
时间:2014-08-15 14:24:55

标签: c linux


# This is an example of ini file

 sampleFrequency = 44100 ; # Sample Frequency 
 folderName =  RECORDS ; # Name of the folder, where the records will be saved 
 lengthInSec = 5 ; #  the duration of the recording in Seconds 


iniparser_set(ini,"RECORDING:fileName","WHATEVER");// this doesn't work nothing happens not even an warning 



** ** jxh **回答这里是我尝试过的:

FILE *finp= NULL;
dictionary  *   ini ;
iniparser_dump_ini(ini,finp); /// the program crashes here 
iniparser_dump(ini, stdout); 


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


void iniparser_dump_ini (dictionary *d,
                         FILE *f 



图书馆的设计主要是围绕阅读" ini"归档到dictionary。 set和unset命令仅影响内存中的数据结构。


如前所述,图书馆显然是围绕阅读" ini"文件。所以,你需要从一个" ini"先归档。如果您必须从C代码执行所有操作,请从空文件开始:

const char ininame[] = "initialization.ini";
FILE *finp = fopen(ininame, "w");


dictionary *ini = iniparser_load(inifile);




finp = fopen(inifile, "w");
iniparser_dump_ini(ini, finp);

答案 1 :(得分:2)

这两个函数应该保存并读取ini文件。此示例使用工作文件夹,但您可以提供绝对路径,例如" /home/some-user/some-folder/some-program.ini"。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

// module variables
    int                 iFoundTopic;
    int                 iFoundItem;
    int                 iError;
    long                lTopicFilePos;
    char                acTopicHeading[80];
    char                acLastTopicHeading[80];
    char                acItemHeading[80];
    char                acIniLine[160];
    char                acIniPath[160];
    char                acTempPath[160];
    FILE                *pFIniFile;
    FILE                *pFTempIni;

// saveinis
// save configuration string
int saveinis ( char *pacPath, char *pacTopic, char *pacItem, char *pacValue) {
    int                 iItemLength;
    int                 iValueLength;

    iError = 0;
    acLastTopicHeading[0] = '\0';

    strcpy ( acIniPath, pacPath);

    strcpy ( acTempPath, pacPath);
    strcat ( acTempPath, "temp");

    // add brackets to topic
    strcpy ( acTopicHeading, "[");
    strcat ( acTopicHeading, pacTopic);
    strcat ( acTopicHeading, "]\n");

    strcpy ( acItemHeading, pacItem);
    strcat ( acItemHeading, "=");

    iItemLength = strlen ( acItemHeading);
    iValueLength = strlen ( pacValue);

    iFoundTopic = 0;
    iFoundItem = 0;

    if ( ( pFTempIni = fopen ( acTempPath, "w")) == NULL) {
        printf ( "could not open temp ini file to write settings\n");
        iError = 1;
        return ( iError);

    // try to open current config file for reading
    if ( ( pFIniFile = fopen ( acIniPath, "r")) != NULL) {
        // read a line from the config file until EOF
        while ( fgets ( acIniLine, 159, pFIniFile) != NULL) {
            // the item has been found so continue reading file to end
            if ( iFoundItem == 1) {
                fputs ( acIniLine, pFTempIni);
            // topic has not been found yet
            if ( iFoundTopic == 0) {
                if ( strcmp ( acTopicHeading, acIniLine) == 0) {
                    // found the topic
                    iFoundTopic = 1;
                fputs ( acIniLine, pFTempIni);
            // the item has not been found yet
            if ( ( iFoundItem == 0) && ( iFoundTopic == 1)) {
                if ( strncmp ( acItemHeading, acIniLine, iItemLength) == 0) {
                    // found the item
                    iFoundItem = 1;
                    if ( iValueLength > 0) {
                        fputs ( acItemHeading, pFTempIni);
                        fputs ( pacValue, pFTempIni);
                        fputs ( "\n", pFTempIni);
                // if newline or [, the end of the topic has been reached
                // so add the item to the topic
                if ( ( acIniLine[0] == '\n') || ( acIniLine[0] == '[')) {
                    iFoundItem = 1;
                    if ( iValueLength > 0) {
                        fputs ( acItemHeading, pFTempIni);
                        fputs ( pacValue, pFTempIni);
                        fputs ( "\n", pFTempIni);
                    fputs ( "\n", pFTempIni);
                    if ( acIniLine[0] == '[') {
                        fputs ( acIniLine, pFTempIni);
                // if the item has not been found, write line to temp file
                if ( iFoundItem == 0) {
                    fputs ( acIniLine, pFTempIni);
        fclose ( pFIniFile);
    // still did not find the item after reading the config file
    if ( iFoundItem == 0) {
        // config file does not exist
        // or topic does not exist so write to temp file
        if ( iValueLength > 0) {
            if ( iFoundTopic == 0) {
                fputs ( acTopicHeading, pFTempIni);
            fputs ( acItemHeading, pFTempIni);
            fputs ( pacValue, pFTempIni);
            fputs ( "\n\n", pFTempIni);

    fclose ( pFTempIni);

    //delete the ini file
    remove ( acIniPath);

    // rename the temp file to ini file
    rename ( acTempPath, acIniPath);

    return ( iError);

// readinis
// read configuration string
int readinis ( char *pacPath, char *pacTopic, char *pacItem, char *pacValue) {
    int                 iItemLength;
    int                 iValueLength;
    char                *pcLastCharacter;

    iError = 0;

    strcpy ( acIniPath, pacPath);

    // add brackets to topic
    strcpy ( acTopicHeading, "[");
    strcat ( acTopicHeading, pacTopic);
    strcat ( acTopicHeading, "]\n");

    strcpy ( acItemHeading, pacItem);
    strcat ( acItemHeading, "=");

    iItemLength = strlen ( acItemHeading);

    iFoundTopic = 0;
    iFoundItem = 0;

    // try to open current config file for reading
    if ( ( pFIniFile = fopen ( acIniPath, "r")) != NULL) {
        // has the topic been found before
        if ( strcmp ( acLastTopicHeading, acTopicHeading) == 0) {
            iFoundTopic = 1;
            fseek ( pFIniFile, lTopicFilePos, SEEK_SET);

        // read a line from the config file until EOF
        while ( fgets ( acIniLine, 159, pFIniFile) != NULL) {
            // topic has not been found yet
            if ( iFoundTopic == 0) {
                if ( strcmp ( acTopicHeading, acIniLine) == 0) {
                    // found the topic
                    iFoundTopic = 1;
                    lTopicFilePos = ftell ( pFIniFile);
                    strcpy ( acLastTopicHeading, acTopicHeading);
            // the item has not been found yet
            if ( ( iFoundItem == 0) && ( iFoundTopic == 1)) {
                // if newline or [, the end of the topic has been reached
                // no config value in file yet
                if ( ( acIniLine[0] == '\n') || ( acIniLine[0] == '[')) {
                    iFoundItem = 1;

                if ( strncmp ( acItemHeading, acIniLine, iItemLength) == 0) {
                    // found the item
                    iFoundItem = 1;
                    strcpy ( pacValue, &acIniLine[iItemLength]);
        fclose ( pFIniFile);
    // remove trailing comment
    iValueLength = strlen ( pacValue);
    while ( iValueLength) {
        if ( *(pacValue + iValueLength) == '#') {
            *(pacValue + iValueLength) = '\0';
    // remove trailing white space
    while ( ( iValueLength = strlen ( pacValue)) > 0) {
        pcLastCharacter = ( pacValue + iValueLength - 1);
        if ( ( *pcLastCharacter == ' ')
        ||   ( *pcLastCharacter == '\n')
        ||   ( *pcLastCharacter == '\r')
        ||   ( *pcLastCharacter == '\t')
        ||   ( *pcLastCharacter == '\v')
        ||   ( *pcLastCharacter == '\a')
        ||   ( *pcLastCharacter == '\b')
        ||   ( *pcLastCharacter == '\f') ) {
            *pcLastCharacter = '\0';
        else {

    return ( iError);

int main ( ) {
    char acValue[160];

    acLastTopicHeading[0] = '\0'; // initialize

    saveinis ( "program.ini", "FOLDER", "DEFAULT", "home");
    saveinis ( "program.ini", "FOLDER", "WORKING", "downloads");
    saveinis ( "program.ini", "FILES", "RECENT", "program#the most recent file is program");
    saveinis ( "program.ini", "FILES", "WORKING", "program");
    saveinis ( "program.ini", "FILES", "INI", "program.ini#do not delete program.ini");

    readinis ( "program.ini", "FOLDER", "DEFAULT", acValue);
    printf ( "%s\n", acValue);
    readinis ( "program.ini", "FILES", "INI", acValue);
    printf ( "%s\n", acValue);
    readinis ( "program.ini", "FILES", "RECENT", acValue);
    printf ( "%s\n", acValue);
    readinis ( "program.ini", "FOLDER", "WORKING", acValue);
    printf ( "%s\n", acValue);
    readinis ( "program.ini", "FILES", "WORKING", acValue);
    printf ( "%s\n", acValue);

    return 0;

创建项目后,例如[FILES] RECENT =,可以在项目之前添加以#开头的注释。