Warning: imagecreatetruecolor() [function.imagecreatetruecolor]: Invalid image dimensions in /home/triliria/public_html/beta/map_block.php on line 259
Warning: imagecolorallocate() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/triliria/public_html/beta/map_block.php on line 260
Warning: imagecolorallocate() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/triliria/public_html/beta/map_block.php on line 261
Warning: imagecolorallocate() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/triliria/public_html/beta/map_block.php on line 262
Warning: imagefill() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/triliria/public_html/beta/map_block.php on line 263
Warning: imagecopyresized() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/triliria/public_html/beta/map_block.php on line 278
Warning: imagecreatefromgif(img/m/.gif) [function.imagecreatefromgif]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/triliria/public_html/beta/map_block.php on line 279
Warning: imagecopyresized() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/triliria/public_html/beta/map_block.php on line 279
Warning: imagecopyresized() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/triliria/public_html/beta/map_block.php on line 280
Warning: imagecreatefromgif(img/m/.gif) [function.imagecreatefromgif]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/triliria/public_html/beta/map_block.php on line 284
Warning: imagecopyresized() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/triliria/public_html/beta/map_block.php on line 284
Warning: imagecopyresized() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/triliria/public_html/beta/map_block.php on line 278
Warning: imagecreatefromgif(img/m/.gif) [function.imagecreatefromgif]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/triliria/public_html/beta/map_block.php on line 279
Warning: imagecopyresized() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/triliria/public_html/beta/map_block.php on line 279
Warning: imagecopyresized() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/triliria/public_html/beta/map_block.php on line 280
Warning: imagecreatefromgif(img/m/.gif) [function.imagecreatefromgif]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/triliria/public_html/beta/map_block.php on line 284
Warning: imagecopyresized() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/triliria/public_html/beta/map_block.php on line 284
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/triliria/public_html/beta/map_block.php:259) in /home/triliria/public_html/beta/map_block.php on line 314
Warning: imagejpeg() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/triliria/public_html/beta/map_block.php on line 315
Warning: imagedestroy() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/triliria/public_html/beta/map_block.php on line 317
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
// /map_block.php?tx0=-50&ty0=120&tx1=-41&ty1=129&w=600&h=600&version=62
$queue = array();
$x0 = $_GET['tx0'];
$y0 = $_GET['ty0'];
$x1 = $_GET['tx1'];
$y1 = $_GET['ty1'];
$nob = $x1 - $x0 + 1;
$noc = $nob/2;
$x = $x0+$noc;
$y = $y0+$noc-1;
$yarray = array();
$tmp = $y+$i;
if($tmp<-WORLD_MAX) $tmp = (2*WORLD_MAX)+$tmp+1;
if($tmp>WORLD_MAX) $tmp = (-2*WORLD_MAX)+$tmp-1;
$yarray[] = $tmp;
$xarray = array();
$tmp = $x+$i;
if($tmp<-WORLD_MAX) $tmp = (2*WORLD_MAX)+$tmp+1;
if($tmp>WORLD_MAX) $tmp = (-2*WORLD_MAX)+$tmp-1;
$xarray[] = $tmp;
$maparray = array();
for($i=0;$i<=$nob-1;$i++) {
for($j=0;$j<=$nob-1;$j++) {
$id = $generator->getBaseID($xarray[$j],$yarray[$i]);
$wdata = $database->getAInfo($id);
if ($wdata['oasistype']==0){
} else {
$row = 0;
$coorindex = 0;
$nareadis = NATARS_MAX;
for($i=0;$i<=($nob*$nob);$i++) {
$maparray[$i]['zerodis'] = sqrt(($maparray[$i]['x']*$maparray[$i]['x'])+($maparray[$i]['y']*$maparray[$i]['y']));
if ($maparray[$i]['zerodis']<=$nareadis) {$maparray[$i]['isgraytile']=true;} else {$maparray[$i]['isgraytile']=false;}
$index = 0;
$row1 = 0;
for($i=0;$i<=($nob*$nob);$i++) {
$targetalliance = 0;
$tribe = -1;
$username = '';
$oasisowner = '';
$confedarray = array();
$atwararray = array();
$naparray = array();
if($maparray[$index]['occupied'] > 0) {
$targetalliance = $database->getUserField($maparray[$index]['owner'],"alliance",0);
$tribe = $database->getUserField($maparray[$index]['owner'],"tribe",0);
$username = $database->getUserField($maparray[$index]['owner'],"username",0);
$oasisowner = $database->getUserField($maparray[$index]['owner'],"username",0);
$bgcolorclass = 'tilebgcolor';
$bgimgclass0 = 'tilespbgimg';
$bgimgclass1 = '';
$bgimgclass2 = '';
$bgimgclass3 = '';
$borderclass = 'border';
$wallclass = 'wall'.$tribe;
$popclass = 'pop';
if($tribe==1) {
$tribename = "رومن";
}elseif($tribe==2) {
$tribename = "توتن";
}elseif($tribe==3) {
$tribename = "گول";
}elseif($tribe==5) {
$tribename = "ناتار ها";
if(!isset($maparray[$index]['pop']) || $maparray[$index]['pop']<=0){
$popclass .= $maparray[$index]['image'];
} elseif($maparray[$index]['pop']<100){
$popclass .= '99';
} elseif($maparray[$index]['pop']<250){
$popclass .= '249';
} elseif($maparray[$index]['pop']<500){
$popclass .= '499';
} else {
$popclass .= '500';
$borderclass .= 'own';
}elseif($targetalliance != 0 && $session->alliance == $targetalliance){
$borderclass .= 'confed';
}elseif($targetalliance != 0 && in_array($targetalliance,$confedarray)){
$borderclass .= 'confed';
}elseif($targetalliance != 0 && in_array($targetalliance,$naparray)){
$borderclass .= 'nap';
}elseif($targetalliance != 0 && in_array($targetalliance,$atwararray)){
$borderclass .= 'atwar';
$borderclass .= 'neutr';
switch($maparray[$index]['fieldtype']) {
case 1:$tt = "3-3-3-9";break;
case 2:$tt = "3-4-5-6";break;
case 3:$tt = "4-4-4-6";break;
case 4:$tt = "4-5-3-6";break;
case 5:$tt = "5-3-4-6";break;
case 6:$tt = "1-1-1-15";break;
case 7:$tt = "4-4-3-7";break;
case 8:$tt = "3-4-4-7";break;
case 9:$tt = "4-3-4-7";break;
case 10:$tt = "3-5-4-6";break;
case 11:$tt = "4-3-5-6";break;
case 12:$tt = "5-4-3-6";break;
case 0:
switch($maparray[$index]['oasistype']) {
case 1:$tt = "<img class='r1' src='img/x.gif' /> ".WOOD." 25%"; $bgimgclass3 = 'o1';break;
case 2:$tt = "<img class='r1' src='img/x.gif' /> ".WOOD." 50%"; $bgimgclass3 = 'o2';break;
case 3:$tt = "<img class='r1' src='img/x.gif' /> ".WOOD." 25%<br><img class='r4' src='img/x.gif' /> ".CROP." 25%"; $bgimgclass3 = 'o3';break;
case 4:$tt = "<img class='r2' src='img/x.gif' /> ".CLAY." 25%"; $bgimgclass3 = 'o4';break;
case 5:$tt = "<img class='r2' src='img/x.gif' /> ".CLAY." 50%"; $bgimgclass3 = 'o5';break;
case 6:$tt = "<img class='r2' src='img/x.gif' /> ".CLAY." 25%<br><img class='r4' src='img/x.gif' /> ".CROP." 25%"; $bgimgclass3 = 'o6';break;
case 7:$tt = "<img class='r3' src='img/x.gif' /> ".IRON." 25%"; $bgimgclass3 = 'o7';break;
case 8:$tt = "<img class='r3' src='img/x.gif' /> ".IRON." 50%"; $bgimgclass3 = 'o8';break;
case 9:$tt = "<img class='r3' src='img/x.gif' /> ".IRON." 25%<br><img class='r4' src='img/x.gif' /> ".CROP." 25%"; $bgimgclass3 = 'o9';break;
case 10:case 11:$tt = "<img class='r4' src='img/x.gif' /> ".CROP." 25%"; $bgimgclass3 = 'o10';break;
case 12:$tt = "<img class='r4' src='img/x.gif' /> ".CROP." 50%"; $bgimgclass3 = 'o12';break;
$bgimgclass3 .= "o";
$wallclass = '';
if($targetalliance!=0) {
$allyname = $database->getAllianceName($targetalliance);
} else {$allyname='';}
//$odata = $database->getOMInfo($maparray[$index]['id']);
$uinfo = $database->getUserField($odata['owner'],'username',0);
if (DIRECTION == 'ltr'){
$targetXYText = '('.$maparray[$index]['x']."|".$maparray[$index]['y'].')';
} elseif (DIRECTION == 'rtl'){
$targetXYText = '('.$maparray[$index]['y']."|".$maparray[$index]['x'].')';
if(defined($maparray[$index]['name'])){$maparray[$index]['name'] = constant($maparray[$index]['name']);}
if($maparray[$index]['fieldtype'] > 0 && $maparray[$index]['occupied'] == 1) {
$targettitle = "<font color='white'><b>".VILLAGE.": ".$maparray[$index]['name']."</b></font><br>".$targetXYText."<br>".PLAYER.": ".$username."<br>".POPULATION.": ".$maparray[$index]['pop']."<br>".ALLIANCE.": ".$allyname."<br>".TRIBE.": ".$tribename."";
if($maparray[$index]['oasistype'] == 0 && $maparray[$index]['occupied'] == 0) {
$targettitle = "<font color='white'><b>".ABANDONEDVALLEY." ".$tt."</b></font><br>".$targetXYText;
if($maparray[$index]['name']=="Farm") {$wallclass = 'wall5'; };
if($maparray[$index]['fieldtype'] == 0 && $maparray[$index]['oasistype'] > 0 && $maparray[$index]['occupied'] == 0) {
$targettitle = "<font color='white'><b>".UNOCCUPIEDOASIS."</b></font><br />".$targetXYText."<br />".$tt."";
}elseif($maparray[$index]['fieldtype'] == 0 && $maparray[$index]['oasistype'] > 0 && $maparray[$index]['occupied'] > 0) {
$targettitle = "<font color='white'><b>".OCCUPIEDOASIS."</b></font><br />".$targetXYText."<br />".$tt."<br>".PLAYER.": ".$uinfo."<br>".ALLIANCE.": ".$allyname."<br>".TRIBE.": ".$tribename."";
if(!$maparray[$index]['fieldtype'] && $maparray[$index]['oasistype'] && $maparray[$index]['occupied']){
$occupied = "-s";
$occupied = "";
if ($maparray[$index]['x']==-1 && $maparray[$index]['y']==1){$bgimgclass2 = 'volcano volcano1';
}elseif ($maparray[$index]['x']==0 && $maparray[$index]['y']==1){$bgimgclass2 = 'volcano volcano2';
}elseif ($maparray[$index]['x']==1 && $maparray[$index]['y']==1){$bgimgclass2 = 'volcano volcano3';
}elseif ($maparray[$index]['x']==-2 && $maparray[$index]['y']==0){$bgimgclass2 = 'volcano volcano4';
}elseif ($maparray[$index]['x']==-1 && $maparray[$index]['y']==0){$bgimgclass2 = 'volcano volcano5';
}elseif ($maparray[$index]['x']==0 && $maparray[$index]['y']==0){
$bgimgclass2 = 'volcano volcano6';
$wallclass = '';
$popclass = '';
$targettitle = "<font color='white'><b>".ABANDONEDVALLEY." ".$tt."</b></font><br>".$targetXYText;
}elseif ($maparray[$index]['x']==1 && $maparray[$index]['y']==0){$bgimgclass2 = 'volcano volcano7';
}elseif ($maparray[$index]['x']==2 && $maparray[$index]['y']==0){$bgimgclass2 = 'volcano volcano8';
}elseif ($maparray[$index]['x']==-2 && $maparray[$index]['y']==-1){$bgimgclass2 = 'volcano volcano9';
}elseif ($maparray[$index]['x']==-1 && $maparray[$index]['y']==-1){$bgimgclass2 = 'volcano volcano10';
}elseif ($maparray[$index]['x']==0 && $maparray[$index]['y']==-1){$bgimgclass2 = 'volcano volcano11';
}elseif ($maparray[$index]['x']==1 && $maparray[$index]['y']==-1){$bgimgclass2 = 'volcano volcano12';
}elseif ($maparray[$index]['x']==2 && $maparray[$index]['y']==-1){$bgimgclass2 = 'volcano volcano13';
}elseif ($maparray[$index]['x']==-2 && $maparray[$index]['y']==-2){$bgimgclass2 = 'volcano volcano14';
}elseif ($maparray[$index]['x']==-1 && $maparray[$index]['y']==-2){$bgimgclass2 = 'volcano volcano15';
}elseif ($maparray[$index]['x']==0 && $maparray[$index]['y']==-2){$bgimgclass2 = 'volcano volcano16';
}elseif ($maparray[$index]['x']==1 && $maparray[$index]['y']==-2){$bgimgclass2 = 'volcano volcano17';
}elseif ($maparray[$index]['x']==2 && $maparray[$index]['y']==-2){$bgimgclass2 = 'volcano volcano18';
$cx = $maparray[$index]['x']+$tc-1;
$cy = $maparray[$index]['y']-$rc+1;
$cdis = sqrt(($cx*$cx)+($cy*$cy));
if ($cdis<=$nareadis) { $bgimgclass0 .= '1';} else {$bgimgclass0 .= '0';}
$bgcolorclass .= 'gray';
$bgimgclass1 = $maparray[$index]['image'];
/*echo '<a href="position_details.php?x='.$maparray[$index]['x'].'&y='.$maparray[$index]['y'].'" style="cursor:deLumberult;">'
.'<div class="tile tile-'.$i.'-row'.$row1.' '.$bgcolorclass.'" title="'.$targettitle.'">'
.'<div class="timg '.$bgimgclass0.'">'
.'<div class="timg '.$bgimgclass1.'">'
.'<div class="timg '.$bgimgclass2.'">'
.'<div class="timg '.$bgimgclass3.'">'
.'<div class="timg '.$borderclass.'">'
.'<div class="timg '.$wallclass.'">'
.'<div class="timg '.$popclass.'">';
if($session->plus) {
$wref = $village->wid;
$toWref = $maparray[$index]['id'];
if ($database->checkAttack($wref,$toWref) != 0) {
//echo '<img style="margin-right:45px;" class="att1" src="img/x.gif" />';
array_push($queue,array($bgimgclass0, $bgimgclass1, $bgimgclass2, $bgimgclass3, $borderclass, $wallclass, $popclass,array($maparray[$index]['x'],$maparray[$index]['y'])));
if($i == 8 || $i == 17 || $i == 26 && $row1 <= 5) {
$row1 += 1;
// Make the main image
if($_GET['auto']>0) {
$_GET['w'] = $nob*60;
$_GET['h'] = $nob*60;
$img = imagecreatetruecolor($_GET['w'],$_GET['h']);
$lgreen = imagecolorallocate($img, 195,237,174);
$white = imagecolorallocate($img, 255,255,255);
$red = imagecolorallocate($img, 255,0,0);
imagefill($img, 0, 0, $lgreen);
// Add block backgrounds
$x = 0;
$y = 0;
$n = 0;
$nx = $nob;
$ny = $nob;
$bw = $_GET['w']/$nx;
$bh = $_GET['h']/$ny;
foreach($queue as $block) {
if(preg_match('/1/is',$block[0])) {
imagecopyresized($img, imagecreatefromgif('img/m/gray.gif'), $x, $y, 0, 0, $bw, $bh, 60, 60);
imagecopyresized($img, imagecreatefromgif('img/m/'. $block[0] .'.gif'), $x, $y, 0, 0, $bw, $bh, 60, 60);
imagecopyresized($img, imagecreatefromgif('img/m/'. $block[1] .'.gif'), $x, $y, 0, 0, $bw, $bh, 60, 60);
imagecopyresized($img, imagecreatefromgif('img/m/'. $block[4] .'.gif'), $x, $y, 0, 0, $bw, $bh, 60, 60);
if(strlen($block[5])>0) {
imagecopyresized($img, imagecreatefromgif('img/m/'. $block[5].'.gif'), $x, $y, 0, 0, $bw, $bh, 60, 60);
imagecopyresized($img, imagecreatefromgif('img/m/'. $block[6] .'.gif'), $x, $y, 0, 0, $bw, $bh, 60, 60);
/* DEBUG */
if( IS_DEBUG ) {
imagefilledrectangle($img, $x, $y, $x+30, $y+35, $white);
imagechar($img, 6, $x, $y, $block[7][0], $red);
imagechar($img, 6, $x+10, $y, substr($block[7][0],1), $red);
imagechar($img, 6, $x+20, $y, substr($block[7][0],2), $red);
imagechar($img, 6, $x, $y+20, $block[7][1], $red);
imagechar($img, 6, $x+10, $y+20, substr($block[7][1],1), $red);
imagechar($img, 6, $x+20, $y+20, substr($block[7][1],2), $red);
/* DEBUG */
$x += $bw;
if( $n % $nx == 0 ) { $y += $bh;$x = 0; };
//bool imagecopy ( resource $dst_im , resource $src_im , int $dst_x , int $dst_y , int $src_x , int $src_y , int $src_w , int $src_h )
// Output...
if($_GET['file'] > 0) {
echo 'Done.';
header('Content-type: image/jpg');