将$ scope替换为"' controller'作为"句法

时间:2014-08-20 13:06:50

标签: javascript asp.net angularjs controller angularjs-scope

我正在关注这个AngularJS + ASP.NET教程(http://www.asp.net/web-api/tutorials/hands-on-labs/build-a-single-page-application-(spa)-with-aspnet-web-api-and-angularjs)并且他们使用了$ scope,但是我试图用新的语法替换它#&n;控制器'如。 (检查AngularJs "controller as" syntax - clarification?后)

我做了什么,此刻没有工作,因为页面在nextQuestion()函数中调用了$ http.get,但视图仍然与标题"加载问题相同。 .."


JS http://pastebin.com/RfngRuZD

var app = angular.module('QuizApp', [])

app.controller('QuizCtrl', ['$http', function ($http) {
    this.answered = false;
    this.title = "loading question...";
    this.options = [];
    this.correctAnswer = false;
    this.working = false;

    this.answer = function () {
        return this.correctAnswer ? 'correct' : 'incorrect';

    // GET
    this.nextQuestion = function () {
        this.working = true;
        this.answered = false;
        this.title = "loading question...";
        this.options = [];

        $http.get('/api/trivia').success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
            this.options = data.options;
            this.title = data.title;
            this.answered = false;
            this.working = false;
        }).error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
            this.title = "Oops... something went wrong.";
            this.working = false;

    // POST
    this.sendAnswer = function (option) {
        this.working = true;
        this.answered = true;

        $http.post('/api/trivia', { 'questionId': option.questionId, 'optionId': option.id }).success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
            this.correctAnswer = (data === "true");
            this.working = false;
        }).error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
            this.title = "Oops... something went wrong.";
            this.working = false;

Index.cshtml http://pastebin.com/YmV1hwcU

    ViewBag.Title = "Play";

<div id="bodyContainer" ng-app="QuizApp">
    <section id="content">
        <div class="container">
            <div class="row">
                <div class="flip-container text-center col-md-12" ng-controller="QuizCtrl as quiz" ng-init="quiz.nextQuestion()">
                    <div class="back" ng-class="{flip: quiz.answered, correct: quiz.correctAnswer, incorrect: !quiz.correctAnswer}">

                    <p class="lead">{{quiz.answer()}}</p>
                        <button class="btn btn-info btn-lg next option" ng-click="quiz.nextQuestion()" ng-disabled="quiz.working">Next Question</button>
                    <div class="front" ng-class="{flip: quiz.answered}">
                        <p class="lead">{{quiz.title}}</p>
                        <div class="row text-center">
                            <button class="btn btn-info btn-lg option"
                                ng-repeat="option in quiz.options" ng-click="quiz.sendAnswer(option)" ng-disabled="quiz.working">

@section scripts{

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

你基本上找到了在控制器中使用this不是一个好主意的原因。 $ http的成功承诺中的this不是控制器的this,因为此函数在不同的上下文中执行。如果通过闭包获得$scope,这不会成为问题。

您可以通过定义变量var that = this;然后再使用that来解决此问题。

答案 1 :(得分:2)

或者你可以使用javascripts bind函数并传递你想要使用的正确文本。

$http.get('/api/trivia').success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
    this.options = data.options;
    this.title = data.title;
    this.answered = false;
    this.working = false;

答案 2 :(得分:0)


// form.blade.php

<md-content flex ng-controller="EmployeeController as child" ng-cloak>
    <md-select name="fk_state" ng-model="form.fk_state">
        <md-option ng-repeat="state in child.states" ng-value="state.uf">

// employeeController.js

 function($scope, $q, utilsFactory){

    var that = this;

    //service that contains a $http request
    utilsFactory.getAll('states').then(function(response) {
        that.states = response.data;
        console.log(that.states); //should be available to child.states