Grails QuartZ插件 - I / O错误:连接重置无效状态,Connection对象关闭

时间:2014-08-21 10:49:39

标签: hibernate grails quartz-scheduler

环境 - LINUX RHEL,SQL Server 2008 R2,Tomcat 6


2014-08-21 02:58:29,557 [quartzScheduler_Worker-7] ERROR util.JDBCExceptionReporter 
   - I/O Error: Connection reset
2014-08-21 02:58:29,558 [quartzScheduler_Worker-7] ERROR util.JDBCExceptionReporter 
   - Invalid state, the Connection object is closed.
2014-08-21 02:58:29,559 [quartzScheduler_Worker-7] INFO core.JobRunShell 
   - Job ALM.cyborg.tracking.ALMAutoSyncJob threw a JobExecutionException:
        org.quartz.JobExecutionException: Hibernate operation: could not inspect JDBC 
        autocommit mode; 
        uncategorized SQLException for SQL [???]; 
        SQL state [HY010]; 
        error code [0]; 
        Invalid state, the Connection object is closed.; 
        nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: 
        Invalid state, the Connection object is closed. 
        [See nested exception: 
           org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException: Hibernate operation: 
           could not inspect JDBC autocommit mode; uncategorized SQLException
           for SQL [???]; 
           SQL state [HY010]; 
           error code [0]; 
           Invalid state, the Connection object is closed.; 
           nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Invalid state, 
           the Connection object is closed.]

但数据库连接没有问题。抛出此异常时,应用程序运行良好。我们已在应用程序datasource.groovy中很好地配置了DBCP属性。 可能是什么原因?有些日子工作运行3到4个小时,有些日子运行一个小时,它会在任何时间终止。

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