item_code vendor_code launch_month unit_price department_name category_name
1 I-111164 V10 2007.M01 118 Face Face Treatment
2 I-111164 V10 2007.M01 118 Face Face Treatment
3 I-111164 V10 2007.M01 118 Face Face Treatment
4 I-111164 V10 2007.M01 118 Face Face Treatment
5 I-111164 V10 2007.M01 118 Face Face Treatment
6 I-111164 V10 2007.M01 118 Face Face Treatment
subcategory_name sales_velocity sales_month sales_unit promotion_type
1 Face Treatment Other B 2008.M01 41.00000 no_promotion
2 Face Treatment Other B 2008.M02 55.00000 no_promotion
3 Face Treatment Other B 2008.M03 64.80000 Catalogue Promotion
4 Face Treatment Other B 2008.M04 46.00000 no_promotion
5 Face Treatment Other B 2008.M05 67.00000 no_promotion
6 Face Treatment Other B 2008.M06 58.40000 Catalogue Promotion
在 R 中执行此操作的最佳做法是什么?
答案 0 :(得分:1)
dat[dat$promotion_type != "no_promotion", ]
答案 1 :(得分:0)
item_code <- rep(c("I-111164"), each = 1, times = 6)
vendor_code <- rep(c("V10"), each = 1, times = 6)
launch_month <- rep(c("2007.M01"), each = 1, times = 6)
unite_price <- rep(c("118"), each = 1, times = 6)
department_name <- rep(c("Face"), each = 1, times = 6)
category_name <- rep(c("Face Treatment"), each = 1, times = 6)
subcategory_name <- rep(c("Face Treatment other"), each = 1, times = 6)
sales_velocity <- rep(c("B"), each = 1, times = 6)
sales_month <- rep(c("2008.M01"), each = 1, times = 6)
sales_unit <- rep(c(41,55,64,46,67,58), each = 1, times = 1)
promotion_type <- c("no_promotion", "no_promotion", "catalogue promotion",
"no_promotion", "no_promotion", "catalogue promotion")
# Create the data frame
foo <- data.frame(item_code, vendor_code, launch_month, unite_price, department_name,
category_name, subcategory_name, sales_velocity, sales_month,sales_unit, promotion_type, stringsAsFactors = F)
# Remove all rows with 'no_promotion'
foo2 <- filter(foo, promotion_type != "no_promotion")
# Get mean of sales unit for each item code
america <- foo2 %>%
group_by(item_code) %>%
summarize(sales = mean(sales_unit))
答案 2 :(得分:0)
got.promoted <- df$item_code[df$promotion_type != "no_promotion"]
删除它got.promoted <- unique(got.promoted)
new.df <- df[df$item_code %in% got.promoted, ]