
时间:2014-08-31 10:56:56

标签: java android class canvas


    package com.example.renaymusic;

    import android.support.v7.app.ActionBar;
    import android.support.v7.app.ActionBarActivity;
    import android.support.v4.app.Fragment;
    import android.app.Activity;
    import android.content.Context;
    import android.content.res.Resources;
    import android.graphics.Canvas;
    import android.graphics.Color;
    import android.graphics.Paint;
    import android.graphics.Rect;
    import android.graphics.Typeface;
    import android.os.Bundle;
    import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
    import android.view.LayoutInflater;
    import android.view.Menu;
    import android.view.MenuItem;
    import android.view.View;
    import android.view.ViewGroup;
    import android.view.Window;
    import android.widget.TextView;
    import android.os.Build;

    public class Workspace extends ActionBarActivity {

public int statusbar = 0;
public boolean keysignature = false;
public boolean timesignature = false;
public int keysigvalue = 0;
public int numberStaves = 1;
public int fZoom = 1;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    SampleView viewWorkspace = new SampleView(this);

    statusbar = getStatusBarHeight();

    Typeface tf = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(),
    TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.workspace);


public int getStatusBarHeight() {
    int result = 0;
    int resourceId = getResources().getIdentifier("status_bar_height", "dimen", "android");
    if (resourceId > 0) {
        result = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(resourceId);
    return result;

public class SampleView extends View {

    private Paint paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
    private Typeface font;
    private Typeface font2;
    int viewWidth = 0;
    int viewHeight = 0;
    int StaffLinesPixels = 0;

    public SampleView(Context context) {

        paint.setTextSize(150 / fZoom);
        font = Typeface.createFromAsset(context.getAssets(), "Bravura.otf");
        font2 = Typeface.createFromAsset(context.getAssets(), "BravuraText.otf");


    protected void onSizeChanged(int xNew, int yNew, int xOld, int yOld) {

        super.onSizeChanged(xNew, yNew, xOld, yOld);
        viewWidth = xNew;
        viewHeight = yNew;

    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

        String string2 = getResources().getString(R.string.clefAlto);
        String staveFive = getResources().getString(R.string.staveFive);
        int altoHeight = measureHeight(string2, paint);

        canvas.drawText(string2, viewWidth * 0.09f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f, paint);
        canvas.drawText(staveFive, viewWidth * 0.09f, (viewHeight + (altoHeight / 2)) * 0.5f, paint);

        canvas.scale(0.7f, 0.7f, viewWidth * 0.5f, viewHeight * 0.5f);

        drawTrebleClef(canvas, paint);
        drawTimeSignatureCustom(canvas, 8, 4);
        // paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);
        // paint.setStrokeWidth(6);

        // canvas.drawRect(280, 520 - paint.getTextSize(), 280 + paint.measureText(staveFive), 520, paint);


    public void drawSingleStaff(Canvas canvas) {

        float dptopx = 0.0f;
        float startBarPx = 0.0f;
        startBarPx = dpToPx(0.85f);
        dptopx = dpToPx(12.4f);
        Paint paint = new Paint();
        paint.setStrokeWidth(5 / fZoom);
        canvas.drawLine(viewWidth * 0.09f, viewHeight * 0.5f, viewWidth * 0.90f, viewHeight * 0.5f, paint);
        canvas.drawLine(viewWidth * 0.09f, viewHeight * 0.5f + dptopx, viewWidth * 0.90f, viewHeight * 0.5f + dptopx, paint);
        canvas.drawLine(viewWidth * 0.09f, viewHeight * 0.5f - dptopx, viewWidth * 0.90f, viewHeight * 0.5f - dptopx, paint);
        canvas.drawLine(viewWidth * 0.09f, viewHeight * 0.5f - (dptopx * 2), viewWidth * 0.90f, viewHeight * 0.5f - (dptopx * 2), paint);
        canvas.drawLine(viewWidth * 0.09f, viewHeight * 0.5f - (dptopx * 3), viewWidth * 0.90f, viewHeight * 0.5f - (dptopx * 3), paint);
        // Draw bar lines - start/end
        canvas.drawLine(viewWidth * 0.09f, viewHeight * 0.5f - (dptopx * 3) - startBarPx, viewWidth * 0.09f, viewHeight * 0.5f + dptopx + startBarPx, paint);
        canvas.drawLine(viewWidth * 0.86f, viewHeight * 0.5f - (dptopx * 3) - startBarPx, viewWidth * 0.86f, viewHeight * 0.5f + dptopx + startBarPx, paint);

    public void drawKeySigGTreble(Canvas canvas) {

        float dptopx = 0.0f;
        dptopx = dpToPx(12.4f);
        Paint paint = new Paint();
        paint.setTextSize(190 / fZoom);
        String accidentalSharp = getResources().getString(R.string.accidentalSharp);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp, viewWidth * 0.15f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f - (dptopx * 1.35f), paint);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp, viewWidth * 0.172f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f - (dptopx), paint);
        keysignature = true;
        keysigvalue = 2;


    // I need to calculate the available space left in the bar, which bar the crotchet is
    // being added, which stave position, which beat, which segment of the beat.
    // I need to also simplify and reduce the amount of code used for each method - it is messy.

    public void drawCrotchet(Canvas canvas) {

        float dptopx = 0.0f;
        dptopx = dpToPx(12.4f);
        Paint paint = new Paint();
        String crotchet = getResources().getString(R.string.upCrotchet);
        canvas.drawText(crotchet, viewWidth * 0.32f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f - (dptopx * 1.55f), paint);


    public void drawKeySigDTreble(Canvas canvas) {

        float dptopx = 0.0f;
        dptopx = dpToPx(12.4f);
        Paint paint = new Paint();
        paint.setTextSize(190 / fZoom);
        String accidentalSharp = getResources().getString(R.string.accidentalSharp);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp, viewWidth * 0.15f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f - (dptopx * 1.35f), paint);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp,  viewWidth * 0.172f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f, paint);
        keysignature = true;
        keysigvalue = 2;


    public void drawKeySigATreble(Canvas canvas) {

        float dptopx = 0.0f;
        dptopx = dpToPx(12.4f);
        Paint paint = new Paint();
        paint.setTextSize(190 / fZoom);
        String accidentalSharp = getResources().getString(R.string.accidentalSharp);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp, viewWidth * 0.15f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f - (dptopx * 1.35f), paint);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp, viewWidth * 0.172f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f, paint);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp, viewWidth * 0.194f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f - (dptopx * 1.90f), paint);
        keysignature = true;
        keysigvalue = 3;

    public void drawKeySigETreble(Canvas canvas) {

        float dptopx = 0.0f;
        dptopx = dpToPx(12.4f);
        Paint paint = new Paint();
        String accidentalSharp = getResources().getString(R.string.accidentalSharp);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp, viewWidth * 0.15f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f - (dptopx * 1.35f), paint);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp, viewWidth * 0.172f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f, paint);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp, viewWidth * 0.194f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f - (dptopx * 1.90f), paint);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp, viewWidth * 0.216f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f - (dptopx * 0.40f), paint);
        keysignature = true;
        keysigvalue = 4;

    public void drawKeySigBTreble(Canvas canvas) {

        float dptopx = 0.0f;
        dptopx = dpToPx(12.4f);
        Paint paint = new Paint();
        String accidentalSharp = getResources().getString(R.string.accidentalSharp);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp, viewWidth * 0.15f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f - (dptopx * 1.35f), paint);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp, viewWidth * 0.172f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f, paint);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp, viewWidth * 0.194f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f - (dptopx * 1.90f), paint);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp, viewWidth * 0.216f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f - (dptopx * 0.40f), paint);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp, viewWidth * 0.238f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f + (dptopx * 1.10f), paint);
        keysignature = true;
        keysigvalue = 5;

    public void drawKeySigFSharpTreble(Canvas canvas) {

        float dptopx = 0.0f;
        dptopx = dpToPx(12.4f);
        Paint paint = new Paint();
        String accidentalSharp = getResources().getString(R.string.accidentalSharp);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp, viewWidth * 0.15f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f - (dptopx * 1.35f), paint);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp, viewWidth * 0.172f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f, paint);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp, viewWidth * 0.194f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f - (dptopx * 1.90f), paint);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp, viewWidth * 0.216f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f - (dptopx * 0.40f), paint);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp, viewWidth * 0.238f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f + (dptopx * 1.10f), paint);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp,  viewWidth * 0.260f,  (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f - (dptopx * 0.95f), paint);
        keysignature = true;
        keysigvalue = 6;

    public void drawKeySigCSharpTreble(Canvas canvas) {

        float dptopx = 0.0f;
        dptopx = dpToPx(12.4f);
        Paint paint = new Paint();
        String accidentalSharp = getResources().getString(R.string.accidentalSharp);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp, viewWidth * 0.15f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f - (dptopx * 1.35f), paint);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp, viewWidth * 0.172f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f, paint);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp, viewWidth * 0.194f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f - (dptopx * 1.90f), paint);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp, viewWidth * 0.216f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f - (dptopx * 0.40f), paint);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp, viewWidth * 0.238f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f + (dptopx * 1.10f), paint);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp,  viewWidth * 0.260f,  (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f - (dptopx * 0.95f), paint);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalSharp, viewWidth * 0.282f,  (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f + (dptopx * 0.60f), paint);
        keysignature = true;
        keysigvalue = 7;

    public void drawKeySigFTreble(Canvas canvas) {

        float dptopx = 0.0f;
        dptopx = dpToPx(12.4f);
        Paint paint = new Paint();
        String accidentalFlat = getResources().getString(R.string.accidentalFlat);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalFlat, viewWidth * 0.16f,  (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f + (dptopx * 0.75f), paint);
        keysignature = true;
        keysigvalue = -1;

    public void drawKeySigBFlatTreble(Canvas canvas) {

        float dptopx = 0.0f;
        dptopx = dpToPx(12.4f);
        Paint paint = new Paint();
        paint.setTextSize(190 / fZoom);
        String accidentalFlat = getResources().getString(R.string.accidentalFlat);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalFlat, viewWidth * 0.16f,  (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f + (dptopx * 0.75f), paint);
        canvas.drawText(accidentalFlat, viewWidth * 0.18f,  (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f - (dptopx * 0.79f), paint);
        keysignature = true;
        keysigvalue = -2;

    public void drawSignatureCommon(Canvas canvas) {

        Paint paint = new Paint();
        paint.setTextSize(190 / fZoom);
        String timeCommon = getResources().getString(R.string.timeCommon);

        if (keysigvalue == 0) {

            canvas.drawText(timeCommon, viewWidth * 0.15f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f, paint);

        if(keysigvalue == 1) {

            canvas.drawText(timeCommon, viewWidth * 0.18f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f, paint);

        if(keysigvalue == -1) {

            canvas.drawText(timeCommon, viewWidth * 0.20f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f, paint);

        if(keysigvalue == 2 || keysigvalue == -2) {

            canvas.drawText(timeCommon, viewWidth * 0.21f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f, paint);

        if(keysigvalue == 3 || keysigvalue == -3) {

            canvas.drawText(timeCommon, viewWidth * 0.23f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f, paint);

        if(keysigvalue == 4 || keysigvalue == -4) {

            canvas.drawText(timeCommon, viewWidth * 0.26f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f, paint);

        if(keysigvalue == 5 || keysigvalue == -5) {

            canvas.drawText(timeCommon, viewWidth * 0.29f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f, paint);

        if(keysigvalue == 6 || keysigvalue == -6) {

            canvas.drawText(timeCommon, viewWidth * 0.30f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f, paint);

        if(keysigvalue == 7 || keysigvalue == -7) {

            canvas.drawText(timeCommon,  viewWidth * 0.32f,  (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f,  paint);

        timesignature = true;

    public void drawTimeSignatureCustom(Canvas canvas, int iDivisions, int iBeatLength) {

        float dptopx = 0.0f;
        dptopx = dpToPx(12.4f);
        Paint paint = new Paint();
        paint.setTextSize(190 / fZoom);
        String sDivisions = "";
        String sBeatLength = "";
        String timeZero = getResources().getString(R.string.timeZero);
        String timeOne = getResources().getString(R.string.timeOne);
        String timeTwo = getResources().getString(R.string.timeTwo);
        String timeFour = getResources().getString(R.string.timeFour);
        String timeThree = getResources().getString(R.string.timeThree);
        String timeFive = getResources().getString(R.string.timeFive);
        String timeSix = getResources().getString(R.string.timeSix);
        String timeSeven = getResources().getString(R.string.timeSeven);
        String timeEight = getResources().getString(R.string.timeEight);
        String timeNine = getResources().getString(R.string.timeNine);

        if (iDivisions == 0) {
            sDivisions = timeZero;

        if(iDivisions == 1) {
            sDivisions = timeOne;

        if(iDivisions == 2) {
            sDivisions = timeTwo;

        if(iDivisions == 3) {
            sDivisions = timeThree;

        if(iDivisions == 4) {
            sDivisions = timeFour;

        if(iDivisions == 5) {
            sDivisions = timeFive;

        if(iDivisions == 6) {
            sDivisions = timeSix;

        if(iDivisions == 7) {
            sDivisions = timeSeven;

        if(iDivisions == 8) {
            sDivisions = timeEight;

        if(iDivisions == 9) {
            sDivisions = timeNine;

        if(iBeatLength == 0) {
            sBeatLength = timeZero;

        if(iBeatLength == 1) {
            sBeatLength = timeOne;

        if(iBeatLength == 2) {
            sBeatLength = timeTwo;

        if(iBeatLength == 3) {
            sBeatLength = timeThree;

        if(iBeatLength == 4) {
            sBeatLength = timeFour;

        if(iBeatLength == 5) {
            sBeatLength = timeFive;

        if(iBeatLength == 6) {
            sBeatLength = timeSix;

        if(iBeatLength == 7) {
            sBeatLength = timeSeven;

        if(iBeatLength == 8) {
            sBeatLength = timeEight;

        if(iBeatLength == 9) {
            sBeatLength = timeNine;

        if (keysigvalue == -2) {
            canvas.drawText(sDivisions, viewWidth * 0.22f,  (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f - (dptopx * 1.02f), paint);
            canvas.drawText(sBeatLength, viewWidth * 0.22f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f + (dptopx * 1.04f), paint);

        if(keysigvalue == -1) {
            canvas.drawText(sDivisions, viewWidth * 0.20f,  (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f - (dptopx * 1.02f), paint);
            canvas.drawText(sBeatLength, viewWidth * 0.20f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f + (dptopx * 1.04f), paint);



    public void drawAltoClef(Canvas canvas, Paint paint) {

        String clefAlto = getResources().getString(R.string.clefAlto);
        canvas.drawText(clefAlto, viewWidth * 0.09f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f, paint);

    public void drawTrebleClef(Canvas canvas, Paint paint) {

        float dptopx = 0.0f;
        dptopx = dpToPx(12.4f);
        String clefTreble = getResources().getString(R.string.clefTreble);
        canvas.drawText(clefTreble, viewWidth * 0.09f, (viewHeight - statusbar) * 0.5f + dptopx, paint);

public static float dpToPx(float dp)
    return (float) (dp * Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics().density);

public static float pxToDp(float px)
    return (float) (px / Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics().density);

public int measureHeight(String text, Paint brush) {

    Rect result = new Rect();
    // Measure the text rectangle to get the height
    brush.getTextBounds(text, 0, text.length(), result);

    return result.height();

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {

    // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
    getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.workspace, menu);
    return true;

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
    // Handle action bar item clicks here. The action bar will
    // automatically handle clicks on the Home/Up button, so long
    // as you specify a parent activity in AndroidManifest.xml.
    int id = item.getItemId();
    if (id == R.id.action_settings) {
        return true;
    return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);


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