<cfquery datasource="#one#" name="GetResults">
SELECT ID, Account, Value
FROM Logger_Events
left join Event_Details
on ID = EventID
where type = '123'
<cfquery datasource="#two#" name="getSubtotal">
select account from daily
第一个查询给我200条记录,第二条查询给我喜欢 五十万条记录。
有没有办法让第二个查询从第一个查询中获取记录, 没有查询查询? 我将使用帐户列加入。
答案 0 :(得分:5)
答案 1 :(得分:2)
由于您使用的是sql server,我建议使用链接服务器。选择一个服务器并将链接服务器设置为另一个服务器。然后设置一个类似这样的存储过程;
declare #TempTable table (field1 datatype1, etc);
insert into #TempTable (field1, field2, etc)
select field1, field2, etc
from openquery
'select field1, field2 etc
from blah blah blah
select yourfields
from #TempTable join aTableInThatDB on etc
答案 2 :(得分:0)
这个想法是将其中一个查询转换为结构。 我的功能很基本,但目前看起来像这样:
<cffunction name="joinNameFromIDStructs" returnType="query" hint="Returns the Fund Activity">
<cfargument name="qryMain" type="query" required="Yes" hint='The query which is going to be translated' >
<cfargument name="foreignTable" type="string" required="Yes" hint='table which contains the details of our foreign column' >
<cfargument name="foreignPK" type="string" required="No" default="#arguments.foreignTable#ID" hint="Primary Key in the foreign table" >
<cfargument name="foreignKey" type="string" required="Yes" hint="column in the main table which references another table" >
<cfargument name="foreignText" type="string" required="Yes" hint="the column in the foreing table which hold the required details. It will override the foreign key column in the main table" >
<cfset var idPK = "">
<cfset var qryForeignTable = "">
<cfset var stForeignTable = StructNew()>
<cfset var listForeignPKs = evaluate("ValueList(arguments.qryMain.#arguments.foreignKey#)")/>
<cfif ListLen(listForeignPKs)>
<cfquery name="qryForeignTable" datasource='#application.siteDataSource#' >
SELECT #arguments.foreignPK#, #arguments.foreignText# FROM #arguments.foreignTable#
WHERE #arguments.foreignPK# IN (<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value='#arrayToList(listToArray(listForeignPKs))#' list="true" />) <!--- CF8 does not support ListRemoveDuplicates , hence we will use the array conversion to remove empties --->
<cfloop query='qryForeignTable'>
<cfset stForeignTable[qryForeignTable[arguments.foreignPK][qryForeignTable.currentrow]] = qryForeignTable[arguments.foreignText][qryForeignTable.currentrow]/>
<cfloop query='arguments.qryMain'>
<cfset idPK = arguments.qryMain[arguments.foreignKey]/>
<cfif idPK neq "">
<cfset arguments.qryMain[arguments.foreignKey][arguments.qryMain.currentrow] = stForeignTable[idPK]/>
<cfreturn arguments.qryMain/>