Visual Studio宏 - 入门|将.cpp中的定义复制到.h

时间:2010-03-31 09:08:38

标签: c++ visual-studio macros


Foo::Foo(int aParameter, int bParameter){

int Foo::someMethod(char aCharacter) const {
    return 0;  


class Foo {
    Foo(int aParameter, int bParameter);

    int someMethod(char aCharacter) const;



如果有人知道针对Visual Studio .Net的良好教程或文档(也可能还包括上述问题),我可能会接受这个作为答案

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

不,这几乎不可能100%可靠。您必须编写一个C ++语言解析器,以便能够准确地从声明中提取类名,并处理复杂性,如默认参数值和缺少参数名称。编写C ++解析器在任何语言中都很难,但你会特别发现VBA缺乏。

结帐Visual Assist。他们的网站现在已经关闭了(呃哦),无法给你一个准确的链接。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

它并不美观或快速,但确实有效 使用记录宏功能并浏览对象浏览器以获取呼叫,然后将其打包在一起 我的视觉基础知识是有限的,所以对代码的任何反馈都会非常有用。例如,在尝试找到class <name> {行时,我的速度会大幅下降。有什么提示可以加快速度吗?

Imports EnvDTE

Public Module Module1
    Function getFileName(ByRef str As String) As String
        If (str = "main.cpp") Then
            Return ""
            Dim pos As Integer
            pos = InStr(str, ".cpp")
            If (pos = 0) Then
                ' not a .cpp file.'
                Return ""
                Dim header As String
                header = Left(str, pos - 1)
                Return header
            End If
        End If
        Return ""
    End Function

    Function getParts(ByRef str As String, ByRef returnvalue As String, ByRef classname As String, ByRef identifier As String, ByRef arguments As String) As String
        ' common function looks like:'
        '   <return_value> <classname>::<identifier>([arguments])[{]'
        '                 ^divider    ^colonposition            ^parenthesisEnd'
        '                  ^classnamepos            ^parenthesisStart'
        ' exceptions: ctor and dtor'
        '   <classname>::[~]<classname>([arguments])[{]'

        Dim colonposition As Integer
        Dim classnameposition As Integer
        Dim divider As Integer
        Dim divider2 As Integer
        Dim parenthesisStart As Integer
        Dim parenthesisEnd As Integer

        colonposition = InStr(str, "::")
        parenthesisStart = InStr(str, "(")
        parenthesisEnd = InStr(str, ")")
        If (colonposition = 0 Or parenthesisStart = 0 Or parenthesisEnd = 0) Then
            Return "Not a function line" ' no colons or parenthesis found? maybe not a function line'
        End If

        divider = InStr(str, " ")

        ' do we have a ctor/dtor?'
        If (divider > colonposition Or divider = 0) Then

            Return "constructor or destructor"
        End If
        ' this might be a function'
        While True
            divider2 = InStr(divider + 1, str, " ")
            If (divider2 > colonposition) Then
                Exit While
            End If
            divider = divider2
        End While
        ' now we have the full return value in 0 -> divider-1'
        returnvalue = Left(str, divider - 1)
        ' and the classname as well'
        classname = Left(Right(str, str.Length - divider), colonposition - divider - 1)
        'indentifier is right after the :: and before the parenthesis'
        identifier = Left(Right(str, str.Length - colonposition - 1), parenthesisStart - colonposition - 2)
        ' and not to mention the arguments between the parenthesis'
        arguments = Left(Right(str, str.Length - parenthesisStart), parenthesisEnd - parenthesisStart - 1)

        Return "Success"
    End Function

    Sub getDefinition()
        Dim sourcefile As String
        Dim filename As String
        Dim header As String
        Dim returnvalue As String
        Dim classname As String
        Dim identifier As String
        Dim arguments As String

        Dim str As String
        Dim line As String
        Dim pos As Integer

        sourcefile = DTE.ActiveDocument.Name
        ' get the filename for the current file (without the extension)'
        filename = getFileName(sourcefile)
        If (filename.Length = 0) Then
            MsgBox("Im not in a .cpp file", , "GetDefinition")
        End If

        ' get the current line'
        line = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.Text()
        ' now interpret the line'
        str = getParts(line, returnvalue, classname, identifier, arguments)
        If (Not str = "Success") Then
            MsgBox(str, , "GetDefinition")
            Exit Sub
        End If
        ' the str should be put into the header file as of:'
        ' class <classname>[:<base>][{]'
        ' [{]'
        '     <--- somewhere here'
        ' }'

        ' attach the header ending'
        header = filename + ".h"
        ' activate the header file'

        While (True)
            line = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.Text()
            pos = InStr(line, classname)
            If (Not pos = 0) Then
                Exit While
            End If
            DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.LineDown(False, 1)
        End While
        ' found the class definition'
        While (True)
            pos = InStr(line, "{")
            If (Not pos = 0) Then
                Exit While
            End If
            DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.LineDown(False, 1)
        End While

        DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.Text = returnvalue & " " & identifier & "(" & arguments & ");"

    End Sub
End Module

答案 2 :(得分:0)

所以,我找到了Automation and Extensibility for Visual Studio,它涵盖了我想要做的事情,在对象浏览器和记录宏功能的帮助下。
