之前我问了一个关于制作日期数据直方图的问题here 答案很有效。现在我正在尝试添加第二组x轴标签,包括年和月(1/3月,1/10月)或仅用日/月替换年。
Index Sex LostMate DayofYear Nested DateLost DOTYMarch1 DOTYLost YLost DOTYAfterMarch31Lost Seasons
22 F 5/1/1994 62 N 5/1/1994 60 121 1994 61 Spring
2 M 5/20/1988 81 N 5/20/1988 61 141 1988 80 Spring
4 M 9/6/1997 190 Y 9/6/1997 60 249 1997 189 Fall
21 F 9/13/1997 197 Y 9/13/1997 60 256 1997 196 Fall
7 M 9/15/1997 199 Y 9/15/1997 60 258 1997 198 Fall
13 F 9/16/1988 200 Y 9/16/1988 61 260 1988 199 Fall
20 F 9/23/1996 207 Y 9/23/1996 61 267 1996 206 Fall
5 M 9/24/1996 208 N 9/24/1996 61 268 1996 207 Fall
6 M 9/27/1996 211 N 9/27/1996 61 271 1996 210 Fall
17 F 10/9/1999 223 N 10/9/1999 60 282 1999 222 Fall
18 F 10/20/1990 234 N 10/20/1990 60 293 1990 233 Fall
19 F 10/25/2001 239 N 10/25/2001 60 298 2001 238 Fall
12 F 10/26/1986 240 N 10/26/1986 60 299 1986 239 Fall
14 F 12/30/1986 305 N 12/30/1986 60 364 1986 304 Winter
16 F 1/7/1992 312 N 1/7/1992 61 7 1991 312 Winter
9 F 1/12/1985 318 Y 1/12/1985 60 12 1984 317 Winter
11 F 1/13/1985 319 Y 1/13/1985 60 13 1984 318 Winter
8 F 1/18/1989 324 Y 1/18/1989 60 18 1988 323 Winter
15 F 1/19/1991 325 N 1/19/1991 60 19 1990 324 Winter
3 M 1/31/1985 337 N 1/31/1985 60 31 1984 336 Winter
goose$DateLost <- as.POSIXct(goose$LostMate,
format = "%m/%d/%Y", tz = "GMT")
goose$Sex2<-factor(goose$Sex, levels=c("F","M"))
levels(goose$Sex2) <- c("Females", "Males")
p3 <- ggplot(goose,
scale_fill_manual(values = c("grey","black")
, labels = c("N" = "No", "Y" = "Yes"))+
scale_linetype_manual(values=c(1,3)) +
labs(x = "Day of year (from 1 March)",
y = "Mate lost",
title = "Timing of goose mate deaths")+
theme_bw() +
plot.background = element_blank()
,panel.grid.major = element_blank()
,panel.grid.minor = element_blank()
,panel.border = element_blank()
) +
theme(axis.line = element_line(color = 'black'))+
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0),breaks=c())
p3 + facet_grid(Sex2 ~ .)
答案 0 :(得分:2)
labelat <- seq(as.Date("2000-03-01"), as.Date("2001-03-01"), by="1 month")
labels <- strftime(labelat, "%b %d")
labelat <- labelat-labelat[1]
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), breaks=as.numeric(labelat), labels=labels) +