select top 10 AgtInfo.AgtID as AgentID
,AgtFN + ' ' + Left(AgtLN, 1) as Name
,CAST(ROUND(SUM(case when AppsStatusType IN ('IS', 'CP') then
(case when AppsInfo.PolicyTypeID in (105, 139) then
(case when AppsInfo.AppsEntryDate between '2014-09-01' AND '2014-09-30' then (((ColPrem * ModeValue) * 0.07 + (cast(ExcessPrem as decimal(18,2)) * 0.07)) * 2)
else ((ColPrem * ModeValue) * 0.07 + (cast(ExcessPrem as decimal(18,2)) * 0.07)) end)
else (case when AppsInfo.AppsEntryDate between '2014-09-01' AND '2014-09-30' then (((ColPrem * ModeValue) + (cast(ExcessPrem as decimal(18,2)) * 0.07)) * 2)
else((ColPrem * ModeValue) + (cast(ExcessPrem as decimal(18,2)) * 0.07)) end) end)
else 0 end),2) as MONEY) as IS_CP
,CAST(ROUND(SUM(case when AppsStatusType = 'PD' then
(case when AppsInfo.PolicyTypeID in (105, 139) then
(case when AppsInfo.AppsEntryDate between '2014-09-01' AND '2014-09-30' then (((ColPrem * ModeValue) * 0.07 + (cast(ExcessPrem as decimal(18,2)) * 0.07)) * 2)
else ((ColPrem * ModeValue) * 0.07 + (cast(ExcessPrem as decimal(18,2)) * 0.07)) end)
else (case when AppsInfo.AppsEntryDate between '2014-09-01' AND '2014-09-30' then (((ColPrem * ModeValue) + (cast(ExcessPrem as decimal(18,2)) * 0.07)) * 2)
else((ColPrem * ModeValue) + (cast(ExcessPrem as decimal(18,2)) * 0.07)) end) end)
else 0 end),2) as MONEY) as PD
,(case when SUM(case when AppsStatusType IN ('IS', 'CP') then ColPrem else 0 end) >= 10000 then 'Y' else 'N' end) as Qualified
,LEFT(GETDATE(), 11) as Date
from TblAppsInfo AppsInfo
inner join TblAgentInfo AgtInfo on AppsInfo.AgtID = AgtInfo.AgtID
inner join TblApplicationStatus_L AppsStatus ON AppsInfo.AppsStatusID = AppsStatus.AppsStatusID
inner join TblClientInfo ClientInfo ON AppsInfo.ClientID = ClientInfo.ClientID
inner join TblCompanyInfo CompInfo ON AppsInfo.CompanyID = CompInfo.CompanyID
inner join TblPolicyTypes_L PolTypes ON AppsInfo.PolicyTypeID = PolTypes.PolicyTypeID
inner join TblDepartment Dept ON CompInfo.DeptID = Dept.DeptID
where AppsInfo.AppsEntryDate >= '2014-07-01'
AND AppsInfo.AppsEntryDate < '2015-01-01'
AND Dept.DeptName = 'life'
group by AgtInfo.AgtID, AgtFN, AgtLN
order by IS_CP DESC, PD DESC
AgtID Name IS_CP PD Qualified Date
7457 DIANE O 23800.00 6205.76 Y Aug 21 2014
1137 PAULINE W 7000.00 1604.72 Y Aug 21 2014
6085 AARON H 3990.00 1486.80 N Aug 21 2014
8662 LINDSEY H 1578.48 0.00 N Aug 21 2014
7653 AMBERLY B 1461.20 0.00 N Aug 21 2014
8733 ANTHONY K 1454.04 339.00 N Aug 21 2014
7670 TYLER T 1167.20 0.00 N Aug 21 2014
1344 DANIEL V 990.72 0.00 N Aug 21 2014
88 JERI W 919.08 0.00 N Aug 21 2014
7781 CHRISTINE G 826.50 0.00 N Aug 21 2014
答案 0 :(得分:2)
with t as (
<your query here>
select rank() over (order by is_cp desc) as rank, t.*
from t;