斯坦福在线课程CS106B - lnk2019错误

时间:2014-09-04 04:16:14

标签: c++ linker-errors


Here is the link 作业使用各种斯坦福图书馆,如“genlib.h”,“simpio.h”......等等。

我在项目属性中包含了所有头文件 - >其他包含目录。



错误LNK2019:函数中引用了未解析的外部符号_main   ___ tmainCRTStartup


which can be found here

 * Program: warmup.cpp
 * --------------------
 * Program used to generate a hash code based on user's name.
 * As given, this code has two compiler errors you need to track down 
 * and fix in order to get the program up and running.
 * jzelenski Thu Apr  1 12:27:53 PST 2004
#include <iostream>
#include <istream>
#include "genlib.h"
#include <string.h>

#define MAX_HASH_CODE 10000 // Upper bound for hash codes generated by program

/* Function prototypes */

int Hash(string s, int maxCode);
 * Function: Hash
 * Usage: hash_number = Hash(key, max_hash);
 * -----------------------------------------
 * This function takes the key and uses it to derive a hash code,
 * which is an integer in the range [0, maxCode - 1].  The hash
 * code is computed using a method called linear congruence.
#define Multiplier -1664117991L     // Multiplier used in Hash function

int Hash(string s, int maxCode)
    unsigned long hashcode = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) 
        hashcode = hashcode * Multiplier + s[i];
   return (hashcode % maxCode);

int main ()
    string name = "abc";
    cout << "Please enter your name: ";
    int hashcode = Hash(name, MAX_HASH_CODE);
    cout << "The hash code for your name is " << hashcode << "." <<endl;
    return 0;

我正在使用VS 2012.如果不包含.lib文件或.cpp文件,此错误是否必须执行任何操作?我记得在其他c ++库中执行此操作,并在Linker下的其他依赖项下添加.lib文件 - &gt;输入。但我无法访问任何.lib文件。只是.h和.cpp文件。


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