
时间:2014-08-25 16:59:47

标签: fifo kdb


Id Verb Qty Price
`1 Buy  6 10.0
`2 Sell 5 11.0
`3 Buy  4 10.0
`4 Sell 3 11.0
`5 Sell 8 9.0
`6 Buy  1 8.0

我想要的是将PNL与每个事务相关联,在FIFO上计算(先进先出)。因此,对于Id=`1,我希望PNL为-6*(10.0) +5*(11.0) + 1*(11.0) = +$6.00Id=`3,Pnl为-4*(10.0)+2*(11.0)+(2*9.0) = $0等。



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


q)t:([]id:1+til 6;v:`b`s`b`s`s`b;qty:6 5 4 3 8 1; px:10 11 10 11 9 8)
//how much of each sale offsets a given purchase
q)alloc:last each (enlist d`s){(fx-c;c:deltas y&sums fx:first x)}\(d:exec qty by v from t)`b
//revenues, ie allocated sale * appropriate price
q)revs:alloc*\:exec px from t where v=`s
q)(sum each revs)-exec qty*px from t where v=`b
6 0 1

答案 1 :(得分:0)


q)tab:([] Id:`1`2`3`4`5`6;Verb:`Buy`Sell`Buy`Sell`Sell`Buy;Qty:6 5 4 3 8 1;Price:10.0 11.0 10.0 11.0 9.0 8.0)
Id Verb Qty Price
1  Buy  6   10
2  Sell 5   11
3  Buy  4   10
4  Sell 3   11
5  Sell 8   9
6  Buy  1   8

    b:exec first'[(Qty;Price)] from x where Id=y;
    r:exec (remQty;fifo[remQty;b 0];Price) from x where Verb=`Sell;
    x:update remQty:r 1 from x where Verb=`Sell;
    update pnl:neg[(*) . b]+sum[r[2]*r[0]-r[1]] from x where Id=y

fifo:{x-deltas y&sums x};

pnlinfo/[update remQty:Qty from tab where Verb=`Sell;exec Id from tab where Verb=`Buy]
Id Verb Qty Price remQty pnl
1  Buy  6   10           6
2  Sell 5   11    0
3  Buy  4   10           0
4  Sell 3   11    0
5  Sell 8   9     5
6  Buy  1   8            1



lifo:{x-reverse deltas y&sums reverse x}


答案 2 :(得分:0)

稍微不同的方法而不使用over / scan(除了总和......)。



q)tab:([] Id:`1`2`3`4`5`6;Verb:`Buy`Sell`Buy`Sell`Sell`Buy;Qty:6 5 4 3 8 1;Price:10.0 11.0 10.0 11.0 9.0 8.0)

q)sideMap:`Buy`Sell!1 -1

q)update pnl:sum each neg Price - Price{sells:where neg 0&x; -1_(count[sells]&0,sums 0|x) _ sells}Qty*sideMap[Verb] from tab
Id Verb Qty Price pnl
1  Buy  6   10    6  
2  Sell 5   11    0  
3  Buy  4   10    0  
4  Sell 3   11    0  
5  Sell 8   9     0  
6  Buy  1   8     1

答案 3 :(得分:0)


txn:([] t: til 6; side:`Buy`Sell`Buy`Sell`Sell`Buy; qty:6 5 4 3 8 1; px: 10.0 11.0 10.0 11.0 9.0 8.0)


buys: select from txn where side=`Buy
sells: select from txn where side=`Sell


/ first-in first-out allocation of bid/buy and ask/sell fills
/ returns connectivity matrix of (b)id fills in rows and (a)sk fills in columns
fifo: {deltas each deltas sums[x] &\: sums[y]};

/ connectivity list from connectivity matrix
lm: {raze(til count x),''where each x};

/ realized profit & loss
rpnl: {[b;s]
    t: l,'f ./: l:lm (f:fifo[exec qty from b;exec qty from s])>0;
    pnl: (select bt:t, bqty:qty, bpx:px from b@t[;0]),'(select st:t, sqty:qty, spx:px from s@t[;1]),'([] qty: t[;2]);
    select tstamp: bt|st, rpnl:qty*spx-bpx from pnl


tstamp rpnl
1      5   
3      1   
3      2   
4      -2  
5      1   



fifo函数是来自Q for Mortals的教科书示例。在您的情况下,它看起来像这样:

q)fifo[exec qty from buys;exec qty from sells]
5 1 0
0 2 2
0 0 1

lm函数告诉哪些买入和卖出交叉(非零填充)。更多背景信息:[kdb+/q]: Convert adjacency matrix to adjacency list

q)lm fifo[exec qty from buys;exec qty from sells]>0
0 0
0 1
1 1
1 2
2 2


q)t: l,'f ./: l:lm (f:fifo[exec qty from buys;exec qty from sells])>0;
0 0 5
0 1 1
1 1 2
1 2 2
2 2 1