使$ httpBackend忽略对服务器发出的任何请求

时间:2014-08-27 11:27:37

标签: javascript angularjs unit-testing jasmine httpbackend


bla.controller("myctrl", [
    "$scope", "$http", "configs", function ($scope, $http, configs) {

        $scope.getNotifications = function () {
            $http.get("bla/blabla").success(function (data) {


        $scope.removeNotification = function (notification) {
            var index = $scope.allNotifications.indexOf(notification);
            $scope.allNotifications.splice(index, 1);



describe("blaController", function () {

    var scope, $httpBackend;


    beforeEach(inject(function ($controller, $rootScope, _$httpBackend_) {
        scope = $rootScope.$new();
        $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
        $controller('blaCtrl', { $scope: scope });


 it("should get all notifications from server when instantiated", function () {
    $httpBackend.expectGET("api/v1/notifications").respond(200, {});

    //act - done implicitly when controller is instantiated  

it("should store all notifications from server on the client when success call to server", function () {
    $httpBackend.whenGET("api/v1/notifications").respond(200, [{ a: 1, b: 2 }, { c: 3, d: 4 }]);

    //act - done implicitly when controller is instantiated

    expect(scope.allNotifications).toEqual([{ a: 1, b: 2 }, { c: 3, d: 4 }]);

到目前为止,一切都很好。所有测试都通过。但是当我添加一个不需要任何HTTP调用的新测试(见下文)时,它会失败,因为在afterEach()中它会验证expecations,但removeNotification()中没有设置期望值。 这是来自业力的错误消息:   PhantomJS 1.9.7(Windows 8)notificationCenterController removeNotification应该从中删除给定的通知 e list FAILED         错误:意外请求:GET api / v1 / notifications         不再需要预期

it("should remove the given notification from the list", function () {
            var targetObj = { a: 2 };
            scope.allNotifications = [{ a: 1 }, targetObj, { a: 3 }];


            expect(scope.allNotifications).toEqual([{ a: 1 }, { a: 3 }]);

我的大多数测试都有http调用,因此将验证放在afterEach中是有道理的。我想知道我还有什么其他选择可以避免在N-1测试中复制粘贴afterEach主体。 有没有办法告诉$httpBackend忽略任何来电?

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


describe("blaController", function () {

    var scope, $httpBackend;


    beforeEach(inject(function ($controller, $rootScope, _$httpBackend_) {
        scope = $rootScope.$new();
        $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
        $controller('blaCtrl', { $scope: scope });

    describe('test http calls', function() {


        it("should get all notifications from server when instantiated", function () {
            $httpBackend.expectGET("api/v1/notifications").respond(200, {});

            //act - done implicitly when controller is instantiated  

        it("should store all notifications from server on the client when success call to server", function () {
            $httpBackend.whenGET("api/v1/notifications").respond(200, [{ a: 1, b: 2 }, { c: 3, d: 4 }]);

            //act - done implicitly when controller is instantiated

            expect(scope.allNotifications).toEqual([{ a: 1, b: 2 }, { c: 3, d: 4 }]);


    describe('other tests', function(){
        it("should remove the given notification from the list", function () {
            var targetObj = { a: 2 };
            scope.allNotifications = [{ a: 1 }, targetObj, { a: 3 }];


            expect(scope.allNotifications).toEqual([{ a: 1 }, { a: 3 }]);

答案 1 :(得分:1)

你可以在一个单独的套件中窥探$ http.get,这应该可行(下面的伪代码)。

 describe("backend", function() { // your code from before });

 describe("non-backend", function () {

    var scope, $http;


    beforeEach(inject(function ($controller, $rootScope, _$http_) {
        scope = $rootScope.$new();
        $http = _$http_;
        spyOn($http, 'get').and.callFake(function() {
            return { some: 'data' };
        $controller('blaCtrl', { $scope: scope, $http: $http });

    it("should remove the given notification from the list", function () {
        var targetObj = { a: 2 };
        scope.allNotifications = [{ a: 1 }, targetObj, { a: 3 }];


        expect(scope.allNotifications).toEqual([{ a: 1 }, { a: 3 }]);

答案 2 :(得分:1)



notificationsRequest = $httpBackend.expectGET("api/v1/notifications").respond(200, {});


it("should store all notifications from server on the client when success call to server", function () {
    notificationsRequest.respond(200, [{ a: 1, b: 2 }, { c: 3, d: 4 }]);

    //act - done implicitly when controller is instantiated

    expect(scope.allNotifications).toEqual([{ a: 1, b: 2 }, { c: 3, d: 4 }]);
