我有一个UIView在从搜索segue展开后在屏幕触摸时崩溃。它基本上允许用户在第一个UIView中选择一个标签,该标签推送到员工搜索UIView中,用户从列表中选择一个员工。选择后,它将返回到屏幕并为该标签分配所选的员工姓名。所有款式等都应用得很好,所以我正在看一个正确的屏幕,但只要我触摸屏幕做任何其他事情,无论是后退按钮,选择员工标签还是屏幕的其他区域,它只是用Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS(code=1,address=0xc)
#import "ConditionNewVC.h"
#import "EmployeeSearchVC.h"
#import "Condition.h"
@implementation ConditionNewVC
@synthesize condition;
- ( void ) didReceiveMemoryWarning
[ super didReceiveMemoryWarning ];
- ( void ) viewDidLoad
[ super viewDidLoad ];
// Handle the responsible person view touch
UITapGestureRecognizer *singleFingerTap = [ [ UITapGestureRecognizer alloc ] initWithTarget: self action: @selector( handleResponsiblePersonViewTouch: ) ];
[ _viewResponsiblePerson addGestureRecognizer: singleFingerTap ];
* Ready layout prior to view load
- ( void ) viewDidLayoutSubviews
[ super viewDidLayoutSubviews ];
[ self assignValues ];
#pragma mark - Input Controls
* Handle the view touch
* @param recognizer
- ( void ) handleResponsiblePersonViewTouch: ( UITapGestureRecognizer * ) recognizer
[ self performSegueWithIdentifier: @"searchEmployeeSegue" sender: @"ConditionNewVC" ];
#pragma mark - Aesthetics
* Assign values to objects
- ( void ) assignValues
// If as such, assign the passed condition values, otherwise leave as blank
if ( [ condition.responsiblePersonName length ] > 0 )
_lblResponsible.text = condition.responsiblePersonName;
_lblResponsible.text = @"Select responsible person";
#pragma mark - Segues
- ( IBAction ) unwindToConditionNewVC: ( UIStoryboardSegue * ) unwindSegue
// Let's get the condition object from the unwound employee search
EmployeeSearchVC *employeeSearchVC = unwindSegue.sourceViewController;
// init object in memory if not already allocated
if ( !condition )
condition = [ [ Condition alloc ] init ];
condition = employeeSearchVC.condition;
* Prepare object data for next view
* @param segue the segue that the view is going to
* @param sender sender of the action
- ( void ) prepareForSegue: ( UIStoryboardSegue * ) segue sender: ( id ) sender
if ( [ [ segue identifier ] isEqualToString: @"searchEmployeeSegue" ] )
// init object in memory if not already allocated
if ( !condition )
condition = [ [ Condition alloc ] init ];
condition.responsiblePersonName = _lblResponsible.text;
EmployeeSearchVC *employeeSearchVC = segue.destinationViewController;
employeeSearchVC.condition = condition;
employeeSearchVC.unwindSegueToPerform = @"unwindToConditionNewVC";
#import "EmployeeSearchVC.h"
#import "Employee.h"
#import "ConditionNewVC.h"
@implementation EmployeeSearchVC
@synthesize unwindSegueToPerform;
@synthesize condition;
- ( void ) didReceiveMemoryWarning
[ super didReceiveMemoryWarning ];
- ( void ) viewDidLoad
[ super viewDidLoad ];
// Instantiate the object manager
_employeeManager = [ EmployeeManager employeeManager ];
- ( void ) viewDidLayoutSubviews
[ super viewDidLayoutSubviews ];
[ self addStyles ];
// stuff to handle employee table view
#pragma mark - Segues
* Prepare object data for next view
* @param segue the segue that the view is going to
* @param sender sender of the action
- ( void ) prepareForSegue: ( UIStoryboardSegue * ) segue sender: ( id ) sender
// Get index of row clicked and assign it to a new object to pass into the detail view
NSIndexPath *indexPathClicked = [ _autocompleteTableView indexPathForSelectedRow ];
int row = [ indexPathClicked row ];
Employee *selectedEmployee = [ _matchedEmployees init ][ row ];
// Search
if ( [ unwindSegueToPerform isEqualToString: @"unwindToSearchFormVC" ] )
// Assign the selected employee name to the correct search Param fields
if ( ![ selectedEmployee isEqual: [ NSNull null ] ] ) {
// Assign the correct property the selected employee value
if ( [ strProperty isEqualToString: @"responsiblePerson"] )
searchParams.responsiblePerson = nil;
searchParams.responsiblePerson = selectedEmployee.fullName;
else if ( [ strProperty isEqualToString: @"author"] )
searchParams.author = nil;
searchParams.author = selectedEmployee.fullName;
// Assign the value to the next detail view
SearchFormVC *searchFormVC = segue.destinationViewController;
searchFormVC.searchParams = searchParams;
// Condition search
if ( [ unwindSegueToPerform isEqualToString: @"unwindToConditionNewVC" ] )
// Assign the selected employee name to the correct condition fields
if ( ![ selectedEmployee isEqual: [ NSNull null ] ] ) {
condition.responsiblePersonName = nil;
condition.responsiblePersonName = selectedEmployee.fullName;
// Assign the value to the next detail view
ConditionNewVC *conditionNewVC = segue.destinationViewController;
conditionNewVC.condition = condition;