从字符串到IEnumerable <string>的Automapper Type Converter未被调用</string>

时间:2010-04-01 13:41:57

标签: ienumerable automapper typeconverter


public class StringListTypeConverter : TypeConverter<String, IEnumerable<String>>
    protected override IEnumerable<string> ConvertCore(String source)
        if (source == null)
            yield break;

        foreach (var item in source.Split(','))
            yield return item.Trim();

public class Source
    public String Some {get;set;}

public class Dest
    public IEnumerable<String> Some {get;set;}

// ... configuration
Mapper.CreateMap<String, IEnumerable<String>>().ConvertUsing<StringListTypeConverter>();
Mapper.CreateMap<Source, Dest>();

问题: StringListTypeConverter 根本没有被调用。 Dest.Some == null


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我不知道这是否有帮助,但我刚写了一个类似的转换器,见下文。我不介意承认转换器中的yield语句让我有点困惑。 :)

public class CsvToStringArrayConverter: ITypeConverter<string, string[]>
    #region Implementation of ITypeConverter<string,string[]>

    public string[] Convert(ResolutionContext context)
        if (context.SourceValue != null && !(context.SourceValue is string))
            throw new AutoMapperMappingException(context, string.Format("Value supplied is of type {0} but expected {1}.\nChange the type converter source type, or redirect the source value supplied to the value resolver using FromMember.", 
                                                                        typeof(string), context.SourceValue.GetType()));

        var list = new List<string>();
        var value = (string) context.SourceValue;


        return list.ToArray();



答案 1 :(得分:1)

经验证,Automapper 1.1 RTW
