半新手在这里工作,但显然我打破了它,我错过了什么?现在没有任何事情发生,而昨天串行数据将回显到屏幕并保存到文件中。我尝试了sudo cat / dev / ttyUSB0,但没有显示任何内容,但如果我将USB线连接到Windows框,数据就在那里。提前thx!
# get lines of text from serial port, save them to a file
from __future__ import print_function
import serial, io
addr = '/dev/ttyUSB0' # serial port to read data from
baud = 9600 # baud rate for serial port
fname = '/home/pi/scripts/radar/radarout.txt' # log file to save data in
fmode = 'w' # log file mode = append
with serial.Serial(addr,baud) as pt, open(fname,fmode) as outf:
spb = io.TextIOWrapper(io.BufferedRWPair(pt,pt,1),
encoding='ascii', errors='ignore', newline='\r',line_buffering=True)
spb.readline() # throw away first line; likely to start mid-sentence (incomplete)
while (1):
x = spb.readline() # read one line of text from serial port
print (x,end='') # echo line of text on-screen
outf.write(x) # write line of text to file
outf.flush() # make sure it actually gets written out