基本上字段C和字段D,封装X组字段,其中X的范围为1-10。每个集合由square []括号封装。没有。方括号内的字段保持不变(由波浪号〜分隔)。
sed 's/\]\[/|/g' final.txt > final1.txt -- replaces all ][ with |
sed 's/\]|\[/|/g' final1.txt > final2.txt -- replaces all ]|[ with |
sed 's/|\[/|/g' final2.txt > final3.txt -- replaces all |[ with |
sed 's/\]|/|/g' final3.txt > final4.txt -- replaces all ]| with |
答案 0 :(得分:2)
如果文件位于数据库服务器上,并且您可以将其放入与Oracle directory
create table my_external_table (
A varchar2(10),
B varchar2(10),
C varchar2(4000),
D varchar2(4000),
E varchar2(10),
F varchar2(10)
organization external (
type oracle_loader
default directory my_directory
access parameters (
records delimited by newline
fields terminated by '|'
location ('my_file.dat')
insert into my_table (a, b,
c0101, c0102, c0103, c0201, c0202, c0203, c0301, c0302, c0303,
d0101, d0102, d0103, d0201, d0202, d0203, d0301, d0302, d0303,
e, f)
with t as (
select a, b,
regexp_replace(regexp_substr(c, '\[.*?\]', 1, 1), '[][]') as c01,
regexp_replace(regexp_substr(c, '\[.*?\]', 1, 2), '[][]') as c02,
regexp_replace(regexp_substr(c, '\[.*?\]', 1, 3), '[][]') as c03,
regexp_replace(regexp_substr(d, '\[.*?\]', 1, 1), '[][]') as d01,
regexp_replace(regexp_substr(d, '\[.*?\]', 1, 2), '[][]') as d02,
regexp_replace(regexp_substr(d, '\[.*?\]', 1, 3), '[][]') as d03,
e, f
from my_external_table
select a, b,
regexp_substr(c01, '[^~]+', 1, 1) as c0101,
regexp_substr(c01, '[^~]+', 1, 2) as c0102,
regexp_substr(c01, '[^~]+', 1, 3) as c0103,
regexp_substr(c02, '[^~]+', 1, 1) as c0201,
regexp_substr(c02, '[^~]+', 1, 2) as c0202,
regexp_substr(c02, '[^~]+', 1, 3) as c0203,
regexp_substr(c03, '[^~]+', 1, 1) as c0301,
regexp_substr(c03, '[^~]+', 1, 2) as c0302,
regexp_substr(c03, '[^~]+', 1, 3) as c0303,
regexp_substr(d01, '[^~]+', 1, 1) as d0101,
regexp_substr(d01, '[^~]+', 1, 2) as d0102,
regexp_substr(d01, '[^~]+', 1, 3) as d0103,
regexp_substr(d02, '[^~]+', 1, 1) as d0201,
regexp_substr(d02, '[^~]+', 1, 2) as d0202,
regexp_substr(d02, '[^~]+', 1, 3) as d0203,
regexp_substr(d03, '[^~]+', 1, 1) as d0301,
regexp_substr(d03, '[^~]+', 1, 2) as d0302,
regexp_substr(d03, '[^~]+', 1, 3) as d0303,
e, f
from t;
CTE拆分单独的C字段,然后主选择根据波浪号将每个字段拆分出来。我只向相同的空间显示了三个C / D级别,但您必须在CTE和主查询中重复这些行。这将使它成为一个非常长的声明。它涉及大量的剪切和粘贴,并且如果数字不完全正确则会引入错误;但是你可以从shell脚本(或动态SQL)生成语句,以避免这两个问题。
这也假设特定线路上的C / D字段的总长度不超过4k;如果它可能会使事情变得更复杂。
select * from my_table;
A B C0101 C0102 C0103 C0201 C0202 C0203 C0301 C0302 C0303 D0101 D0102 D0103 D0201 D0202 D0203 D0301 D0302 D0303 E F
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
FieldA FieldB FieldC111 FieldC112 FieldC113 FieldC121 FieldC122 FieldC123 FieldD111 FieldD112 FieldD113 FieldD121 FieldD122 FieldD123 FieldE FieldF
FieldA FieldB FieldC111 FieldC112 FieldC113 FieldC121 FieldC122 FieldC123 FieldC131 FieldC132 FieldC133 FieldD111 FieldD112 FieldD113 FieldD121 FieldD122 FieldD123 FieldE FieldF
FieldA FieldB FieldC111 FieldC112 FieldC113 FieldC121 FieldC122 FieldC123 FieldC131 FieldC132 FieldC133 FieldD111 FieldD112 FieldD113 FieldD121 FieldD122 FieldD123 FieldD131 FieldD132 FieldD133 FieldE FieldF
FieldA FieldB FieldC111 FieldC112 FieldC113 FieldC121 FieldC122 FieldC123 FieldD111 FieldD112 FieldD113 FieldD121 FieldD122 FieldD123 FieldD131 FieldD132 FieldD133 FieldE FieldF
如果你想动态生成插入,你可以这样做,这只是重新创建上面的手册版本 - 但是对于10组C / D字段:
stmt varchar2(32767);
stmt := 'insert into my_table (a, b, ';
for i in 1..10 loop -- 10 sets of C/D records
for j in 1..3 loop -- 3 tilde-delimited values for each
stmt := stmt || 'c' || lpad(i, 2, '0') || lpad(j, 2, '0') || ', ';
stmt := stmt || 'd' || lpad(i, 2, '0') || lpad(j, 2, '0') || ', ';
end loop;
end loop;
stmt := stmt || 'e, f) with t as (select a, b, ';
for i in 1..10 loop -- 10 sets of C/D records
stmt := stmt || 'regexp_replace(regexp_substr(c, ''\[.*?\]'', 1, ' || i
|| '), ''[][]'') as c' || lpad(i, 2, '0') || ', ';
stmt := stmt || 'regexp_replace(regexp_substr(d, ''\[.*?\]'', 1, ' || i
|| '), ''[][]'') as d' || lpad(i, 2, '0') || ', ';
end loop;
stmt := stmt || 'e, f from my_external_table) select a, b, ';
for i in 1..10 loop -- 10 sets of C/D records
for j in 1..3 loop -- 3 tilde-delimited values for each
stmt := stmt || 'regexp_substr(c' || lpad(i, 2, '0')
|| ', ''[^~]+'', 1, ' || j || '), ';
stmt := stmt || 'regexp_substr(d' || lpad(i, 2, '0')
|| ', ''[^~]+'', 1, ' || j || '), ';
end loop;
end loop;
stmt := stmt || 'e, f from t';
-- uncomment to see/debug the actual statement being executed
-- dbms_output.put_line(stmt);
execute immediate stmt;