
时间:2014-09-03 08:26:03

标签: sql vb6

我正在尝试检索保存在MS Access数据库中的记录,并在FORM_LOAD()期间使用查询结果填充文本框。到目前为止,我检索了一条记录但问题是,当我尝试添加相同的代码时,它会检索第一个保存的记录。

无视我的sql语句中的where子句。这就是我想要的输出。在form_load()期间,我想在我的表单上的多个文本框中显示多个记录(活动描述/ activity_desc)。如果我的数据库中没有记录,我只想让它为空白。 Here's my form

这是我想要实现的目标.. enter image description here 这是我的代码段:

Private Sub Form_Load()
FrmSchedule.lblnamesched.Caption = FrmInfosheet.Txtname.Text
FrmSchedule.Label36.Caption = FrmInfosheet.cmbsalesgroup.Text
FrmSchedule.lblpositionsched = FrmInfosheet.Txtposition.Text
FrmSchedule.Thisweekdate.Caption = FrmInfosheet.Text3.Text
FrmSchedule.Thisweekdate2.Caption = FrmInfosheet.Text4.Text

FrmSchedule.Label37.Caption = FrmWeek1WAR.Label1.Caption
FrmSchedule.Label38.Caption = FrmWeek1WAR.Label2.Caption
FrmSchedule.Label39.Caption = FrmWeek1WAR.Label21.Caption
FrmSchedule.Label40.Caption = FrmWeek1WAR.Label22.Caption
FrmSchedule.Label41.Caption = FrmWeek1WAR.Label23.Caption
FrmSchedule.Label42.Caption = FrmWeek1WAR.Label37.Caption

FrmSchedule.Label43.Caption = FrmWeek1WAR.Label26.Caption
FrmSchedule.Label44.Caption = FrmWeek1WAR.Label27.Caption
FrmSchedule.Label45.Caption = FrmWeek1WAR.Label28.Caption
FrmSchedule.Label46.Caption = FrmWeek1WAR.Label29.Caption
FrmSchedule.Label47.Caption = FrmWeek1WAR.Label30.Caption
FrmSchedule.Label48.Caption = FrmWeek1WAR.Label38.Caption

Dim conConnection As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sqlStr As String
Dim clone_rs As ADODB.Recordset

Set conConnection = New ADODB.Connection
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

 With conConnection
    .ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & _
  App.Path & "\" & "WAP.mdb;Mode=Read|Write"

End With

With rs
    .CursorLocation = adUseClient
    .CursorType = adOpenStatic
    .LockType = adLockBatchOptimistic
    .ActiveConnection = conConnection
    .Open "war", conConnection, adOpenForwardOnly
End With

'Set clone_rs = rs.Clone

With arsProjects
If rs.BOF And rs.EOF Then
    sqlStr = "SELECT activity_desc FROM war WHERE time = '8' and activity_date = '" & Label37.Caption & "' and sales_group = 'ALC Holdings CO., INC' and day = 'Monday'"
    Text1.Text = rs.Fields("activity_desc")
    sqlStr = "SELECT activity_desc FROM war WHERE time = '9' and activity_date = '" & Label38.Caption & "' and sales_group = 'ALC Holdings CO., INC' and day = 'Tuesday'"
    Text2.Text = rs.Fields("activity_desc")
End If
End With

Set rs = Nothing
Set conConnection = Nothing
End Sub


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