我发现以下链接可以帮助我清除readonly字段。 jqGrid: How to grey out read only fields on add/edit form dialog?
// This grays out the field name and the input field. (But this had to be changed to a selection list for business reasons)
//{ name: 'tCode', index: 'tCode', width: 63, align: "left", editable: true, editoptions: { maxlength: "25", readonly: istCodeReadOnly } },
// This grays out the selection but not the field name
name: 'tCode', index: 'tCode', width: 63, align: "left", editable: true, editrules: { required: true }, edittype: "select", editoptions: {
disabled: istCodeReadOnly,
async: false, dataUrl: '@Url.Action("GettCodes", "Home")',
buildSelect: function (result) {
var response = $.parseJSON(result);
var s = '<select>';
$.each(response, function () {
s += "<option value='" + this.code + "' > " + this.description + "</option>";
return s + "</select>";
// This does not gray out the field name or the field itself
name: 'tCode', index: 'tCode', width: 63, align: "left", editable: true, editrules: { required: true }, edittype: "select", editoptions: {
readonly: istCodeReadOnly,
async: false, dataUrl: '@Url.Action("GettCodes", "Home")',
buildSelect: function (result) {
var response = $.parseJSON(result);
var s = '<select>';
$.each(response, function () {
s += "<option value='" + this.code + "' > " + this.description + "</option>";
return s + "</select>";