ctypes是否可以访问在* .dll中分配的缓冲区地址(例如,POINTER(c_ubyte)中的C函数返回地址?)

时间:2014-08-14 17:46:42

标签: python

我正在尝试导入一个C函数,它返回缓冲区地址(unsgined char *)。 Python是否可以采用POINTER(c_ubyte)来访问dll中分配的内存 没有在Python中执行任何额外的内存复制或分配移动? 似乎没有必要通过Python重新分配这样的内存空间,因为它已经存在 由导入的* .dll。



static char gp_huge_buffer[1024][1024];
unsigned char *GetBufferAddress(void){
     //This function will modify gp_huge_buffer data for Python
     return (unsigned char *)gp_huge_buffer;


import ctypes
mydll = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('my dll path')
mydll.GetBufferAddress.argtypes = []
mydll.GetBufferAddress.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte)

# Maybe doing something as blow .... I don't know ???
p_ubyte = mydll.GetBufferAddress() 
bytes_from_dll = byte_array.from_address(p_ubyte)  

# No additional memory allocation by Python, just transform bytes_from_dll to data_from_dll?

data_from_dll = SomeTypeCast(bytes_from_dll)

with open('file.dat', 'r') as fd
    data_from_fd = fd.Read()

    if data_from_dll == data_from_fd :
        print("I need to compare the two group of huge binary data")
        print("Especially one is in file.dat and the other is in *.dll")

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