如何在$ modal中检测关闭模态窗口?角UI

时间:2014-08-17 12:14:32

标签: javascript jquery angularjs angular-ui


this.show = function (customModalDefaults, customModalOptions, extraScopeVar) {
    //Create temp objects to work with since we're in a singleton service
    var tempModalDefaults = {};
    var tempModalOptions = {};

    //Map angular-ui modal custom defaults to modal defaults defined in service
    angular.extend(tempModalDefaults, modalDefaults, customModalDefaults);

    //Map modal.html $scope custom properties to defaults defined in service
    angular.extend(tempModalOptions, modalOptions, customModalOptions);

    if (!tempModalDefaults.controller) {
        tempModalDefaults.controller = function ($scope, $modalInstance) {
            $scope.modalOptions = tempModalOptions;
            $scope.extraScopeVar = extraScopeVar;
            $scope.modalOptions.ok = function (result) {
            $scope.modalOptions.close = function (result) {

    return $modal.open(tempModalDefaults).result;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


是一个承诺。当背景选项设置为' true'时,承诺将被拒绝。您可以使用then方法或catch方法(即快捷方式)将拒绝处理程序附加到该承诺:


catch(errorCallback) - promise.then(null,errorCallback)的简写

return $modal.open(tempModalDefaults).result.catch(function (reason) {
    // your code to handle rejection of the promise.
    if (reason === 'backdrop') {
        // do something