**My application was rejected due to Product Purchasability type. In our scenario, User purchased image and download into his/her device.We want to do product is only available for user single device. We want to keep Purchasability type Consumable. Right now we were getting following rejection issue. Please let us know how we can Keep Purchasability type Consumable?**
Also, we found that the Purchasability Type for one or more of your In App Purchase products was inappropriately set, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.
However, based on product functionality, it would be more appropriate to use the Non-Consumable In App Purchase type. Non-consumable products are only purchased once by users and are always available on all devices that are associated with that user's iTunes account.
For more information about Purchasability Type, please to refer to the In-App Purchase Configuration Guide for iTunes Connect.
The Purchasability type cannot be changed once an In App Purchase product has been created. Therefore, you will need to create a new In App Purchase product with the correct Purchasability Type. To create a new In App Purchase in iTunes Connect, go to Manage Your In App Purchases, select your app, and click "Create New". The current product will show in iTunes Connect as "Rejected".For discrete code-level questions, you may wish to consult with Apple Developer Technical Support.
当DTS工程师跟进您时,请准备好提供: - 拒绝问题的完整详情 - 截图 - 重现问题的步骤 - 符号化的崩溃日志 - 如果您的问题导致崩溃日志,如果您难以复制报告的问题,
请按照https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/qa/qa1764/技术问答&解答QA1764:如何重现只有App Review或用户看到的崩溃或错误,尝试测试工作流程。注意:提供必须可恢复的应用程序内购买产品的应用程序必须包含"恢复"特征。以下应用内购买类型必须是可恢复的: - 非消耗品 - 自动续订订阅 - 免费订阅有关详细信息,请参阅应用内购买编程指南中的“恢复事务”部分。