关于google + domain api ............在使用已安装的应用程序列出圆圈时出现错误403被禁止

时间:2014-08-22 07:48:41

标签: java json api

我刚刚在google + domain api中列出了圆圈名称,但却收到错误

我使用过已安装的应用程序 - >在谷歌开发者控制台中制作应用程序时的其他选择

我正在开发一个小型安装的应用程序,其中我正在与Google+ Domain API集成。我正在使用OAuth2身份验证。我已经从Google API控制台为我的已安装应用程序生成了client_id和client_secret。使用Google+域名API,我可以生成访问令牌。


我的代码如下: -

enter code here

private static final String CLIENT_ID = "xyxxxxxxxx something in there";
private static final String CLIENT_SECRET = "Fhh1LYQ__UTso48snXHyqSQ2";

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

// List the scopes your app requires:
List<String> SCOPE = Arrays.asList(

final String REDIRECT_URI = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob";

GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow flow = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Builder(
        new NetHttpTransport(),
        new JacksonFactory(),
        CLIENT_ID, // This comes from your Developers Console project
        CLIENT_SECRET, // This, as well
        // Set the access type to offline so that the token can be refreshed.
        // By default, the library will automatically refresh tokens when it
        // can, but this can be turned off by setting
        // dfp.api.refreshOAuth2Token=false in your ads.properties file.

                       // This command-line se`enter code here`rver-side flow example requires the                user             to open the
    // authentication URL in their browser to complete the process. In most
    // cases, your app will use a browser-based server-side flow and your
    // user will not need to copy and paste the authorization code. In this
    // type of app, you would be able to skip the next 5 lines.
    // You can also look at the client-side and one-time-code flows for other
    // options at https://developers.google.com/+/web/signin/
    String url = flow.newAuthorizationUrl().setRedirectUri(REDIRECT_URI).build();
    System.out.println("Please open the following URL in your browser then " +
        "type the authorization code:");
    System.out.println("  " + url);
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
    String code = br.readLine();
    // End of command line prompt for the authorization code.

    GoogleTokenResponse tokenResponse = flow.newTokenRequest(code)
    GoogleCredential credential = new GoogleCredential.Builder()
        .setTransport(new NetHttpTransport())
        .setJsonFactory(new JacksonFactory())
        .setClientSecrets(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET)
        .addRefreshListener(new CredentialRefreshListener() {
          public void onTokenResponse(Credential credential, TokenResponse tokenResponse) {
            // Handle success.
            System.out.println("Credential was refreshed successfully.");

          public void onTokenErrorResponse(Credential credential,
              TokenErrorResponse tokenErrorResponse) {
            // Handle error.
            System.err.println("Credential was not refreshed successfully. "
                + "Redirect to error page or login screen.");
        // You can also add a credential store listener to have credentials
        // stored automatically.
        //.addRefreshListener(new CredentialStoreRefreshListener(userId, credentialStore))

    // Set authorized credentials.
    // Though not necessary when first created, you can manually refresh the
    // token, which is needed after 60 minutes.

    // Create a new authorized API client
    PlusDomains service = new PlusDomains.Builder(new NetHttpTransport(), new JacksonFactory(), credential).setApplicationName("Get-me").setRootUrl("https://www.googleapis.com/").build();

    PlusDomains.Circles.List listCircles = service.circles().list("me");
    CircleFeed circleFeed = listCircles.execute();
    List<Circle> circles = circleFeed.getItems();

    // Loop until no additional pages of results are available.
    while (circles != null) {
      for (Circle circle : circles) {

      // When the next page token is null, there are no additional pages of
      // results. If this is the case, break.
      if (circleFeed.getNextPageToken() != null) {
        // Prepare the next page of results

        // Execute and process the next page request
        circleFeed = listCircles.execute();
        circles = circleFeed.getItems();
      } else {
        circles = null;
             }catch(Exception e)
           System.out.println("Exception  "+e);


它是一个INSTAlled应用程序 - &gt;其他选项........在谷歌开发者控制台


例外com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonResponseException:403 Forbidden {   “代码”:403,   “错误”:[{     “域名”:“全球”,     “消息”:“禁止”,     “理由”:“被禁止”   }],   “消息”:“被禁止” }

注意:我还在Google API控制台中启用了Google+ Domain API。

REDIRECT_URI =“urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob”因为它是一个已安装的应用程序。有什么建议吗?


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

请参阅this other answerthe Google+ Domains API仅适用于在大学,工作或家中使用Google Apps的用户。 Google目前不允许应用列出常规Google+帐户的圈子。