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<h1>~ Ian Rose ~</h1>
<h2>~ CNIT 122 ~</h2>
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<h1>Hello World!!!</h1>
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<p>I grew up in San Francisco in the Mission and Sunset districts. I have also lived in many cities in America and traveled the country and world. This has exposed me to many diverse experiences and ideologies which have shaped me into the person I am today.
<p>I became interested in Web Development as a Electrical Engineering student at City College of San Francisco. I have always had an intrest in computer programming, but only had a limited experience as a child using Basic on a Apple IIe. As taking C++ was a requirement for my Engineering studies, I jumped at the opportunity to take it my second semester. After taking the class, I found a love for all things programming related. I switched directions to the path that I am on now.
<p>Being an artist growing up, I started to view web technologies as a fun way to expand on these skills, while updating them and using them in a modern way. I bought a book on HTML & CSS and got to work every night. About halfway through that book, which was about XHTML & CSS, I decided to get a book about CSS3. I made it through that book, made a website, and kept buying more books. I got into JavaScript and started learning that language. I am taking CNIT 133 as well as this class currently.
<p>I hope to tighten up my Web Development skills with these courses and get an internship as my gateway to the industry.
<p class="goodLuck">Let's Do This!!!<br>~ Ian ~
<p>All Material © Ian Rose, 2014<br>Website Designed and Developed by: <a href="mailto:ianrosedev@gmail.com">Ian Rose</a>
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