
时间:2014-09-02 22:54:34

标签: ios asynchronous parse-platform flow

让我简要解释一下代码。我有一个名为' LinkedParseClass'的类,它包含有关业务的信息。然后我有一个名为' dealParseClass'的课程。基本上每个企业最多可以有3笔交易。当交易超过它的到期日时,我希望删除该交易。所以我从' dealParseClass'中删除了该行/对象。我还保留了Column' numberOfActiveDeals'中LinkedParseClass中交易数量的计数。因此,当我删除交易时,我将计数减少1.

我有以下代码,但它没有按预期流动,每次都给我不同的输出。当我在那个特定页面/ viewcontroller上时,我知道这个地方的唯一ID。我在'dealParseClass中有一个外键。我得到了这个钥匙的所有交易。然后我试图迭代一个数组,从' LinkedParseClass'中减少计数(numberOfActiveDeals)。然后从' dealParseClass'中删除该对象。


    //Searching over deal object with the objectID found in place object
    PFQuery *dealParseQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"dealParseClass"];
    [dealParseQuery whereKey:@"dealPlaceObjectID" equalTo:self.previewDealModel.placeObjectId];//checks foreign key
    [dealParseQuery findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray *objects, NSError *error) {
        NSLog(@"ViewWillAppear Array of deal objects: %@", objects);
        if (![objects count] == 0) {//checks to ensure the place has deals
            for (PFObject *dealObj in objects) {
                NSLog(@"You have just entered for");
                NSDate *expiryDateForValidation = dealObj[@"dealExpiryDate"];
                NSLog(@"Expiry date for validation is: %@", expiryDateForValidation);
                if ([expiryDateForValidation timeIntervalSinceNow] > -61.0) {
                    [dealObj deleteInBackgroundWithBlock:^(BOOL succeeded, NSError *error) {
                        NSLog(@"You have just entered IF");
                        PFQuery *linkedBusinessParseQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"linkedBusinessParseClass"];
                        [linkedBusinessParseQuery getObjectInBackgroundWithId:self.previewDealModel.placeObjectId block:^(PFObject *linkedBizobject, NSError *error) {
                            NSLog(@"Just entered linkedbusinessParseQuery");
                            //Get original count and log it. Here for logging purposes
                            int dealCountUserDelete = [[linkedBizobject objectForKey:@"numberOfDealsActive"]intValue];
                            NSLog(@"Original deal count: %i", dealCountUserDelete);
                            //Crucial part of the code that decrements by one
                            NSNumber *decrementNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInt:-1];
                            [linkedBizobject incrementKey:@"numberOfDealsActive" byAmount:decrementNumber];
                            //Get new count and log it. Here for logging purposes
                            int dealCountAfter = [[linkedBizobject objectForKey:@"numberOfDealsActive"]intValue];
                            NSLog(@"Deal count after: %i", dealCountAfter);
                            //You update the object in the decrement. Now you must save it back to Parse
                            [linkedBizobject saveInBackground];
                            //log deal object to be deleted
                            NSLog(@"deal object to be deleted: %@", dealObj);

                            NSLog(@"deal object has now been deleted: %@", dealObj);
                            //resetting dealcounts
                            dealCountUserDelete = 0;
                            dealCountAfter = 0;
                            NSLog(@"Reset-: dealCountUserDelete is: %d -- dealCountaAfter is: %d", dealCountUserDelete, dealCountAfter);
                            NSLog(@"Just left linkedbusinessParseQuery");
                    NSLog(@"delete in background complete");

                    NSLog(@"You have just left IF");
                NSLog(@"You have just left for");

2014-09-03 08:20:52.579 CouponLocation[4585:60b] ViewWillAppear Array of deal objects: (
    "<dealParseClass:QwrgBFnZCK:(null)> {\n    dealDescription = \"Deal chelsea description\";\n    dealExpiryDate = \"2014-09-02 15:48:00 +0000\";\n    dealFinalPrice = 0;\n    dealImage = \"<PFFile: 0x1158985a0>\";\n    dealOriginalPrice = 85;\n    dealPercentageOff = 0;\n    dealPlaceObjectID = DYxAju6pXR;\n    dealStartDate = \"2014-09-02 19:49:49 +0000\";\n    dealStatus = Active;\n    dealTitle = \"deal chelse\";\n    dealType = \"Buy One Get One Free\";\n}",
    "<dealParseClass:zthLtvwUop:(null)> {\n    dealDescription = \"Xxx desc\";\n    dealExpiryDate = \"2014-09-10 07:15:36 +0000\";\n    dealFinalPrice = 0;\n    dealImage = \"<PFFile: 0x115897ec0>\";\n    dealOriginalPrice = 88;\n    dealPercentageOff = 0;\n    dealPlaceObjectID = DYxAju6pXR;\n    dealStartDate = \"2014-09-03 07:15:43 +0000\";\n    dealStatus = Active;\n    dealTitle = xxx;\n    dealType = \"Buy One Get One Half Price\";\n}",
    "<dealParseClass:Yl5AtXfkgZ:(null)> {\n    dealDescription = \"Ttt desc\";\n    dealExpiryDate = \"2014-09-02 11:01:00 +0000\";\n    dealFinalPrice = 0;\n    dealImage = \"<PFFile: 0x1158895e0>\";\n    dealOriginalPrice = 888;\n    dealPercentageOff = 0;\n    dealPlaceObjectID = DYxAju6pXR;\n    dealStartDate = \"2014-09-02 22:01:39 +0000\";\n    dealStatus = Active;\n    dealTitle = ttt;\n    dealType = \"Buy One Get One Free\";\n}"
2014-09-03 08:20:52.579 CouponLocation[4585:60b] You have just entered for
2014-09-03 08:20:52.579 CouponLocation[4585:60b] Expiry date for validation is: 2014-09-02 15:48:00 +0000
2014-09-03 08:20:52.580 CouponLocation[4585:60b] You have just left for
2014-09-03 08:20:52.580 CouponLocation[4585:60b] You have just entered for
2014-09-03 08:20:52.580 CouponLocation[4585:60b] Expiry date for validation is: 2014-09-10 07:15:36 +0000
2014-09-03 08:20:52.580 CouponLocation[4585:60b] delete in background complete
2014-09-03 08:20:52.581 CouponLocation[4585:60b] You have just left IF
2014-09-03 08:20:52.581 CouponLocation[4585:60b] You have just left for
2014-09-03 08:20:52.581 CouponLocation[4585:60b] You have just entered for
2014-09-03 08:20:52.581 CouponLocation[4585:60b] Expiry date for validation is: 2014-09-02 11:01:00 +0000
2014-09-03 08:20:52.581 CouponLocation[4585:60b] You have just left for
2014-09-03 08:20:53.483 CouponLocation[4585:60b] You have just entered IF
2014-09-03 08:20:53.713 CouponLocation[4585:60b] Just entered linkedbusinessParseQuery
2014-09-03 08:20:53.714 CouponLocation[4585:60b] Original deal count: 3
2014-09-03 08:20:53.715 CouponLocation[4585:60b] Deal count after: 2
2014-09-03 08:20:53.715 CouponLocation[4585:60b] deal object to be deleted: <dealParseClass:zthLtvwUop:(null)> {
    dealDescription = "Xxx desc";
    dealExpiryDate = "2014-09-10 07:15:36 +0000";
    dealFinalPrice = 0;
    dealImage = "<PFFile: 0x115897ec0>";
    dealOriginalPrice = 88;
    dealPercentageOff = 0;
    dealPlaceObjectID = DYxAju6pXR;
    dealStartDate = "2014-09-03 07:15:43 +0000";
    dealStatus = Active;
    dealTitle = xxx;
    dealType = "Buy One Get One Half Price";
2014-09-03 08:20:53.716 CouponLocation[4585:60b] deal object has now been deleted: <dealParseClass:zthLtvwUop:(null)> {
    dealDescription = "Xxx desc";
    dealExpiryDate = "2014-09-10 07:15:36 +0000";
    dealFinalPrice = 0;
    dealImage = "<PFFile: 0x115897ec0>";
    dealOriginalPrice = 88;
    dealPercentageOff = 0;
    dealPlaceObjectID = DYxAju6pXR;
    dealStartDate = "2014-09-03 07:15:43 +0000";
    dealStatus = Active;
    dealTitle = xxx;
    dealType = "Buy One Get One Half Price";
2014-09-03 08:20:53.716 CouponLocation[4585:60b] Reset-: dealCountUserDelete is: 0 -- dealCountaAfter is: 0
2014-09-03 08:20:53.716 CouponLocation[4585:60b] Just left linkedbusinessParseQuery

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您的代码的基本问题是您启动了几个异步任务,然后在下一行代码中假设它们已经完成并且您的数据已经更新。那是错的。例如。当你致电[dealObj deleteInBackground]时,你不能指望对象在下一行中消失。因此方法名称(&#34;在后台删除&#34;)。


[dealObj deleteInBackgroundWithBlock:^(BOOL succeeded, NSError *error) {
     if(succeeded) {
          NSLog(@"delete success!");
          // now you know the object has been deleted

NSLog(@"dealObj may or may not still exist at this point!");


 BOOL result = [dealObj delete];
 if(result) {
    NSLog(@"delete success!");