如何将节点定位到Sprite Kit中圆周边的随机点?

时间:2014-08-31 03:38:45

标签: swift sprite-kit


let enemy = SKShapeNode(circleOfRadius: 5)

func enemyGenerator() {

//takes an x value and calculates the corresponding y coordinate on the circle.
    func enemyYSpawnPosition(x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
        return sqrt(104006.25 - (x * x))

//randomly selects an x value from a range of acceptable values.
    func enemyXSpawnPosition() -> CGFloat {
        func randRange (lower: Int , upper: Int) -> Int {
            return lower + Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(upper - lower + 1)))
        var xValue = randRange(-2.5, 322.5)
        return CGFloat (xValue)

//used to randomly decide whether the y value will be subtracted or added.
    func coinFlip (lower: Int, upper: Int) -> Int {
        return lower + Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(upper - lower + 1)))
    var randResult = coinFlip(1, 2)

//positions the enemy using the functions above.
    if randResult == 1 {
        self.enemy.position = CGPointMake(enemyXSpawnPosition(), CGRectGetMidY(self.frame) + enemyYSpawnPosition(enemyXSpawnPosition()))
    else {
        self.enemy.position = CGPointMake(enemyXSpawnPosition(), CGRectGetMidY(self.frame) - enemyYSpawnPosition(enemyXSpawnPosition()))



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func randomPointOnCircle(radius:Float, center:CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
    // Random angle in [0, 2*pi]
    let theta = Float(arc4random_uniform(UInt32.max))/Float(UInt32.max-1) * Float.pi * 2.0
    // Convert polar to cartesian
    let x = radius * cos(theta)
    let y = radius * sin(theta)
    return CGPointMake(CGFloat(x)+center.x,CGFloat(y)+center.y)