Warning message:
In matrix(da, nrow = 7, dimnames = list(n)) :
data length [132] is not a sub-multiple or multiple of the number of rows [7]
我正在使用R 3.1.1,主要在Rstudio工作。代码中提到的cal
dte <- function(date) {
#Input a date and it tells you the number of business (not including holidays)
#days until that date
#Take the target date and turn it into a date
d <- strptime(date,format="%Y-%m-%d")
#Obtain current date
c <- strptime(Sys.Date(), format="%Y-%m-%d")
#Calculate the difference in days
diff <- d-c
#Extract the actual number difference
f <- diff[[1]]
#Get the list of holidays
cal <- dget("cal")
cal <- as.Date(cal)
#Get the full list of dates between now and the target date
b <- Sys.Date()+0:f
#Find which days in the range are holidays
if(any(b %in% cal)) {
bt <- b[b %in% cal]
#Return the position of the holidays within the range
bn <- which(b %in% bt)
} else {
#Set holidays present to 0
bn <- 0
#Build a vector of the weekdays starting with the current weekday
n <- weekdays(Sys.Date()+0:6)
#Create a vector as long as the difference with a 1 in each place
v <- rep(1,f)
#Set each holiday to 0
v[bn] <- v[bn]-1
#Extra steps to make sure that the matrix is full but only with 1s where we want them.
g <- ((trunc(f/7)+1)*7)-f
u <- rep(0,g)
da <- c(v,u)
#Create the matrix
m <- matrix(da,nrow=7,dimnames=list(n))
#Extract all of the workweeks and add them up
ww <- m[c("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday"),]
r <- sum(ww)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
# [1] "2014-08-24 EDT"
# [1] "2014-12-31 EST"
# Time difference of 129.0417 days
dte <- function(date) {
d <- as.Date(date,format="%Y-%m-%d")
c <- Sys.Date()
cal <- dget("cal")
cal <- as.Date(cal)
#Get the full list of dates between now and the target date
b <- seq(c, d, by="1 day")
return(sum(as.POSIXlt(b)$wday %in% 1:5 & (!b %in% cal)))