JSON没有在> IE8中填充下拉列表

时间:2014-08-28 11:26:32

标签: php jquery ajax json internet-explorer




<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
(function($) {
    $('select[name="post_type"]').change(function(event) {
        $.post( <? php echo json_encode(admin_url('admin-ajax.php')); ?> , {
            action: 'wpse158929_get_terms_for_cpt',
            post_type: $(this).val(),
            taxonomy: <? php echo json_encode($taxonomy); ?> ,
            current_selected: $('select[name="location"]').val(),
                nonce: <? php echo json_encode(wp_create_nonce('wpse158929_get_terms_for_cpt_submit_')); ?>
        }, function(response) {
            if (response && !response.error) {
        }, 'json');
    // Remove if you don't want to call change immediately.


function my_dropdown_categories( $taxonomy, $current_selected = '', $include = null ) {
// Get all terms of the chosen taxonomy
$terms = get_terms($taxonomy, array('orderby' => 'name'));

// our content variable
$list_of_terms = '<select  id="location-dropdown" class="fade-in five selectboxSingle" name="location">';

            // the current selected taxonomy slug ( would come from a QUERY VAR)
            //$current_selected = "asfasdf";

if ( ! is_wp_error( $terms ) ) foreach($terms as $term){

    // If include array set, exclude unless in array.
    if ( is_array( $include ) && ! in_array( $term->slug, $include ) ) continue;

    $select = ($current_selected == $term->slug) ? "selected" : ""; // Note: ==

    if ($term->parent == 0 ) {

        // get children of current parent.
        $tchildren = get_term_children($term->term_id, $taxonomy);

        $children = array();
        foreach ($tchildren as $child) {
            $cterm = get_term_by( 'id', $child, $taxonomy );
            // If include array set, exclude unless in array.
            if ( is_array( $include ) && ! in_array( $cterm->slug, $include ) ) continue;
            $children[$cterm->name] = $cterm;

        if (count($children) > 0 ) {
           //  $list_of_terms .= '<optgroup label="'. $term->name .'">';
             if ($term->count > 0)
                 $list_of_terms .= '<option class="option-parent" value="'.$term->slug.'" '.$select.'>'. $term->name .'</option>';
        } else
            $list_of_terms .= '<option value="'.$term->slug.'" '.$select.'>'. $term->name .' </option>';

        // now the CHILDREN.
        foreach($children as $child) {

             //$select = ($current_selected) ? "selected" : ""; // Note: child, not cterm
             $list_of_terms .= '<option class="option-child" value="'.$child->slug.'" '.$select.'>'. "&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $child->name.' </option>';

        } //end foreach

        if (count($children) > 0 ) {
            $list_of_terms .= "</optgroup>";

$list_of_terms .= '</select>';

return $list_of_terms;

add_action( 'wp_ajax_wpse158929_get_terms_for_cpt', 'wpse158929_get_terms_for_cpt' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_wpse158929_get_terms_for_cpt',     'wpse158929_get_terms_for_cpt' );

function wpse158929_get_terms_for_cpt() {
$ret = array( 'html' => '', 'error' => false );

if ( ! check_ajax_referer( 'wpse158929_get_terms_for_cpt_submit_', 'nonce', false /*die*/ ) ) {
    $ret['error'] = __( 'Permission error', 'wpfm' );
} else {
    $post_type = isset( $_REQUEST['post_type'] ) ? $_REQUEST['post_type'] : '';
    $taxonomy = isset( $_REQUEST['taxonomy'] ) ? $_REQUEST['taxonomy'] : '';
    $current_selected = isset( $_REQUEST['current_selected'] ) ? $_REQUEST['current_selected'] : '';

    if ( ! $post_type || ! $taxonomy ) {
        $ret['error'] = __( 'Params error', 'wpfm' );
    } else {
        global $wpdb;
        $sql = $wpdb->prepare( 'SELECT t.slug FROM ' . $wpdb->terms . ' t'
            . ' JOIN ' . $wpdb->term_taxonomy . ' AS tt ON tt.term_id = t.term_id'
            . ' JOIN ' . $wpdb->term_relationships . ' AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id'
            . ' JOIN ' . $wpdb->posts . ' AS p ON p.ID = tr.object_id'
            . ' WHERE tt.taxonomy = %s AND p.post_type = %s AND p.post_status = %s'
            . ' GROUP BY t.slug'
            , $taxonomy, $post_type, 'publish' );
        $include = $wpdb->get_col($sql);
        $ret['html'] = my_dropdown_categories( $taxonomy, $current_selected, $include );

wp_send_json( $ret );

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

Internet Explorer 始终存在动态HTML和下拉列表的问题,主要是使用 .html()。您应该使用更兼容的方式创建下拉列表:

var json = [{value:"foo",text:"text 1"},{value:"bar",text:"text 2"}];
$("#myid option").remove();
$.each(json,function(k,v) {

以上适用于IE11。 您还可以尝试这种香草方式以获得更高的兼容性:

var json = [{value:"foo",text:"text 1"},{value:"bar",text:"text 2"}];
var d = document.getElementById("myid");
for(var x in json) {
   d.options[x] = new Option(json[x]["text"],json[x]["value"]);



<强> PHP

echo json_encode("html_options"=>array(
   array("text"=>"text 1","value"=>"foo"),
   array("text"=>"text 2","value"=>"bar"),

<强> JS

$("select[name="location"] option").remove();
$.each(response.html_options,function(k,v) {

var d = document.getElementById("myid");     <--- you need a select id here
for(var x in response.html_options) {
   d.options[x] = new Option(response.html_options[x]["text"],response.html_options[x]["value"]);
   d.options[x].className = response.html_options[x]["class"];
   if (response.html_options[x]["selected"]) {
      d.selectedIndex = x;


function my_dropdown_categories( $taxonomy, $current_selected = '', $include = null ) {
   $options = array();
   // Get all terms of the chosen taxonomy
   $terms = get_terms($taxonomy, array('orderby' => 'name'));
   if ( ! is_wp_error( $terms ) ) foreach($terms as $term) {
      // If include array set, exclude unless in array.
      if ( is_array( $include ) && ! in_array( $term->slug, $include ) ) continue;
      $select = ($current_selected == $term->slug); // Note: ==
      if ($term->parent == 0 ) {
         // get children of current parent.
         $tchildren = get_term_children($term->term_id, $taxonomy);
         $children = array();
         foreach ($tchildren as $child) {
            $cterm = get_term_by( 'id', $child, $taxonomy );
            // If include array set, exclude unless in array.
            if ( is_array( $include ) && ! in_array( $cterm->slug, $include ) )     
            $children[$cterm->name] = $cterm;

         if (count($children) > 0 ) {
            if ($term->count > 0) {
               $options[] = array("value"=>$term->slug,"text"=>$term->name,"class"=>"option-parent","selected"=>FALSE);
         } else {
            $options[] = array("value"=>$term->slug,"text"=>$term->name,"class"=>"option-parent","selected"=>$select);
         // now the CHILDREN.
         foreach($children as $child) {
            $options[] = array("value"=>$child->slug,"text"=>$child->name,"class"=>"option-child","selected"=>$select);
         } // end foreach
   return $options;

然后你调用你的func填充'html_options'(而不是'html')并返回$ ret。

$ret['html_options'] = my_dropdown_categories( $taxonomy, $current_selected, $include);