<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* This class is written based entirely on the work found below
* www.techbytes.co.in/blogs/2006/01/15/consuming-rss-with-php-the-simple-way/
* All credit should be given to the original author
* Example:
$rss = $this->rssparser->getFeed(6); // Get six items from the feed
// Using a callback function to parse addictional XML fields
$this->load->library('rssparser', array($this, 'parseFile')); // parseFile method of current class
function parseFile($data, $item)
$data['summary'] = (string)$item->summary;
return $data;
class RSSParser {
public $feed_uri = NULL; // Feed URI
public $data = FALSE; // Associative array containing all the feed items
public $channel_data = array(); // Store RSS Channel Data in an array
public $feed_unavailable = NULL; // Boolean variable which indicates whether an RSS feed was unavailable
public $cache_life = 0; // Cache lifetime
public $cache_dir = './application/cache/'; // Cache directory
public $write_cache_flag = FALSE; // Flag to write to cache
public $callback = FALSE; // Callback to read custom data
function __construct($callback = FALSE)
if ($callback)
$this->callback = $callback;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function parse()
// Are we caching?
if ($this->cache_life != 0)
$filename = $this->cache_dir.'rss_Parse_'.md5($this->feed_uri);
// Is there a cache file ?
if (file_exists($filename))
// Has it expired?
$timedif = (time() - filemtime($filename));
if ($timedif < ( $this->cache_life * 60))
$rawFeed = file_get_contents($filename);
// So raise the falg
$this->write_cache_flag = true;
// Raise the flag to write the cache
$this->write_cache_flag = true;
// Reset
$this->data = array();
$this->channel_data = array();
// Parse the document
if (!isset($rawFeed))
$rawFeed = file_get_contents($this->feed_uri);
$xml = new SimpleXmlElement($rawFeed);
if ($xml->channel)
// Assign the channel data
$this->channel_data['title'] = $xml->channel->title;
$this->channel_data['description'] = $xml->channel->description;
// Build the item array
foreach ($xml->channel->item as $item)
$data = array();
$data['title'] = (string)$item->title;
$data['description'] = (string)$item->description;
$data['pubDate'] = (string)$item->pubDate;
$data['link'] = (string)$item->link;
$dc = $item->children('http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/');
$data['author'] = (string)$dc->creator;
if ($this->callback)
$data = call_user_func($this->callback, $data, $item);
$this->data[] = $data;
// Assign the channel data
$this->channel_data['title'] = $xml->title;
$this->channel_data['description'] = $xml->subtitle;
// Build the item array
foreach ($xml->entry as $item)
$data = array();
$data['id'] = (string)$item->id;
$data['title'] = (string)$item->title;
$data['description'] = (string)$item->content;
$data['pubDate'] = (string)$item->published;
$data['link'] = (string)$item->link['href'];
$dc = $item->children('http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/');
$data['author'] = (string)$dc->creator;
if ($this->callback)
$data = call_user_func($this->callback, $data, $item);
$this->data[] = $data;
// Do we need to write the cache file?
if ($this->write_cache_flag)
if (!$fp = @fopen($filename, 'wb'))
echo "RSSParser error";
log_message('error', "Unable to write cache file: ".$filename);
flock($fp, LOCK_EX);
fwrite($fp, $rawFeed);
flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
return TRUE;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function set_cache_life($period = NULL)
$this->cache_life = $period;
return $this;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function set_feed_url($url = NULL)
$this->feed_uri = $url;
return $this;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Return the feeds one at a time: when there are no more feeds return false
* @param No of items to return from the feed
* @return Associative array of items
function getFeed($num)
$c = 0;
$return = array();
foreach ($this->data AS $item)
$return[] = $item;
if ($c == $num)
return $return;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Return channel data for the feed */
function & getChannelData()
$flag = false;
if (!empty($this->channel_data))
return $this->channel_data;
return $flag;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Were we unable to retreive the feeds ? */
function errorInResponse()
return $this->feed_unavailable;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Initialize the feed data */
function clear()
$this->feed_uri = NULL;
$this->data = FALSE;
$this->channel_data = array();
$this->cache_life = 0;
$this->callback = FALSE;
return $this;