
时间:2014-08-16 20:08:16

标签: java android android-emulator

我的模拟器出现问题。当我启动它时,模拟器会在黑色页面上显示“android”一词。不会改变。  Logcat读取:

 08-16 20:01:11.580      415-415/? E/﹕ Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!!
         08-16 20:01:11.580      415-415/? E/EGL_emulation﹕ Failed to establish connection with the host
         08-16 20:01:11.590      415-415/? E/﹕ Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!!
         08-16 20:01:11.590      415-415/? E/EGL_emulation﹕ Failed to establish connection with the host
         08-16 20:01:11.590      415-415/? E/﹕ Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!!
         08-16 20:01:11.590      415-415/? E/EGL_emulation﹕ Failed to establish connection with the host
         08-16 20:01:11.590      415-415/? E/﹕ Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!!
         08-16 20:01:11.590      415-415/? E/EGL_emulation﹕ Failed to establish connection with the host
         08-16 20:01:11.590      415-415/? E/﹕ Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!!
         08-16 20:01:11.590      415-415/? E/EGL_emulation﹕ Failed to establish connection with the host
         08-16 20:01:11.590      415-415/? E/﹕ Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!!
         08-16 20:01:11.590      415-415/? E/EGL_emulation﹕ Failed to establish connection with the host
         08-16 20:01:11.600      415-415/? E/﹕ Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!!
         08-16 20:01:11.600      415-415/? E/EGL_emulation﹕ Failed to establish connection with the host
         08-16 20:01:11.600      415-415/? E/﹕ Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!!
         08-16 20:01:11.600      415-415/? E/EGL_emulation﹕ Failed to establish connection with the host
         08-16 20:01:11.600      415-415/? E/﹕ Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!!
         08-16 20:01:11.600      415-415/? E/EGL_emulation﹕ Failed to establish connection with the host
         08-16 20:01:11.600      415-415/? E/﹕ Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!!
         08-16 20:01:11.600      415-415/? E/EGL_emulation﹕ Failed to establish connection with the host
         08-16 20:01:11.600      415-415/? E/﹕ Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!!
         08-16 20:01:11.600      415-415/? E/EGL_emulation﹕ Failed to establish connection with the host
         08-16 20:01:11.600      415-415/? E/﹕ Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!!
         08-16 20:01:11.600      415-415/? E/EGL_emulation﹕ Failed to establish connection with the host
         08-16 20:01:11.600      415-415/? E/﹕ Failed to connect to host (QemuPipeStream)!!!
         08-16 20:01:11.600      415-415/? E/EGL_emulation﹕ Failed to establish connection with the host
         08-16 20:01:11.600      415-415/? D/dalvikvm﹕ WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 1ms
         08-16 20:01:11.700      415-415/? D/dalvikvm﹕ GC_EXPLICIT freed 10K, 30% free 2864K/4088K, paused 3ms+8ms, total 103ms
         08-16 20:01:11.780      415-415/? D/dalvikvm﹕ GC_EXPLICIT freed 4K, 31% free 2860K/4088K, paused 9ms+4ms, total 78ms
         08-16 20:01:11.830      711-711/? I/installd﹕ installd firing up
         08-16 20:01:11.830      711-711/? E/cutils﹕ Failed to read /data/.layout_version: No such file or directory
         08-16 20:01:11.840      711-711/? E/installd﹕ Could not create directories; exiting.
         08-16 20:01:11.920      415-415/? D/dalvikvm﹕ GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 31% free 2860K/4088K, paused 24ms+22ms, total 133ms
         08-16 20:01:12.000      415-415/? I/dalvikvm﹕ System server process 713 has been created
         08-16 20:01:12.010      712-712/? E/keystore﹕ chdir: /data/misc/keystore: No such file or directory
         08-16 20:01:12.030      415-415/? I/Zygote﹕ Accepting command socket connections
         08-16 20:01:12.210      713-713/? I/SystemServer﹕ Entered the Android system server!
         08-16 20:01:12.220      713-713/? D/SensorService﹕ nuSensorService starting...
         08-16 20:01:12.230      713-713/? I/SensorService﹕ Goldfish 3-axis Accelerometer
         08-16 20:01:12.230      713-713/? I/SensorService﹕ Goldfish 3-axis Magnetic field sensor
         08-16 20:01:12.240      713-713/? I/SensorService﹕ Goldfish Orientation sensor
         08-16 20:01:12.240      713-713/? I/SensorService﹕ Goldfish Temperature sensor
         08-16 20:01:12.240      713-713/? I/SensorService﹕ Goldfish Proximity sensor
         08-16 20:01:12.250      713-713/? D/SensorService﹕ Max socket buffer size 131071
         08-16 20:01:12.260      713-726/? D/SensorService﹕ nuSensorService thread starting...
         08-16 20:01:12.270      713-713/? I/SystemServer﹕ Waiting for installd to be ready.
         08-16 20:01:12.270      713-713/? I/Installer﹕ connecting...
         08-16 20:01:12.280      713-727/? I/SystemServer﹕ Enabled StrictMode logging for WM Looper
         08-16 20:01:12.280      713-713/? I/Installer﹕ disconnecting...
         08-16 20:01:12.290      713-713/? E/Installer﹕ connection failed
         08-16 20:01:12.290      713-713/? I/SystemServer﹕ Power Manager
         08-16 20:01:12.300      713-713/? E/PowerManagerService-JNI﹕ Couldn't load power module (No such file or directory)
         08-16 20:01:12.310      713-713/? I/SystemServer﹕ Activity Manager
         08-16 20:01:12.350      713-728/? I/ActivityManager﹕ Memory class: 64
         08-16 20:01:12.400      713-730/? W/BatteryStats﹕ Error writing battery statistics /data/system/batterystats.bin.tmp: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
 Caused by: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
        at Method)

at。( 在。( 在 在 $            08-16 20:01:12.430 713-728 /? W / UsageStats:错误 failed:ENOENT(没有这样的文件或目录)从文件读取数据:/ data / system / usagestats / usage-20140816            08-16 20:01:12.430 713-728 /? I / AppOps:没有现有的app ops /data/system/appops.xml;从空开始            08-16 20:01:12.530 713-732 /? I / UiThread:为UI线程启用StrictMode日志记录            08-16 20:01:12.560 713-713 /? E /系统: **************************************            08-16 20:01:12.570 713-713 /? E /系统: ******** 启动引导服务失败           显示java.lang.NullPointerException             在             在。(             在             在             在             at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)             在java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(             在 $             在             at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)            08-16 20:01:12.580 713-713 /? I / SystemServer:显示管理器            08-16 20:01:12.600 45-76 /? E / SurfaceFlinger:ro.sf.lcd_density必须定义为构建属性            08-16 20:01:12.610 713-727 /? W / dalvikvm:threadid = 12:线程退出未捕获的异常(group = 0xb1ab2ba8)           08-16 20:01:12.610 713-727 /? E / AndroidRuntime: * 系统进程中的致命异常:WindowManager           显示java.lang.NullPointerException             在 $ LocalDisplayDevice.getDisplayDeviceInfoLocked(             在             在             在 $ 1100(             在$DisplayAdapterListener.onDisplayDeviceEvent(
        at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
        at android.os.Looper.loop(

 Whats the issue please?

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