public void onSnapClick(View v) {
Imgproc.GaussianBlur(frameGray, frameGray, new Size(3, 3), 2);
Imgproc.Canny(frameGray, frameGray, 40, 120);
Imgproc.resize(frameGray, frameGray, new Size(320, 240));
FindFeatures(frameGray.getNativeObjAddr()); //JNI call
//Some code to store data in DB...
double hessianThreshold=600;
int nOctaves=4;
int nOctaveLayers=2;
bool extended=true;
bool upright=false;
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_es_ugr_reconocimiento_Juego_FindFeatures(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong addrGray) {
Mat& frameGray= *(Mat*) addrGray;
vector<KeyPoint> keyPoints;
Mat descriptores;
SurfFeatureDetector detector_Surf(hessianThreshold, nOctaves, nOctaveLayers, extended, upright);
SurfDescriptorExtractor extractor_Surf;
detector_Surf.detect(frameGray, keyPoints);
if (keyPoints.size() > 0)
extractor_Surf.compute(frameGray, keyPoints, descriptores);
public void onSearchClick(View v) {
Imgproc.GaussianBlur(frameGray, frameGray, new Size(3, 3), 2);
Imgproc.Canny(frameGray, frameGray, 40, 120);
Imgproc.resize(frameGray, frameGray, new Size(320, 240));
nObject = FindObjects(frameGray.getNativeObjAddr()); //JNI call
if (nObject = searchObject)
//draw frame with a rectangle around the found object in the scenario....
double hessianThreshold=600;
int nOctaves=4;
int nOctaveLayers=2;
bool extended=true;
bool upright=false;
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_es_ugr_reconocimiento_Juego_FindObjects(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong addrGray) {
Mat& frameGray = *(Mat*) addrGray;
vector<KeyPoint> keyPoints_esc;
Mat descriptores_esc;
SurfFeatureDetector detector_Surf(hessianThreshold, nOctaves, nOctaveLayers, extended, upright);
SurfDescriptorExtractor extractor_Surf;
detector_Surf.detect(frameGray , keyPoints_esc);
if (keyPoints_esc.size() == 0) return -1;
extractor_Surf.compute(frameGray , keyPoints_esc, descriptores_esc);
if (descriptores_esc.rows() == 0) return -1;
for(int i=0;i<lstObjects.size();i++){
Mat descriptores_obj = lstDescriptors.at(i);
vector<KeyPoint> keyPoints_obj = lstKeyPoints.at(i);
FlannBasedMatcher matcher;
vector<vector<DMatch> > matches;
matcher.knnMatch(descriptores_obj, descriptores_esc, matches, 2);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Draw only "good" matches (i.e. whose distance is less than 2*min_dist,
// or a small arbitary value ( 0.02 ) in the event that min_dist is very
// small)
// PS.- radiusMatch can also be used here.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
vector<DMatch> good_matches;
for (int i = 0; i < min(descriptores_obj.rows - 1, (int) matches.size());i++){
if ( (matches[i][0].distance < 0.6 * (matches[i][1].distance)) &&
((int) matches[i].size() <= 2 && (int) matches[i].size() > 0) ) {
if (good_matches.size() >= nThreshold) {
vector < Point2f > obj;
vector < Point2f > scene;
for (int i = 0; i < good_matches.size(); i++) {
//-- Get the keypoints from the good matches
Mat H = findHomography(obj, scene, CV_RANSAC);
vector<Point2f> obj_corners(4);
obj_corners[0] = cvPoint(0, 0);
obj_corners[1] = cvPoint(240, 0);
obj_corners[2] = cvPoint(240, 320);
obj_corners[3] = cvPoint(0, 320);
vector<Point2f> scene_corners(4);
perspectiveTransform(obj_corners, scene_corners, H);
line(frameGray, scene_corners[0], scene_corners[1], Scalar(255, 0, 0), 4);
line(frameGray, scene_corners[1], scene_corners[2], Scalar(255, 0, 0), 4);
line(frameGray, scene_corners[2], scene_corners[3], Scalar(255, 0, 0), 4);
line(frameGray, scene_corners[3], scene_corners[0], Scalar(255, 0, 0), 4);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < scene.size(); i++) {
const Point2f& kp = scene[i];
circle(frameGray, Point(kp.x, kp.y), 10, Scalar(255, 255, 255, 255));
return i; //position of the matched object
if (good_matches.size() >= nThreshold) // do findHomography...
还有其他更好的方法吗?就像使用不同的匹配器或其他阈值或者试图弄清楚是否要创建单应性来创建类似于矩形的东西(我说这是因为有时它“找到”了一些东西但是画了四条没有构建矩形的线条。) / p>
答案 0 :(得分:0)
int nThreshold= 100;
if (good_matches.size() >= nThreshold)
continue; // This line is to prevent further steps of matching if there are too many good matches (Lot of ambiguous points results in false match)
vector < Point2f > obj;
vector < Point2f > scene;
for (int i = 0; i < good_matches.size(); i++) {
//-- Get the keypoints from the good matches
// Skip doing homography if the object and scene contains less than four points(cant draw a rectangle if less than 4 points, hence your program will crash here if you do not handle the exception)
if(obj.size() < 4 || scene.size() < 4)
Mat H = findHomography(obj, scene, CV_RANSAC);