
时间:2014-09-03 12:16:51

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                            <h2 class="ca-main">Secure Future</h2>
                            <p class="ca-sub">Become an entrepreneur and grow with booming and extremely lucrative in logistic sector. We are serving in this segment since 1985 and have turned many dreams into reality.</p>


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                        <h2 class="ca-main">Strong Values </h2>
                        <p class="ca-sub">We value people, culture, tradition, and respect honesty, truth, integrity and experience.</p>
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                            <h2 class="ca-main"> Dedicated Services </h2>
                            <p class="ca-sub">  We have a bunch of loyal associates who have grown the company and will partner you in all your needs.</p>

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<li> We are entering our 30th Year of Service.
<li> Loans to operations from 1year to 3years upto 70% value of the vehicle and upto 10years old vehicle.
<li> Branches in Ramnad, Madurai, Coimbatore, Trichy & our head office in Chennai.
<li> A useful life of a vehicle in 15years and we fund their segments. We are proud for our last mile connectivity with the transport sector throughout &nbsp Tamilnadu with our loyal staff, committed service and best dedication.
<li> Attractive terms for the deposits and slnnire throughout our Chennai office with monthly quarterly and annual interest options.


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                              <p><a href=""style="color:#900;"> Vijay Hemant Finance & Estates Limited,</a> A trusted financial service group in India.</a></p></div>
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<p>A trusted financial service group in India. The activities of the group span savings products like Deposits, Car and Commercial Vehicle Finance...</p>

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                        <li class="quicklinks"><a href="download/Deposit Interest Rate.pdf">Deposit Rates</a></li>
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         <h3 class="widget_title">Head Office (Chennai)</h3>
          No:110,5th floor,Prakash Presidium,<br />
          Mahatma Gandhi Road,<br />
          Nungabakkam,Chennai-600 034

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