public void updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client) {
// This call should be made first.
// It handles sizes, captions, tooltips, etc. automatically.
if (client.updateComponent(this, uidl, true)) {
// If client.updateComponent returns true there has been no changes and we
// do not need to update anything.
// Save reference to server connection object to be able to send
// user interaction later
this.client = client;
// Save the client side identifier (paintable id) for the widget
paintableId = uidl.getId();
// Process attributes/variables from the server
// The attribute names are the same as we used in
// paintContent on the server-side
int clicks = uidl.getIntAttribute("clicks");
String message = uidl.getStringAttribute("message");
String myScript = "<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>$(document).ready(function(){$('#mytest').click(function(){alert('Clicked')})})</script>";
getElement().setInnerHTML(myScript+"<div id='mytest'>Click me</div>");
//getElement().setInnerHTML("After <b>"+clicks+"</b> mouse clicks:\n" + message);
但此警报未显示。怎么做。请帮忙。我厌倦了谷歌这个问题。 我正在使用Vaadin 6