复杂的ASP.NET MVC5 EF6 Linq查询

时间:2014-08-26 05:53:12

标签: c# sql asp.net-mvc linq entity-framework

我正在将旧的经典asp (YUCK !!)应用程序转换为ASP.NET MVC5 Web应用程序。 一个报告特别是一个聚合,以前是通过构建动态SQL查询并在循环中执行它来创建的。



问题结构: QuestionSet有类别有问题(每个都有自己的表)。 实体通过回答和评估回答问题(在答案表中)。

我正在尝试重建的旧报告 显示实体列表及其对特定类别的每个问题的答案 ,如下所示: image http://workitonline.biz/temp/aggregation-practice_classic.png


'Get all the questions with filters
Dim rsQuestions : Set rsQuestions = objAuditAggregation.GetQuestionsFiltered(p_categoryId, p_questionGroupId, p_priority)

' Dynamically construct the query based on how many
' question are in the category
Dim questionValues : questionValues = ""
Dim questionTables : quesitonTables = ""

Dim totalQuestions : totalQuestions = 0

While(Not rsQuestions.EOF)  
    i = rsQuestions.Fields.Item("id").Value

    questionValues = questionValues & 
    questionTables = questionTables & 

    totalQuestions = totalQuestions + 1

'Get all the entities and their answers (filters omitted)
Set rsEntities_cmd = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")
rsEntities_cmd.ActiveConnection = MM_raworkit2004_STRING
rsEntities_cmd.CommandText = 
    "SELECT DISTINCT E.EntityId, EntityName, 
    ISNULL(EA.include, 1) AS include", a" & i & ".yourEvaluation AS yourEvaluation" & i & ", a" & i & ".yourResponse AS yourResponse" & i 
    FROM tbl0101Entity E 
    INNER JOIN tbl0102User U ON U.EntityId = E.EntityId 
    LEFT JOIN tbl12EntityAggregates EA ON E.EntityId = EA.entityId 
    LEFT JOIN (SELECT entityId, yourEvaluation, yourResponse 
           FROM tbl12Audit 
           WHERE questionId = " & i & " AND entityLevelAudit = 1) AS a" & i & " ON E.EntityId = a" & i & ".entityId"

Set rsEntities = rsEntities_cmd.Execute


public class AggregationPracticeConductViewModel : BaseModel
    public ICollection<EntitiesAndAnswersViewModel> EntitiesAndAnswers { get; set; }
    public AggregationPracticeConductFiltersViewModel Filters { get; set; }
    public bool Display { get; set; }
    public bool Updated { get; set; }
    public bool IsAdmin { get; set; }

public class EntitiesAndAnswersViewModel : BaseModel
    public Entity Entity { get; set; }
    public bool Include { get; set; }
    public ICollection<AnswersViewModel> Answers { get; set; }
public class AnswersViewModel
    public int QuestionId { get; set; }
    public int? Evaluation { get; set; }
    public int? Response { get; set; }


private ICollection<EntitiesAndAnswersViewModel> getEntitiesAndQuestions(AggregationPracticeConductViewModel apdvm, AggregationPracticeConductFiltersViewModel filters)
        var query = from e in _repository.GetAll<Entity>()
                    from u in e.Users                        
                    where (e.AuditQuestionGroupId != null ? e.AuditQuestionGroupId : 0) == this.LoggedInEntity.AuditQuestionGroupId
                    select new { entity = e, user = u };

        var query2 = from a in query
                     join ea in _repository.GetAll<EntityAggregate>() on a.entity.EntityId equals ea.EntityId into eas
                     from ea in eas.DefaultIfEmpty()
                     group a.entity by new { entity = a.entity, ea = ea } into newGroup
                     orderby newGroup.Key.entity.Name
                     select new EntitiesAndAnswersViewModel()
                         Entity = newGroup.Key.entity,                            
                         Include = newGroup.Key.ea == null ? true : newGroup.Key.ea.include   // If there are no entity aggregate record yet, return as include = true                                                   

         // TODO: Now join the entities with their results. This is what I have so far
        var results = from e in query2
                      join a in _repository.GetAll<ReviewAnswer>().DefaultIfEmpty() on e.Entity.EntityId equals a.entityId
                      where a.Question.Category.QuestionGroup.Id == (e.Entity.AuditQuestionGroupId != null ? e.Entity.AuditQuestionGroupId : 0)
                      && a.Question.Category.id == filters.SelectedCategoryId && a.entityLevelAudit == true
                      group e by new { e, a } into group1                          
                      select new EntitiesAndAnswersViewModel()
                          Include = group1.Key.e.Include,
                          Entity = group1.Key.e.Entity,
                          Answers =  // list of AnswersViewModels e.g. new AnswersViewModel { QuestionId = answer.question, Evaluation = answer.Evaluation, Response = answer.Response}
        return results.ToList();


这只是最后一个查询,我甚至不确定它是否可以在linq中执行。 任何帮助或指导将不胜感激。

0 个答案:
