ExtJS 4.2显示1 - 12月动态日历

时间:2014-08-15 01:45:26

标签: extjs extjs4 extjs4.1 extjs4.2 extjs-mvc

在我的ExtJS 4.2申请表中,我要求根据所选员工的假日日历显示1到12个月的日历。


enter image description here



enter image description here





1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


Ext.define('App.view.calendar.calendar_v', {
extend: 'Extensible.calendar.CalendarPanel',
requires: ['Ext.panel.*',
controllers: ['Main'],
eventStore: eventStore,
xtype: 'calendar',
title: 'Custom Views',
width: 800,
height: 700,
activeItem: 3,

// These show by default, turn them off
showDayView: true,
showMonthView: true,

// Defaults to 3 days. You could also set the dayCount config
// inside multiDayViewCfg to change that.
showMultiDayView: true,

// Used with the custom week view configured below
weekText: 'Week',

weekViewCfg: {
    // These settings create a fixed weekday view. 
    // This view will only show Mon-Fri.
    dayCount: 5,
    // Always start the view on Monday
    startDay: 1,
    startDayIsStatic: true,

    // NOTE: the configs below apply to any DayView or WeekView. If you wanted all day
    // and week views to share these same settings, you could simply pass these configs
    // in the general viewCfg. Any views that do not use them will ignore them. They are
    // only on this view in this sample to demonstrate how they can be easily customized per view.

    // Hide the half-hour marker line
    showHourSeparator: false,
    // Start the view at 6:00
    viewStartHour: 6,
    // End the view at 8:00pm / 20:00
    viewEndHour: 20,
    // Default the scroll position on load to 8:00 if the body is overflowed
    scrollStartHour: 8,
    // Customize the hour (and event) heights. See the docs for details on setting this.
    // This example will be double-height (the default is 42)
    hourHeight: 84,
    // Allow drag-drop, drag-create and resize of events in 10-minute increments
    ddIncrement: 10,
    // Since the hour blocks are double-height, we can shorten the minimum event display 
    // height to match the ddIncrement
    minEventDisplayMinutes: 10

然后我从商店加载事件         var x = 1;

        var u = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('calendar.calendar_s');
            callback: function () {

                Ext.each(Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('calendar.calendar_s').data.items, function (value) {

                        CalendarId: (x + 1),
                        EndDate: value.data.date,
                        IsAllDay: true,
                        Location: "",
                        Notes: notes,
                        RecurRule: "",
                        Reminder: "",
                        StartDate: value.data.date,
                        Title: "",
                        Url: "sumpnsumpn"
