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这是OpenMP nested parallelism的作业,从OpenMP 3开始:您可以使用OpenMP tasks启动两个独立任务,然后在这些任务中,使用相应数量的线程的并行部分。 / p>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <omp.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
omp_set_nested(1); /* make sure nested parallism is on */
int nprocs = omp_get_num_procs();
int nthreads1 = nprocs/3;
int nthreads2 = nprocs - nthreads1;
#pragma omp parallel default(none) shared(nthreads1, nthreads2) num_threads(2)
#pragma omp single
#pragma omp task
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nthreads1)
for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
printf("Task 1: thread %d of the %d children of %d: handling iter %d\n",
omp_get_thread_num(), omp_get_team_size(2),
omp_get_ancestor_thread_num(1), i);
#pragma omp task
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nthreads2)
for (int j=0; j<16; j++)
printf("Task 2: thread %d of the %d children of %d: handling iter %d\n",
omp_get_thread_num(), omp_get_team_size(2),
omp_get_ancestor_thread_num(1), j);
return 0;
$ gcc -fopenmp nested.c -o nested -std=c99
$ ./nested
Task 2: thread 3 of the 11 children of 0: handling iter 6
Task 2: thread 3 of the 11 children of 0: handling iter 7
Task 2: thread 1 of the 11 children of 0: handling iter 2
Task 2: thread 1 of the 11 children of 0: handling iter 3
Task 1: thread 2 of the 5 children of 1: handling iter 8
Task 1: thread 2 of the 5 children of 1: handling iter 9
Task 1: thread 2 of the 5 children of 1: handling iter 10
Task 1: thread 2 of the 5 children of 1: handling iter 11
Task 2: thread 6 of the 11 children of 0: handling iter 12
Task 2: thread 6 of the 11 children of 0: handling iter 13
Task 1: thread 0 of the 5 children of 1: handling iter 0
Task 1: thread 0 of the 5 children of 1: handling iter 1
Task 1: thread 0 of the 5 children of 1: handling iter 2
Task 1: thread 0 of the 5 children of 1: handling iter 3
Task 2: thread 5 of the 11 children of 0: handling iter 10
Task 2: thread 5 of the 11 children of 0: handling iter 11
Task 2: thread 0 of the 11 children of 0: handling iter 0
Task 2: thread 0 of the 11 children of 0: handling iter 1
Task 2: thread 2 of the 11 children of 0: handling iter 4
Task 2: thread 2 of the 11 children of 0: handling iter 5
Task 1: thread 1 of the 5 children of 1: handling iter 4
Task 2: thread 4 of the 11 children of 0: handling iter 8
Task 2: thread 4 of the 11 children of 0: handling iter 9
Task 1: thread 3 of the 5 children of 1: handling iter 12
Task 1: thread 3 of the 5 children of 1: handling iter 13
Task 1: thread 3 of the 5 children of 1: handling iter 14
Task 2: thread 7 of the 11 children of 0: handling iter 14
Task 2: thread 7 of the 11 children of 0: handling iter 15
Task 1: thread 1 of the 5 children of 1: handling iter 5
Task 1: thread 1 of the 5 children of 1: handling iter 6
Task 1: thread 1 of the 5 children of 1: handling iter 7
Task 1: thread 3 of the 5 children of 1: handling iter 15
已更新 :我已将上述内容更改为包含线程祖先;因为有(例如)两个&#34;线程1&#34; s打印出来 - 这里我也打印了祖先(例如,&#34; 1&#5的5个孩子中的第1个线程) 34; vs&#34; 0和#34;的11个孩子中的第1个线程。
从OpenMP standard,S.3.2.4开始,“omp_get_thread_num
它们是团队本地线程号而不是全局唯一线程号的原因非常简单;在嵌套和动态并行可能发生的环境中跟踪全局唯一的线程数几乎是不可能的。假设有三个线程组,编号为[0..5],[6,... 10]和[11..15],中间团队完成。我们是否在线程编号中留下空白?我们是否会中断所有线程以更改其全局数字?如果一个新团队启动,有7个线程怎么办?我们是在6开始它们并且有重叠的线程ID,还是我们在16开始它们并在编号中留下空白?