
时间:2014-08-30 16:10:13

标签: image matlab image-processing matlab-guide




sizeI = size(I1);
zeros = floor((sizeI(2) -  min(sum(any(I1))))/2);
I2 = I1(:, zeros : sizeI(2)-zeros, :);
nonZero = sum(any(I1,2));

sizeI2 = size(I2);
zerosRows = floor((sizeI(1) -  min(sum(any(I2, 2))))/2);
I3 = I2(zerosRows : sizeI2(1)-zerosRows, :, :);

subplot(1,3,1), imshow(I1);title('Figure 1');
subplot(1,3,2), imshow(I2);title('Figure 2');
subplot(1,3,3), imshow(I3);title('Figure 3');


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)

此代码适用于我,假设您的黑色边框像素全为零。如果图像的黑色边框中存在非零像素(可能是由于量化和压缩效果 - 您的图像毕竟是 JPEG ...),则此代码将无效。这段代码正在做的是首先检查所有列,看是否有任何非零像素。然后通过确定第一个非零列并转到最后一个非零列来确定要裁剪的位置。此代码还假定非零列是对称,这就是您在zeros语句中除以2的原因。顺便说一句,zeros是MATLAB中的内置函数。我不建议您创建具有此名称的变量,因为您的后续代码可能需要此功能,并且您无意中使用变量遮盖此函数。


im = imread('cameraman.tif');
I1 = padarray(im2double(im), [10 10]);


enter image description here


  1. 这假设图像周围有一个完全对称的黑色边框。
  2. 这假设所有黑色边框像素都
  3. 如果您的边框具有非零像素,即使可能在视觉上看起来像是非零像素,那么此代码也不起作用。
  4. 因此,我建议您将图像的阈值设置为少量(可能是强度为10),以确保在继续之前边界为零。然后,您将使用此图像计算您拥有的边框像素数。因此,做这样的事情。

    I1=im2double(imread('dart.jpg')); %// Read in the image
    I1thresh = I1 >= (10/255); %// As an example - Note the division by 255 as you did im2double
    sizeI = size(I1);
    zeros = floor((sizeI(2) -  min(sum(any(I1thresh))))/2); %// Note the change in any
    I2 = I1(:, zeros : sizeI(2)-zeros, :); 
    I2thresh = I1thresh(:, zeros : sizeI(2)-zeros, :);  % // Note new variable
    nonZero = sum(any(I1thresh,2)); %// Note the change in any
    sizeI2 = size(I2);
    zerosRows = floor((sizeI(1) -  min(sum(any(I2thresh, 2))))/2); %// Note change in any
    I3 = I2(zerosRows : sizeI2(1)-zerosRows, :, :);
    subplot(1,3,1), imshow(I1);title('Figure 1');
    subplot(1,3,2), imshow(I2);title('Figure 2');
    subplot(1,3,3), imshow(I3);title('Figure 3');

    编辑 - 非均匀黑色边框


    I1=im2double(imread('dart.jpg')); %// Read in the image
    I1thresh = I1 >= (10/255); %// As an example - Note the division by 255 as you did im2double
    %// Removed as this is no longer needed 
    %// sizeI = size(I1);
    nonZeroCols = find(any(I1thresh)); %// Change
    minCol = min(nonZeroCols); %// Change
    maxCol = max(nonZeroCols); %// Change
    I2 = I1(:, minCol : maxCol, :); 
    I2thresh = I1thresh(:, minCol : maxCol, :);  % // Note new variable
    %// Commented out. Don't see this being used anywhere
    %//nonZero = sum(any(I1thresh,2)); %// Note the change in any
    %// Removed as this is no longer needed
    %//sizeI2 = size(I2);
    nonZeroRows = find(any(I2thresh, 2)); %// Change
    minRow = min(nonZeroRows); %// Change
    maxRow = max(nonZeroRows); %// Change
    I3 = I2(minRow : maxRow, :, :); %// Change
    subplot(1,3,1), imshow(I1);title('Figure 1');
    subplot(1,3,2), imshow(I2);title('Figure 2');
    subplot(1,3,3), imshow(I3);title('Figure 3');
