问题似乎与我正在使用的%matplotlib inline
# Read sensor band data
# Creates Timestamps from RTC ticks
import pandas as pd
from ticksConversion import ticks_to_time #converts difference in rtc to float of seconds
def read_sensor(folder_path, file_path):
##This function takes csv of raw data from sensor
##and returns the invidual signals as a well as a timestamp made from the real time clock
#Create full path
data_path = folder_path + file_path
#Read CSV
sensor_data = pd.read_csv(data_path, header=0, names=['time', 'band_rtc', 'ps1', 'ps2', 'ps3'])
#Extract sensor signals and rtc into lists
sensorData = [list(sensor_data.ps1), list(sensor_data.ps2), list(sensor_data.ps3)]
#Create Timestamps based on RTC
sensorTimestamp = [0] #first timestamp value
secondsElapsed = 0 #running total of seconds for timestamps
for indx, val in enumerate(sensor_data.band_rtc):
if( indx == 0):
continue #If first rtc value simply continue, this data already has timestamp zero
secondsElapsed += ticks_to_time(sensor_data.band_rtc[indx-1], sensor_data.band_rtc[indx]) #convert rtc elapsed to seconds and add to total
sensorTimestamp.append(secondsElapsed) #add timestamp for this data point
return sensorTimestamp, sensorData
#Test code
if __name__ == "__main__":
#matplotlib - 2D plotting library
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
%matplotlib inline
#Test Data Path
folder_path = './'
file_path = 'testRead.csv'
#Test Fuunction
sensorTimestamp, sensorData = read_sensor(folder_path, file_path)
#Plot Data
for indx, data in enumerate(sensorData):
plt.plot(sensorTimestamp, sensorData[indx], label='data from LED %i' %indx)
plt.title('Raw Reading from Band')
# Moving average Filter
def loop_rolling_mean(numRolls, dataset, window):
## Moving average with specificed window sized moved over data specified number of times
## Input:
# dataset - data to average
# numRolls - number of times to do a moving average
# window - window size for average, must be odd for unshifted data
# rolledMean - averaged data
rolledMean = Series(dataset) # Copy data over and cast to pandas series
for x in range(0,numRolls): #iterate how many times that you want to do run the window
rolledMean = pd.rolling_mean(rolledMean, window, min_periods=1, center=True)
return rolledMean ## the dataset that had the rolling mean going forward x number of times
def loop_rolling_mean_with_reverse(numRolls, dataset, window):
##roll over data set forward and backward to get rid of offset
## Input:
# dataset - data to average
# numRolls - number of rolls (forward and backward), must be even for unshifted data
# window - window size for average
# rolledMean - averaged data
#Error Checking
if(numRolls%2 != 0):
return "Number of rolls must be even for un-shifted data"
## Now going to do the alternating rolling
rolledMean = Series(dataset) # Copy data over and cast to pandas series
for x in range(0, int(numRolls/2)):
forwardRoll = pd.rolling_mean(rolledMean, window, min_periods=1) #roll data in forward direction
reversdData = forwardRoll.reindex(index=forwardRoll.index[::-1]) #reverse data
reverseRoll = pd.rolling_mean(reversdData, window, min_periods=1) #roll over reversed data
rolledMean = reverseRoll.reindex(index=reverseRoll.index[::-1]) #reverse data again so its in correct order
return rolledMean
#Test code
if __name__ == "__main__":
# import readBand
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '../_ReadBand')
import readBand
matplotlib - 2D plotting library
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
%matplotlib inline
#Set number of rolls and Window
numRolls = 2
windowSize = 3
rolledSensorData = []
for indx, val in enumerate(sensorData):
rolledSensorData.append(loop_rolling_mean(numRolls, sensorData[indx], windowSize))
#Plot Data
for indx, val in enumerate(rolledSensorData):
plt.plot(sens_data.timestamp, sensorData[indx], label='raw data')
plt.plot(sensor_data.timestamp, rolledSensorData[indx], label='Moving Avg forward')
plt.title('LED %i' %indx)
#plt.axis([8,22, 7000, 8600])
for indx, val in enumerate(rolledSensorData):
print len(rolledSensorData[indx])
File "../_ReadBand\readBand.py", line 43
%matplotlib inline
SyntaxError: invalid syntax