude > ? AND latitude < ? AND longitude > ? AND longitude < ?)';
//the zip code entered is retrieved from the zip code table
countryGeoTable.where({ postal : postal}).read(
success: function(results)
if (results.length > 0)
//if the zip code is in the table, then using its longitude and latitude coordinates a
//bounding box will be created, which will be used to find all zip codes within that
//region. The proximity passed into the script determines the size of this bounding box.
var postalLatitude = results[0].latitude;
var postalLongitude = results[0].longitude;
var lat1 = postalLatitude-(proximity/69);
var lat2 = postalLatitude+(proximity/69);
var lon1 = postalLongitude-proximity/Math.abs(Math.cos(proximity * Math.PI/180)*69);
var lon2 = postalLongitude+proximity/Math.abs(Math.cos(proximity * Math.PI/180)*69);
//the nested SELECT query will first find the zip codes, then use them to find all
//entities within the information table that has that zip code.
success: function(entities)
//the problem here is that the entity may or may not be retrieved.
if(entities.length > 0)
//if retrieved, then the entity will be send to the client.
response.send(statusCodes.OK, entities);
response.send(statusCodes.NOT_FOUND,{ error : "no entities found in proximity" });
request.respond(statusCodes.NOT_FOUND, 'Zip Code Not Found!');
exports.post = function(request, response) {
var postal = request.body.Postal;
var proximity = request.body.Proximity;
var countryGeoTable;
var geoQuery;
if(request.body.Country == "United States")
countryGeoTable = request.service.tables.getTable('UnitedStatesGeoLocations');
geoQuery = 'SELECT * FROM UnitedStatesEntities WHERE postal IN (SELECT postal FROM UnitedStatesGeoLocations WHERE latitude > ? AND latitude < ? AND longitude > ? AND longitude < ?)';
if (entities.length > 0)
response.send(statusCodes.OK, entities);
response.send(statusCodes.OK, { message : 'no entities within this proximity' });
function entityFinder(callback)
success: function(entities)
function getCoordinates(countryGeoTable,callback)
countryGeoTable.where({ postal : postal}).read(
success: function(results)
if (results.length > 0)
var postalLatitude = results[0].latitude;
var postalLongitude = results[0].longitude;
var lat1 = postalLatitude-(proximity/69);
var lat2 = postalLatitude+(proximity/69);
var lon1 = postalLongitude-proximity/Math.abs(Math.cos(proximity * Math.PI/180)*69);
var lon2 = postalLongitude+proximity/Math.abs(Math.cos(proximity * Math.PI/180)*69);
var parameter = [lat1,lat2,lon1,lon2];
request.respond(statusCodes.NOT_FOUND, 'Zip Code Not Found!');