
时间:2014-08-22 17:45:52

标签: python http python-2.7 web-scraping


  1. 根据邮政编码创建网址
  2. 尝试从网址
  3. 获取回复
  4. 如果(2),请检查该URL的HTTP
  5. 如果HTTP为200,则检索HTML并将数据清理为列表
  6. 如果HTTP不是200,则传递并计算错误(不是有效的邮政编码/ URL)
  7. 如果由于错误而没有来自网址的回复,请传递该邮政编码并计算错误
  8. 在脚本结束时,打印计数器变量和时间戳
  9. 问题是我运行脚本并且它对于~500个邮政编码工作正常,然后突然停止工作并返回重复的超时错误。我怀疑该网站的服务器正在限制来自我的IP地址的页面浏览量,这使我无法完成我需要做的抓取(所有100,000个潜在的邮政编码)。



    import requests
    import re
    import datetime
    def zip_population_scrape():
        This script will scrape population data for postal codes in range 
        from city-data.com.
        postal_code_data = [['zip','population']] #list for storing scraped data
        #Counters for keeping track:
        total_scraped = 0 
        total_invalid = 0
        errors = 0
        for postal_code in range(1001,5000):
            #This if statement is necessary because the postal code can't start 
            #with 0 in order for the for statement to interate successfully
            if postal_code <10000:
                postal_code_string = str(0)+str(postal_code) 
                postal_code_string = str(postal_code) 
            #all postal code URLs have the same format on this site
            url = 'http://www.city-data.com/zips/' + postal_code_string + '.html'
            #try to get current URL 
                response = requests.get(url, timeout = 5)
                http = response.status_code
                #print current for logging purposes
                print url +" - HTTP:  " + str(http)
                #if valid webpage:
                if http == 200:
                    #save html as text
                    html = response.text
                    #extra print statement for status updates
                    print "HTML ready"
                    #try to find two substrings in HTML text
                    #add the substring in between them to list w/ postal code
                        found = re.search('population in 2011:</b> (.*)<br>', html).group(1)
                        #add to # scraped counter
                        total_scraped +=1
                        #print statement for logging
                        print postal_code_string + ": " + str(found) + ". Data scrape successful. " + str(total_scraped) + " total zips scraped."
                    #if substrings not found, try searching for others
                    #and doing the same as above    
                    except AttributeError:
                        found = re.search('population in 2010:</b> (.*)<br>', html).group(1)
                        total_scraped +=1
                        print postal_code_string + ": " + str(found) + ". Data scrape successful. " + str(total_scraped) + " total zips scraped."
                #if http =404, zip is not valid. Add to counter and print log         
                elif http == 404: 
                    total_invalid +=1
                    print postal_code_string + ": Not a valid zip code. " + str(total_invalid) + " total invalid zips."
                #other http codes: add to error counter and print log
                    errors +=1
                    print postal_code_string + ": HTTP Code Error. " + str(errors) + " total errors."
            #if get url fails by connnection error, add to error count & pass
            except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
                errors +=1
                print postal_code_string + ": Connection Error. " + str(errors) + " total errors."
            #if get url fails by timeout error, add to error count & pass
            except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
                errors +=1
                print postal_code_string + ": Timeout Error. " + str(errors) + " total errors."
        #print final log/counter data, along with timestamp finished
        now= datetime.datetime.now() 
        print now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
        print str(total_scraped) + " total zips scraped." 
        print str(total_invalid) + " total unavailable zips."
        print str(errors) + " total errors."

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